With Maitreya's reminder, Inuyasha strengthened his strength and launched another wind injury, and when he saw that he was about to slash, Kagura in the sky suddenly struck.

A crescent wind blade knocked the wind wound off a little, and although Wushuang was torn into minced meat again, it was the flesh of the spider mark.

Still intact, the poisonous bee carried Wushuang away, and even if Inuyasha had discovered Wushuang's weakness, there was no need for this battle to continue.

And Naraku also got the answer he wanted from this separation, the connection with the ghost spider is still there, and the important thing is that once Wushuang dies, he will enter a long period of deep sleep.

Whether you can wake up or not is not what Naraku wants.

Inuyasha and Maitreya chase after Musou, and everyone does not know what Naraku meant for separating the heart of the ghost spider.

It stands to reason that the death of the heart of the Oni Spider at the hands of Inuyasha is not a bad thing for Naraku, but why did he send Kagura to protect it.

Inuyasha knew that Naraku couldn't do anything to Kikyo, but now the ghost spider's heart was separated by him in order to kill Kirito.

Without an obsessive heart, Naraku will definitely strike at Kikyo.

Wushuang woke up in a waterhole and failed to kill Inuyasha, making him very unwilling, and at this time, Naraku suddenly appeared: "Oni spider, no, you should be called Wushuang, I didn't think we would meet in this way."

Wushuang was naked, looking back, he was familiar with the person in front of him: "Are you Naraku?" Hmph


sneered: "After 50 years outside, are you happy?" "

50 years?" Wushuang was shocked when he heard this, in Naraku's body, he couldn't feel the passage of time at all: "You said 50 years!"

Naraku looked at Wushuang calmly, the purpose of his coming was to integrate Wushuang into his body again: "Wushuang, come back to my body again." How

could Wushuang, who had finally come out, agree: "Don't joke!"

Naraku also did not want him to return to his body, in his opinion, a human heart is a low-level existence, for him, it has no effect, but this heart is an existence that he cannot discard at present.

"I also wish I would have lost this disgusting soul of yours sooner, but it is still too early for you to appear now."

"Too early?!" Wushuang was furious when he heard this: "You locked me up for 50 years!"

"For you..." Naraku's voice was still calm, but with a hint of sarcasm: "It's just for a moment."

Wushuang remembered the incident 50 years ago, pointed at Naraku and said angrily: "You dared to kill Kikyo 50 years ago!"

Naraku felt a chill in his heart, when he attacked Kirito, and then died of serious injuries, the ghost spider's heart suddenly attacked, forcing himself to almost die.

Therefore, most of the demon qi had to be cut off, and finally the demon qi turned into an uncontrolled doppelganger, and finally it was sealed in the mirror by a human mage.

If it wasn't for the ghost spider at that time, as long as he fused his power perfectly, why would he still only be the strength of a superior monster.

After some conversation, Naraku finally made a move, and Wushuang turned around and fled without saying a word, and during the conversation, Naraku told him that Kikyo was actually resurrected.

Wushuang was very happy, and he thought about going to find Kirito: "Who will go back to your body again!" "

In the chase and escape, the two also exchanged hands, Kagura on the side looked at Wushuang, with mixed feelings in his heart, the same doppelganger, but Wushuang can resist, but he doesn't even dare to resist.

Just when Mushuang was nailed to the tree by Naraku and was about to take back his body, Inuyasha chased after him: "Naraku! The heart of the ghost spider is not important to you, why take it back. "

Oh?" Naraku turned his head to look at Inuyasha and said, "Inuyasha, I thought that Wushuang could defeat you, but it seems impossible, so I take it back, is there a problem?"

"I don't think much." Inuyasha decided, "I'm afraid that when you separated Wushuang, you also separated something important, and how could you take back you, who had finally abandoned your human heart!" The

truth was seen through by Inuyasha, and Naraku's face remained unchanged, but he praised: "Inuyasha, you occasionally use your brain."

Naraku released the tentacles that nailed Wushuang: "So, what are you going to do now?"

"Wushuang can be knocked down at any time." Inuyasha pulled out his iron crushed teeth and slashed head-on at Naraku: "But let's kill you first!" "

Naraku has greatly improved his strength after passing through Shuoyue, and in the face of iron broken teeth, he only blocked it with a few tentacles behind him, pointing out before, he couldn't do it.

Kagura was still watching the play, and Naraku blocked Inuyasha's sword: "What are you doing, Kagura, don't chase Wushuang yet, don't let him run." Although

Kagura was reluctant, he still did not dare to resist Naraku's order, chasing Mushuang in the sky, looking at Wushuang's back, Kagura was very unconvinced.

Why can he rebel against Naraku, and he can only be controlled by Naraku....

At this moment, Wushuang actually stopped, turned his head and ran back, Kagura was very puzzled.

Naraku and Inuyasha were still fighting in the forest, and the tentacles that had been cut before could be cut off, but Inuyasha was not happy.

Therefore, Naraku's body was filled with miasma, and he let himself cut off the tentacles, just to better release the miasma.

The appearance of the miasma forced Inuyasha to distance himself from Naraku, and Maitreya was also late to arrive.

Maitreya's addition made Inuyasha's confidence greatly increased, and he slashed a wind wound, Naraku jumped up to dodge, and at this moment, Wushuang suddenly sneaked attack.

A tentacle full of thorns was fiercely inserted into Naraku's chest and penetrated out from the back of his heart, and this change made several people stunned.

Wushuang laughed loudly: "Idiot! Do you think I don't care about you like this? Naraku

, who was half-empty, showed a hint of a sinister smile, as if all this was in his calculation, and Wushuang was separated from him.

Now the tentacles transformed by Wushuang's arm pierced Naraku's body, like rushing back to the sea, without any harm to Naraku, and saved a lot of effort.

Naraku followed the tentacles and came to Wushuang at once, Wushuang struggled to escape, but he couldn't escape, Naraku smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Wushuang, you saved me a lot of trouble, come back, I still need you now." The

baboon robe in front of Naraku suddenly opened, and six spider tentacles grabbed Wushuang deadly, and Wushuang integrated into Naraku's body little by little.

Inuyasha and the two did not take the opportunity to make a move, and actually looked at it stupidly, until Wushuang was completely inhaled, Naraku said the truth: "I still need the link of the ghost spider, Inuyasha, you guessed right."

Maitreya remembered the incident some time ago, and opened his mouth and asked: "Are you a half-demon who sucked back the ghost spider?"

"Why do you ask that?" Naraku looked at Maitreya puzzled.

Maitreya stared at Naraku and said, "Some time ago, your enchantment was loose, and Steel Fang and Inuyasha smelled your breath, it should not be your intention.

"Yes?" Naraku appreciated Maitreya's acumen: "Master, do you want to say that my Naraku also has times when he weakens?" Like all half-demons.

"At that time." Maitreya ascertained, "Your strength should have weakened.


smiled disdainfully: "When it becomes weak, it is the absolute secret of the half-demon." The tone suddenly turned to Inuyasha: "Inuyasha, what do you think?"

Naraku said to himself, "Like the other half-demons, after losing your strength, you dodged the enemy and shivered?"

Inuyasha gritted his teeth, Naraku said well, he used to be like this, but now, he has someone he can trust.

Maitreya was still staring at Naraku, his mind was full of thoughts, remembering that it was also Shuo Yue, and Maitreya had already affirmed the time when Naraku weakened.

Naraku seemed to see through his conjecture: "Mage, just like you guessed, there are times when I can't act.

As he spoke, the swarm of poisonous bees slowly flew towards Naraku and landed around him: "It's just that I can choose to follow my thoughts at that moment."

Inuyasha's heart was shocked when he heard this, and he blurted out, "How is this kind of thing possible!"

Naraku patiently explained, "You, who were born of humans and monsters, are different from my Nai's. As the words fell, Naraku tilted her head slightly and looked at Kagura behind her from the corner of her eye: "Don't you think so too?" Kagura. Hearing

Naraku's name, Kagura was shocked, and thinking back to Naraku's shattered body at that time, there was always a strange feeling.

Naraku said, and did not intend to hide: "During this time, I kept trying, recombining the strong parts to be stronger, throwing away the things I didn't want, and making myself stronger." Listening

to Naraku's words, Maitreya felt a tingling in his scalp, (This guy is actually reorganizing his body...

Looking at the expressions of the two, Naraku was very happy and planned to stimulate it again: "I am indeed a half-demon, but it is different from the poor half-demon who loses his demon power at a fixed time and secretly hides other youkai." Seeing

that Naraku had something to say, Inuyasha gritted his teeth and stepped forward: "It's really thanks to you for a lot of verbosity, I'll let you rest!" Look at the knife!

Inuyasha jumped up suddenly, slashing at Naraku, Naraku did not dodge, the blue-white light lit up, and Inuyasha was ejected with a knife.

The blue-white light dissipated, revealing the red enchantment, and Inuyasha looked at the enchantment, not in his eyes at all, after the battle between the keel essence and Cong Yunya.

Inuyasha is already a lot stronger, and for such an enchantment, he is very confident that he can cut it.

The body of the iron tooth crushing knife is wrapped around the demon wind, and the demon qi around the body is emanating, and the demon wind rises, and the cracks of the wind are sharpened against each other around the body.

A knife slashed out fiercely: "Wind Wound! "

The strong wind, with the power of tearing, cut out, shrouded Naraku's enchantment, and after the wind injury, the enchantment was intact, and Inuyasha and the two looked unbelievable.

In the enchantment, Naraku said disdainfully: "I said it, I'm getting stronger and stronger!" Saying

that, the miasma under his feet gushed out, and Kagura turned into a miasma tornado and flew away.

On the other side, Li Fan returned to the shrine and asked about Red Lotus Island, and Kirito's head wrinkled slightly: "It is a mysterious island, 50 years ago, Inuyasha and I went once, and the island is controlled by the four fighting gods.

Li Fan listened carefully, although he had seen the theatrical version, many plots had been forgotten: "Do you know how long it will be, Red Lotus Penglai Island will open?"

Kikyo muttered a little: "There should be more than a month, Li Fanjun, are you sure you want to go to the island?" "

How?" Li Fan was puzzled: "Could it be that there are some powerful monsters on the island?"

"It's not..." Kikyo shook his head: "It's just that there is a strange demon refining furnace on the island, as long as it is a half-demon, once it enters, it will be refined, even if it is Li Fanjun."

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