Kirito doesn't know much about Red Lotus Penglai Island, and Yuluo wants to go to sea to find the island, but he can't find it at present.

Anyway, Li Fan still flew in the direction that the cow demon said, he hadn't seen Yue Luo for some days, and he didn't know how she was now.

Flying all the way, passing by Dao Daozai's home, Li Fan was surprised to find that Inuyasha was carrying water, and Li Fan looked confused.

Slowed down, looked at it for a while, Li Fan fell down very directly, Dao Daozhai scratched his back with one hand and scratched his butt with the other.

Li Fan landed in front of him and startled him: "Dao Daozhai, I haven't seen it for a long time, you have fleas on your body?"

As soon as the words fell, Hajia really jumped out from behind Dao Daozhai's shoulder: "Lord Demon King, how did you know I was here?"

Li Fan was stunned, his original intention was to make fun of the lice on Dao Daozhai's body, but he didn't expect that this flea was really there.

"Oh." Dao Daozai sat up, still scratching his back: "The demon king said and laughed, I haven't bathed in a year, my body is itchy..." The

plot is a little familiar, Li Fan frowned, how to think about it, Li Fan asked very crisply: "I saw

Inuyasha carrying water..." Li Fan did not finish speaking, his face became strange: "Could it be that Inuyasha is helping you pick up bath water?" When did he treat you with such respect?

Dao Daosai's face changed, and he said embarrassed: "It's none of my business, Inuyasha came to let me teach him how to break the enchantment with iron broken teeth."

And I was so itchy that I couldn't help it, remembering that bathing was troublesome, and I had to carry water and chop firewood, and somehow Inuyasha misunderstood.

Just make a mistake and help him exercise.

After hearing this, Li Fan looked at Dao Daozai with a confused expression: "Dao Daozhai, you are really bold..." Li Fan

gave a thumbs up: "Have you ever thought that after Inuyasha knows the truth, what will happen to you?"

Dao Daosai's body trembled, remembering Inuyasha's temper, which was no worse than Sesshomaru, and Hakka also gloated on the side: "If Young Master Inuyasha knew that after being deceived, Dao Daosai would definitely be beaten badly."

Dao Daosai was already in a cold sweat, slowly took out a piece of cloth, wrapped the few things in cloth, and hung it on his back: "I'll go first, you guys help me drag Inuyasha for a while." Li

Fan has always been a big deal when watching a play, and when he saw that the knife was about to slip away, he shouted to Inuyasha in the distance: "Hey, Inuyasha, you are there." Dao

Dao Zhai's face was frightened when he heard this, ready to run away at any time, and looked at Inuyasha with a vigilant face, as long as Li Fan told the truth, Dao Dao Zhai would not hesitate to breathe fire to stop it, and then ride the three-eyed ox and escape.

"Li Fan?" Inuyasha lifted the bucket and looked at Li Fan: "What are you looking for Dao Daozai?"

"I'm just passing through." Li Fan looked at Dao Daozhai with the corner of his eye with a smile.

Inuyasha and Li Fan were not familiar with each other, and even had a little too much, and ignored Li Fan, Inuyasha continued to carry the bucket and leave.

Behind him, there was also a little bobcat, and when he saw the little bobcat, Li Fan remembered the plot and thought: "It turned out to be so, according to the plot, after that, it will be the plot of coral iron broken teeth."

Li Fan glanced at Dao Dao Zhai with deep meaning: "Dao Dao Zhai, the iron broken teeth should have the power to break the enchantment."

Dao Daozhai was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Li Fan incredulously: "How do you know?"

Hakka was pleasantly surprised: "Dao Dao Zhai! Does the iron crushing tooth really have the power to break the enchantment!

Dao Daozhai sat down again and said slowly: "Near the western sea, there is a village, where there is a swarm of hundreds of bats.

Their caves have a powerful enchantment guard, and they will have a youkai who protects the enchantment every generation, as long as they kill the youkai who guards the enchantment.

Let the Iron Crushed Fang suck the blood of the youkai who has the guardian enchantment, and the Iron Crushed Tooth can have the power to break the enchantment. Li

Fan slowly spoke, "Can iron crushed teeth devour the blood of monsters?"

"Why do you ask that?" Dao Daosai explained: "Iron Crushing Fang has the ability to absorb the power of the youkai, but it is not devouring, but the blood of a specific youkai, which was required by the master of the dog when it was created.

"So that's the case..." Li Fan solved a doubt in his heart: "What about Innate Tooth?"

Dao Daozhai was a little eager to say and stop: "The innate tooth is a blade of life, separated from the broken iron tooth through the guardian heart of the master, and it is a blade of redemption."

"That is." Li Fan looked at Dao Daozhai with deep meaning: "Iron broken teeth are not complete, one day, iron broken teeth will be naturally absorbed?" Hearing

Li Fan's words, Dao Daozhai remembered the killing pill, and couldn't help but shiver: "This is none of my business, it was arranged by the master, so I can't tell the killing pill about this, otherwise I will die."

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell the killing pill." It

was not too early, Li Fan decided to leave, mounted his hoof, and headed towards the sea.

After the battle with Cong Yunya, Killing Pill comprehended a lot, including the power of guardianship, and Ling was originally just one of his experimental subjects.

But after these days of companionship, because of the guardian heart, Sesshomaru developed feelings for this little girl, although Sesshomaru intentionally or unintentionally rejected it.

But because of the guardian heart, not only did not erase her from her heart, but also became more profound.

On the beach, Li Fan was riding on the back of Yan's hoof, and a group of villagers below, all dressed in white, and several villagers carried a little girl with white hair.

As if some sacrifice was being made, a dark cloud suddenly drifted in the sky, and the sea breeze also became stronger at this time, and there was a feeling of harmony and clouds.

A huge human bat descended from the sky, looking hideous, a pair of wings spread ten meters wide, a pair of eyes bulging like copper bells, full of fangs that are pointed and thick.

"Is Ken finally here..." the giant bat said in a thick voice, looking at the little white-haired girl.

The little girl's purple eyes were full of shock, this monster in front of him was his grandfather, as long as he went with him, he would no longer come to harm the people in the village....

Li Fan watched quietly in mid-air: "This is that bat ancestor?" It's just a mid-level youkai, if it weren't for the enchantment guard, this kind of garbage dog Yasha wouldn't be difficult to kill. Seeing

the white-haired girl Ziwei being taken away, Li Fan ignored the villagers below and quietly followed.

Back in the cave, the bat ancestor handed over the enchantment pearl that had been passed down from generation to generation to Ziwei, and looking at the enchantment that reappeared, the hundred ghost bats shouted one after another, venting the excitement in their hearts.

Since the death of the previous generation of guardians, there has been no enchantment, and the strength of the Hundred Ghost Bat clan has greatly decreased, and now that the enchantment has returned, they can return to the peak again.

Excited, the old bat Daigomaru very decisively broke his word, according to the agreement, as long as Ziori went back to guard the enchantment for her father Yueyemaru, the hundred ghost bats would no longer attack the village.

But now, on the day of great joy, blood is needed to celebrate the return of the enchantment, a hunt, approaching the village.

Li Fan looked at the bat monsters that flew out of the cave one by one with a wild scream, Li Fan was angry, and a flash blocked the overexcited monster.

"Huh?" Daigokumaru was stunned: "There are actually guests coming?"

Li Fan stared at this group of disgusting bats: "Whether you are a human or a demon, you must keep your promises!" You guys! Passed!

Li Fan's words made all the monsters laugh, and Daigokumaru took a step even more arrogantly: "Keep your promises? A half-demon dared to take care of the affairs of my Hundred Ghost Bat Clan and kill him! With

a wave of his big hand, hundreds of bat demons rushed towards Li Fan, and bloodthirsty madness appeared on their hideous faces.

Li Fan frowned, waved his big hand, and a demon wind swept up, and the sea suddenly set off a wave, rolling the rushing bat demon into the cliff wall.

"Rubbish!" Li Fan snorted coldly, tore it casually, and the four claws went towards the face of the Great Prison Pill.

Daigokumaru didn't even blink, and he didn't pay attention to Li Fan's attack at all: "It's useless." As

soon as the words fell, the four claws struck on a layer of enchantment, and the enchantment only shook slightly: "Even my enchantment can't be broken, boy, who gave you the courage to shout in front of me." "

Oh?" The corners of Li Fan's mouth rose: "Is it?" I hope you'll be able to stand and talk to me later. "


Li Fan's figure disappeared in place, and in the next moment, he came to the enchantment of the Great Prison Pill, pressed one hand on the enchantment, and the devouring power in his body poured into his palm.

The entire arm suddenly flashed blue, the palm turned into a claw, and the five fingers bent and exerted force, in the shocked expression of Orochimaru.

Li Fan's five fingers pierced the enchantment, and Daigokumaru shouted in horror: "Impossible! Purple weaving! Urge the enchantment with all your strength to stop this guy! As

soon as the words fell, the enchantment ball in Ziwei's arms shone brightly, and the color of the enchantment suddenly deepened, and a thrust continuously pushed Li Fan's fingers outward.

"Is that the only one?" Li Fan said disdainfully, and once again exerted force in his hand, grabbed it fiercely, and pulled it suddenly, and the enchantment was like substance.

was torn by Li Fan to deform and lengthen, seeing that the enchantment had not yet broken, Li Fan turned around and whipped his legs, pumping on the enchantment, the strength of the demon king is not this kind of enchantment can be blocked.

A sound of glass shattering sounded, and the enchantment was smashed into a spot of light by Li Fan, and Orochimaru's face changed greatly: "Impossible!" The enchantment of our clan cannot be destroyed just like that!

Li Fan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and before attacking him, he slapped Daigokumaru's giant face, and Daigokumaru slammed into the cave wall.

The entire cave was shaken, rubble fell, Daigokumaru was stunned by a slap, and Li Fan landed on Daigokumaru's head.

With a stomp on his right foot, Daigokumaru screamed, and two big hands grabbed Li Fan, and Li Fan didn't even raise his head: "Let you see, what is called enchantment!" "


With a hum, a layer of blue enchantment appeared outside Li Fan's body, and Daigokumaru's hands fell on the enchantment and could not enter.

"Daigokumaru, do you want to die!" Li Fan looked condescendingly at the old bat at his feet.

Daiji Pill felt the terrifying demon qi exuding from Li Fan's body, and he couldn't even have a little heart to resist, and the person in front of him was definitely not an existence that he could provoke.

"I don't want to die, please spare me this time..."

Bullying soft and afraid of hard things! Li Fan said disdainfully: "From today onwards, you must not harm humans, if you dare to hurt people, I will let you survive!" Death cannot!

Orochimaru was shocked when he heard this, he had heard a rumor that there was a demon king who hated youkai because his wife was killed by youkai.

But whenever he touches it, there is absolutely no mercy, and for decades, there are not 100,000 murderous monsters who have died at his hands, but 80,000.

"Dare to ask..." Orochimaru's voice trembled, "You are... Demon King Li Fan? "

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