Picking up the ball of light, Li Fan squatted on the edge of the stone path, looking at the darkness below, his heart bristled, he remembered when the future killing pill entered the underworld to save Ling.

The killing pill with such a strong strength does not dare to go down, if the Styx is really below, after he goes down, can he still come up....

Hey, swallow the sky....

Asking Devouring the Sky in case of indecision, this is the ability that Li Fan has recently realized.


Fan pointed to the darkness below: "Can you feel anything below? Swallowing

Heaven got Li Fan's consent, exuded beast knowledge, and carefully scanned it below: "Except for a river, there is nothing, the master wants to go down, please feel free."

Hearing Devouring Heaven's answer, Li Fan did not hesitate, and flew into the darkness when he mentioned the demon power, but as soon as Li Fan rushed out, the surrounding demon power suddenly disappeared.

Li Fan exclaimed: "Lying groove!! Swallow the sky! What is going on!!"

The master is not shocked, this is just the power of the demon sealing in this world, with the strength of the master's flesh, it will be fine.

Li Fan was furious when he heard this: "Why didn't you say it earlier! I can't swim

~" Swallowing Tian muttered: "You didn't ask..."

Plopped Li

Fan fell into the water with a scream, and he couldn't swim with a demon power sealed, like a mortal, scratching his limbs on the surface of the river.

Help! Help!

The black line on the face of the devouring sky: "Lord... Master... You shouted, shame

..." Li Fan scolded while fluttering: "Shame on people!

Master... You can't sink, you scream....


Li Fan was stunned, slowly stopped fluttering, saw that he was really floating on the water, and couldn't help but feel strange: "What's going on?"

Master, this is Hongmeng weak water, it will only erode everything, no matter what is on weak water, it will not sink, let alone drown....


, Hongmeng Weak Water is one of the three thousand avenues, and it is also the water that divides the first realm.

Swallowing the heavens helplessly, Li Fan didn't know anything, he could only explain: "The so-called dividing water is the existence of dividing the world, like the yellow spring of the Hong Barren Mansion, and the weak water of Hongmeng beyond the 99 heavy heavens."

No one knows the origin of Hongmeng's weak water, and its power can even erode the Heavenly Dao.

Li Fan was shocked when he heard this: "Then I don't also..."

The master was relieved.

Devouring Heaven hurriedly interrupted Li Fan's words: "The Heaven-Swallowing Vein is not among them, Hongmeng weak water is food for us Heaven-Swallowing Beasts, and the devouring power I feel should be this weak water."

Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief, held a little Hongmeng weak water with his hand, did not find any difference, just a little heavy, just a little palm of the hand, there are more than a hundred.

Looking at the long river formed by this weak water, Li Fan swallowed: "So much... Swallow the sky... Can I drink less..." Master

, Hongmeng's weak water has helped me a lot in my growth, and after Swallowing Heaven is separated from infancy, I don't need to borrow the master's mouth to absorb it."

Li Fan looked unwilling, but there was no way, who told Swallowing Sky to rely on himself as a medium to absorb things, alas... Just be a grandfather.

Li Fan opened his mouth wide, and sucked sharply into the weak water of Hongmeng, and the wide long river water suddenly surged in the wind, and the river water tumbled and beat the shore.

The sound of the waves seemed to be the screams of the long river, giving Li Fan a feeling that this Hongmeng weak water was like life, and he was devouring its body and flesh and blood, which was very strange.

Li Fan didn't know how long he had been smoking, there was no day or night in the underworld, he only knew that the river bank line had dropped by half a meter.

Until the Heaven-Swallowing Beast sucked enough milk and entered the Sleeping Advanced Stage Li stopped absorbing, the entire Styx River no longer had the vitality it had at the beginning, and it looked lifeless.

Under the characteristics of Hongmeng's weak water, Li Fan also learned to swim, although it is a dog planer, but it can be regarded as swimming.

Fluttering to the shore, small grasses swayed windless on the shore, seemingly welcoming Li Fan's arrival, and in the swaying grass, Li Fan felt the power of the soul.

Li Fan took off a section uncertainly, intending to take it back for the bellflower to see, but at this moment, an eerie feeling came from behind him.

Li Fan didn't look back, and the river was shrouded in a layer of mist, and in the fog, a small yellow boat moved slowly.

The hull of the ship exudes a faint yellow, and the bow of the ship is curved to the sky, like an elephant's trunk, and there is a red lantern at the end of the nose.

The blood-red light illuminated the nearby river, and the boats were all fierce, hideous-looking, translucent souls, some and some monsters.

These souls stared at Li Fan on the shore, their red eyes like hell Shura.

Li Fanna had seen such a terrifying thing, and his cold hair could not help but explode, and a term arose in his heart (Styx Ghost Crossing)!!

According to legend, all the people or demons who have done all the evil deeds in their lifetime, after death, will pass through the River Styx and go to hell to suffer in order to atone for the sins committed before death.

And what leads them is a small boat, once on the ship, no matter how strong the strength of the life, on the ship, will be sealed.

The boat slowly left, Li Fan shivered, the purpose of this trip has been achieved, it is better to go back early.

Take out the ball of light, squeeze it gently, and the ball of light breaks apart, forming an exit to the outside world, and the other side of the exit is the mortal realm.

When I thought there was no accident, the accident happened, and the broken ball of light revealed what was inside, and Li Fan almost didn't have a mouthful of old blood spurt out.

Li Fan grabbed the thing that made him angry, and the thing was nothing else, it was the jade of the four souls!

Li Fan never expected that the jade of the four souls would be handed over to himself so simply, but he was in the underworld.

This place is full of filth such as dead qi and resentment, with the characteristics of the jade of the four souls, it will definitely be polluted in an instant, and the jade of the four souls that is polluted Li Fan does not want to touch.

Sure enough, as soon as the jade of the four souls appeared, it was polluted, and as soon as he started, Li Fan was inexplicably irritable, and the scene of Yuluo being bitten by a monster suddenly appeared in his mind.

A wave of anger suddenly rose, Li Fan's eyes instantly turned red, and the repressed hatred in his heart was infinitely amplified at this time

! Kill! Kill! Kill! Li Fan's face became hideous, almost roaring: "Kill all monsters


As soon as Li Fan regained a trace of clarity, he threw the jade of the four souls out of the passage without hesitation, patting his chest with palpitations, panting: "Damn! Kikyo! This matter is not over! You wait for me!" Thinking

that Kikyo gave him the Jade of the Four Souls, Li Fan felt like he was calculated by Kirito, but in fact, he misunderstood.

With the ability of the bellflower, she couldn't open the underworld passage at all, and if she didn't borrow the power of the Jade of the Four Souls, she wouldn't dare to let Li Fan enter the underworld.

And the ball of light on it is only the introduction to open the channel, and it is more of a purifying power, which is the spiritual power to dispel the darkness for Li Fan when he is dominated by the jade of the four souls.

She believed that as long as it was a moment, Li Fan would absolutely throw away the Jade of the Four Souls, because Li Fan was a person with heavy feelings and would definitely not let himself be polluted by the Jade of the Four Souls!

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