Seeing that Li Fan was a little angry, Kikyo put away the joke, this was the first time she joked, and she smiled very happily: "If you want to enter the underworld, you don't have to defeat him, just lead him to send you into the underworld void, with your ability, nothing will happen."

Li Fan looked at me like a fool, and did not speak, just looked at the bellflower like this, and the bellflower was seen by him crying and laughing.

Stretch out your hands and form a ball of light with spiritual power in the palm of your hand: "This ball of light that I formed with spiritual power, after you reach the void of the underworld, it will guide you to the real underworld, if you want to come out, just crush the ball of light."

Li Fan reached out and took the ball of light, integrated the ball into his body, and asked tentatively: "You won't lie to me, right?" Li Fan

had to be careful, if he didn't know the calculation of the bellflower, he would not suspect the bellflower, but now, he became wary of the bellflower.

Kikyo looked gloomy, and his voice was full of resentment: "I don't even have trust in your heart

..." Looking at Kikyo's resentful eyes, Li Fan was defeated: "Okay..."

Kikyo smiled: "It's really happy to talk to Li Fanjun, don't worry, I won't hurt you, even if I can't come out, I believe it won't be able to trap you for long, plus, we're friends!

Li Fan smiled, the Underworld Void really couldn't trap himself, and the Heaven-Devouring Beast said to him, although he couldn't break through the space with his current strength.

But the Heaven Devouring Beast can, but once the Heaven Devouring Beast makes a move, it will enter a period of deep sleep, which is not what he wants.

You are a beauty, say anything right....

Li Fan could only speak without anger, and Kirito smiled slightly when he heard this: "Does Li Fanjun really think I'm beautiful?" Seeing

that Kikyo teased himself again, Li Fan turned around and left, without turning his head: "Although you are beautiful, I only love Yuluo, and I am a man you will never get." The

voice was far away, and Kikyo was stunned when he heard it: "Li Fanjun, a very interesting person." "

Kikyo wants to develop a relationship with Inuyasha, Li Fan doesn't want to stay in Nippori Village to eat dog food, he plans to go to the underworld first to explore the way or something.

Out of Shendu, a little girl walked in front of him, and when she saw Li Fan, the little girl waved

and smiled: "Brother Li Fan, are you going out?" Li Fan smiled back and touched her head: "Well, I'm going out for a few days, Xiao Feng, your sister will be very busy recently, you have to take good care of her." Xiao

Feng nodded vigorously and said solemnly, "I will take care of my sister." "

Then I'll go.

Goodbye Brother Li Fan, come back early.

Got it!

Li Fan went towards the back mountain forest, and as soon as he entered the woods, Li Fan's body was filled with demon qi, supporting him to rise up into the sky.

The Far West is far away, and it takes three days at Li Fan's speed, and if he encounters a harmful monster along the way, Li Fan will kill him.

This is a promise to Yue Luo, with his strength, often as long as he moves, the monster will be blasted into minced meat by him, and every time he kills the monster, Li Fan will hate himself.

Why can't he have the power earlier, even if it is a day, Yuro will not die.

Three days later, Li Fan came to a gravel area, Fang Yuan did not grow a hundred miles of grass, and the entire area exuded the aura of death.

This area is where the future Inuyasha brothers fight the Shinigami Ghost, and where the Iron Crushing Fang obtains the power of the underworld.

I don't know where the Ghost of Death is, Li Fan very simply exuded demon power, and a heaven-shaking beast roar broke through the clouds, and the sound was so domineering that the clouds in the sky were also scattered.

A black sphere, dotted with stars inside, like a universe, crashed towards Li Fan.

Li Fan's eyes froze, this Nima also sneaked attack! Sure enough, he didn't talk about martial virtue!

Dodged and dodged, the black ball hit the ground, a large piece of rubble was swallowed by the black ball, a man with a mask on his head, dressed in black, holding a long-handled weapon, the end weapon was hollow, and a golden crescent moon was in it. Short, off-white hair.

The person who came was the Ghost of Death, Li Fan looked at the man in front of him, and the man also looked at Li Fan, and no one spoke first.

In the middle of a ring, Li Fan couldn't help but break the calm first: "I want to enter the underworld, I heard that you are the gatekeeper." The

Ghost of Death was stunned when he heard this: "You want to enter the underworld?"


if you are a big monster, once you enter the underworld, you will never think of it, not to mention, you are only a half-demon!"

You don't have to worry about that.

The Ghost of Death was furious when he heard this, he is a Ghost of Death, a monster who masters the power of the underworld! Except for that damn dog general, who dares to be presumptuous in front of him!

Staring at Li Fan, the Ghost of Death said grimly

: "Okay, if you want to go in, I will give you a ride!" After speaking, with a wave of his big hand, the weapon in his hand slashed through, and a two-meter-wide black ball crashed towards Li Fan: "The entrance to the underworld is here, go in if you are not afraid of death!"

After speaking, he rushed in, and the black ball disappeared in an instant after Li Fan entered, and the god of death looked at the empty ground in a daze.

This man can't be a fool, right! Really went in? ran over to me to die? Damn! I ran into a fool!

On the other side, Kikyo went out to the next village to get rid of the demon, and Inuyasha took the opportunity to steal the Jade of the Four Souls, but unfortunately the Jade of the Four Souls was taken by Kirito.

Let Inuyasha pounce, can only secretly follow behind Kikyo, along the way, Inuyasha is staring at Kikyo, from the initial time to grab jade.

Later, after learning about Kikyo along the way, I unknowingly liked Kikyo.

After Li Fan entered the void of the underworld, the heaven-devouring beast in his body suddenly became excited: "Master, I feel that this space has the power I need!"

Li Fan was overjoyed in his heart, he didn't expect to come to find a grass, and there was an unexpected harvest: "Can you feel it in that direction?"

Looking at this endless void, Li Fan dispelled the idea of searching, and very decisively took out the spirit ball given by the bellflower and followed the guidance of the spirit ball.

Li Fan flew down, breathing in the air full of dead silence, and I don't know how long it took, one day... It was still a year, and the ball of light in his hand suddenly shone brightly.

In the extreme distance ahead, there was a thin line curved like silk, except for the starlight, finally saw something else, Li Fan accelerated and flew away.

As I got closer, I finally saw the true face of the thin line, which turned out to be a road made of stone pillars, and I didn't know that there was a head.

Li Fan can only follow the brightness of the ball of light, but no matter how far forward, the ball of light is still as usual, Li Fan is a little angry, going on like this, worse than Journey to the West

! Ben flew in the void for I don't know how long, Li Fan has long been hot, now it's not over, temper came up, threw the ball of light out: "Don't look for it!!" Just

when the ball of light landed, the light suddenly brighter than before, Li Fan thought that he was dazzled, and when he looked seriously, the luminosity was brighter than before: " Could it be that the River Styx is below..."

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