As soon as I heard the voice coming, an arrogant and domineering voice sounded in the distance: "Hmph! The Jade Uncle of the Four Souls is going to be decided! If you don't want to die, get out of the way!" The

voice entered his ears, Li Fan was stunned, this voice, isn't it from the dog Inuyasha!

Kikyo also heard this voice, his face showed a touch of cunning, it looked a bit like a conspiracy succeeded, Li Fan had a black line...

Is it appropriate for a decent person like you, such a beautiful girl, to have such a smile on her face?

Li Fanjun, please don't appear first, it's only a half-demon, which is the main corner of my plan.

Li Fan gave Kirito a blank look: "You better put away the smile on your face first, it looks strange..."

Kikyo was stunned, stayed for a second, and then blushed: "Thank you Li Fanjun for reminding."

Li Fan entered a small room without looking back, a faint fragrance entered his nose, looking at the neat room, smelling the familiar fragrance, this should be the room of the bellflower.

Kikyo came out of Shendu, the village was already jumping into a mess, the villagers ran towards her, and Kikyo slowly walked down the stone stairs.

Inuyasha, who was shouting in mid-air, also saw Kikyo, and Kikyo's beauty made his body stunned, and Inuyasha's reaction all fell into her eyes.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but show a smile, but it flashed, and then his eyes became sharp, and he opened his bow and shot an arrow towards Inuyasha.

The arrow burst through the air with a pink glow, and Inuyasha felt a very uncomfortable breath in this light, and the force was exerted at his waist, and the arrow penetrated his clothes.

The huge momentum was nailed to a tree with his clothes, and just as he tried to leave, two arrows broke through the air and completely nailed Inuyasha to the tree.

Of course, this is just shooting clothes on both shoulders and at the waist.

Kirito's face was calm, and he looked cold, and said coldly: "The jade of the four souls is not something that you can touch a half-demon, and if you dare to come, you will not be spared!"

Inuyasha was stunned, Kikyo had heard such warnings many times, but every time he didn't kill him, Inuyasha was very unwilling!

When Kikyo saw him come out of his room, his pretty face flashed a hint of red: "It's just a half-demon." Li

Fan Guyi asked this to see how Kikyo answered, but he knew what the future would be, and in the future, he had a relationship with this half-demon.

Even because he has a dark side in his heart, the important thing is that you will be resentful of love and hatred in the future....

Li Fan was stunned when he thought of this, and looked at Kirito like a ghost, Kikyo saw him with such an expression, and he knew in his heart, it seemed that the other party had guessed something, and sighed lightly:

He is the descendant of the dog general, the future him, with the strength of a big monster, the important thing is that he is not bad at heart, very emotional, and I, whether he can succeed depends on him.

Li Fan heard that it was completely petrified, and blurted out with a lying groove: "Lying groove! Do you want to use a beauty meter!!"

Kikyo was stunned, in fact, she didn't think about how to arrange Inuyasha, as a witch, she wouldn't think about the love of men and women at all, and she didn't dare, love is a strange thing, once contaminated, she has a feeling that her purification power will definitely be polluted!

Li Fanjun was really smart. "

Smart, in the future, you will fall in love with Inuye... Li

Fan was suddenly shocked, could it be that because of me, she used the beauty meter, and then entered the play too deeply, and the fake play was really done?

Night, Li Fan could not calm down for a long time, what happened today was too incredible, and the original plot, because of his joining, seemed to be a little chaotic....

First, Kikyo went to find the oni girl, and planted a method in the heart of the oni girl to completely resurrect the dead, and then because of himself, he decided to use the beauty meter to let Inuyasha into the game....

Li Fan sat up suddenly: "No! When we first met, Kikyo once said that she had peeked into the future with the power of the Jade of the Four Souls, and her plan... The ultimate goal is to destroy the Jade of the Four Souls!" Li

Fan thought about it, and there was a chill in his back, this calculation was too terrible!

Recalling the plot, combined with what Li Fan saw, he finally knew why the ghost girl came to rob the spirit bone 50 years after Kirito's death, all this was in Kirito's plan, and I promised her that she would send the Soul Returning Grass in 50 years.

No wonder she said I was a variable! So it was, and Inuyasha, the reason why she let him go was because Inuyasha was emotional.

Not only can he protect his reincarnated self, but he can also lead the killing pill into the game!

The most pitiful is Naraku, a person who has just become a youkai, how can he deceive her magic eye, a fool, thinking that he has deceived Kikyo and let her and Inuyasha kill each other and pollute the jade of the four souls.

I don't know that all this is Kikyo's plan, no wonder when I used to watch the drama, every time Kikyo saw Naraku, he was looking at an idiot.

But one thing Li Fan didn't understand, why did Kikyo hurt Inuyasha after his resurrection, or rather, he appeared every time his relationship with Ah Li warmed up, and every time he appeared, he would intentionally or unintentionally destroy the relationship between the two of them.


Li Fan didn't understand, was it to remind Inuyasha that he killed Naraku? It's not right, or is it really a fake drama? Not accepting the reincarnation of losing to himself?

The next day, Kikyo came to say goodbye to Li Fan, she was going to leave for a while, Li Fan knew that she was going to start a beauty plan: "Are you sure?"

Kikyo smiled slightly: "Although I don't understand the relationship between men and women, I think I can do it."

Li Fan glanced at her meaningfully and reminded: "Be careful to enter the play too deeply, fake drama is really done, love is a thing, even if it is a fairy, it cannot be controlled."

Kirito looked at Li Fan unexpectedly: "I can't imagine that Li Fanjun has such a deep understanding, is it because of her?" Li Fan

frowned, remembering the days with Yuluo, and there was a trace of sadness on his body: "Ask what is the love of the world, directly teach life and death..."

Kikyo remembered the words: "I know, thank you Li Fanjun."

Li Fan waved his hand, planning to go to the underworld, first clarify the location of the Soul Returning Grass before saying: "I plan to go to the Underworld to see the Soul Returning Grass, how do I get there?"


Death Ghost....

Li Fan frowned, how could this name be so familiar, suddenly, Li Fan stared at Kikyo deadly, with a look like you were playing me: "Big sister, don't take you to play like this! Do you know who the Ghost of Death is! That is a monster that can send people into the void of the underworld! How can I defeat him!" Kikyo

was stunned by his eldest sister's cry, and said with a smile: "Then I will accept this younger brother of yours without embarrassment."

Li Fan almost died of anger: "Can you have a good chat! Orange! Terrier! Big! Sister!"

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