Shigarashi took Gowei into the valley and disappeared in front of a mountain wall, and Inuyasha, who chased after him with his breath, met Steel Fang at the mouth of the valley.

Guessing that Go's steel teeth were captured by the cat demon was a burst of scolding to Inuyasha himself, Inuyasha refuted it very weakly.

But the situation is urgent, both of them know that now is not the time to quarrel, chasing the smell, was stopped by a mountain, the smell is obviously there, why did it disappear?

The two searched around for a long time, but they didn't find any dark openings, and Steel Tooth was puzzled: "What is going on, it's like being interrupted by the enchantment." It

was this unintentional word that reminded Inuyasha, with the attitude of giving it a try, Inuyasha pulled out the iron tooth, and the steel tooth thought he was going to fight with himself.

But when he saw Inuyasha's knife, he was immediately stunned, and after Inuyasha drew the knife, it was a burst of induction, and the iron crushed teeth sucked the blood of the hundred ghost bats.

He has the power to break the enchantment, but he has not used it, and he does not know how powerful it is, with the resonance of the demon qi and the fluctuation of iron broken teeth.

The iron tooth turned red, this is the coral iron tooth, and as soon as the coral iron tooth came out, Inuyasha sent the message back through the knife and slashed directly towards the intercepted mountain wall.

Li Fan and Killing Pill came all the way in the direction of the ocelot clan, and Li Fan asked strangely: "I said that you left Ling there alone, aren't you afraid that the monster will eat her?"

"There is a Ah Yin, you can't beat it, it's still no problem to escape." Orochimaru's tone was still cold, as if he didn't care about the life or death of his future wife at all.

"Huh?" Li Fan half-teased, "Do you mean that two-headed monster?" You probably didn't come up with this name.

The evil opinion on the side couldn't help it: "Of course not, how could Young Master Killing Pill give a name to a monster mount, it was Ling's girl."

Li Fan looked at the killing pill with deep meaning, but the killing pill was worthy of being a killing pill, and there was no fluctuation on his face: "Old kill, can you handle that group of leopard cats alone?" "

Old kill....

The corner of Killing Pill's eyes jumped, and his mood fluctuated slightly, Li Fan was happy in his heart, and only listened to Killing Pill humming: "You are still so boring, Li Fan."

"That..." Li Fan scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "You have been cold faced, I am tired for you."

"Boring!" Orochimaru flicked his sleeves and pulled the fluffy tail, and the evil opinion naturally hugged it, and then Orochimaru flew out.

Li Fan was stunned, and slapped Yan Hoof's butt, and Yan Hoof stepped into the air and followed.

After Inuyasha broke the enchantment, after Steel Fang praised, he ran in first, Inuyasha took a step slower, met with Maitreya Coral, and also rushed in.

Through the woods, the steel tooth was fast, long gone, and the Inuyasha team had just arrived in an empty village, and Xia Lan came with the ocelot brother.

When the enemies met, without saying much, Inuyasha drew his knife and chopped, and after Xia Lan dodged, the younger brothers pounced and fought with Maitreya and the others.

Xia Lan did not fall in love with the war, but released some extremely smelly smoke, and Inuyasha, Shippo, and Mica were completely weak after smelling it.

Inuyasha covered his nose with one hand, struggling to support, Xia Lan smiled proudly: "The taste is very strong, we can't stand it, it's more violent for dogs."

Maitreya corals did not have any effect, Maitreya held the magic guard to guard against it: "It's a trap that sealed Inuyasha."

On the roof, under the moonlight, Xia Lan was condescending, and her tone was not good: "Although it is a little different from the plan." It was like a code word.

The cat demon brothers on the roof threw spears one after another: "Just grab it obediently!"

Maitreya and Coral struggled to block the spears thrown, and just as several people were in crisis, a blue demon light flashed.

A demon force exploded in front of Inuyasha and Natsu Arashi, dispersing the stench, and two figures loomed in the smoke.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, revealing the face of the person, and Inuyasha exclaimed: "Sesshomaru! Li Fan! The

voice of the evil view also came out: "And my evil view!"

Li Fan raised his hand and smiled: "Hey, Ergou... Bah! Inuyasha, Maitreya, Coral, and Shippo and Mica, you guys are okay.

Maitreya looked surprised: "Li Fan, why did you come with the Killing Pill."

Coral was a little surprised to see Li Fan, she was still very respectful to Li Fan, after all, she was kind to their clan: "Lord Li Fan." "

Lord Demon King!" Shippo was a little excited.

Mica is even more direct, whining twice, and the look is simply cute.

Killing Pill didn't even look at Inuyasha and the others, his gaze fell on Xia Lan, and said coldly: "What are you doing, Xia Lan, the person you are looking for is me."

Xia Lan stood on the roof, but his body was obviously on guard: "Brother is here, since both of them are coming, I will be able to do it, sons of the dog general, we are waiting for you in the city." After

saying that, she left, without stopping at all, because she wanted to go back to report the letter, Li Fan's arrival made Xia Lan very nervous, the name of the demon king was not self-proclaimed, but typed.

"Sesshomaru! What are you coming to do? Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru with a defensive expression.

Killing Pill's face was expressionless: "This is what I want to ask, you give me back." "The tone is tough, with an unquestionable tone of command.

"What do you say!" Inuyasha didn't understand why Sesshomaru said that.

"I will not allow you to join this fight now." Sesshomaru's tone was still commanding, but his tone was finally filled with strong anger, and even the tail tone became thick.

Inuyasha was a little weak, he had never seen Sesshomaru so angry, but he still retorted, "Why do I want you to agree!" On my side, Gewei was captured by the cat demon. Hearing

this, Sesshomaru became even more angry, woman! 50 years ago, he was for women, and 50 years later, he is still for women!

This useless waste half-demon! This unfilial son who flows his father's blood!


Killing Pill was furious, he was really angry, and when he raised his hand, he was a weakened version of the sword that burst through the sky with an instant.

Inuyasha was directly crushed by the sword, Inuyasha got up, and he was also angry: "What are you doing suddenly!" "

Who knows, Sesshomaru is even more angry, even the face that has always been cold, the face that has always been without waves and expressions, has become hideous, and the murderous intent of his eyes is even more locked on Inuyasha.

Roared, "Shut up! Inuyasha! For

the first time, Inuyasha felt that Sesshomaru really wanted to kill himself, and although he had a murderous aura before, he had never been as thick as he is now, as if he was going to kill himself regardless of everything.

But Sesshomaru still endured it, and his father's words echoed in his ears: "Sesshomaru, you must guard your brother's growth before he grows up." After

receiving the Fighting Ghost God, Orochimaru's murderous aura dissipated, and he looked sideways at Inuyasha, his eyes were extremely cold: "Listen! You, who are captivated and sealed by human women, are not eligible to participate in this battle! When

Evil Seeing heard this, he boldly said again: "Young Master Orochimaru, we should not have time to take care of Inuyasha now..."

The meaning of Evil Opinion's words, how could Orochimaru not hear its intentions, it was nothing more than not wanting Orochimaru to drive away Inuyasha and these helpers.

Killing Pill was slightly angry in his heart, turned around and left, and before the evil view was finished, he raised his foot and stepped on the evil view, which was a warning to the evil view and forbade him to speak indiscriminately.

Shippo had a shadow of the killing pill, and when he saw this scene, his body trembled: "It's so terrible..." Coral

said solemnly: "It seems that he is not ordinary angry."

Maitreya looked at Inuyasha, "What the hell did you do?"

Inuyasha didn't know what Sesshomaru had eaten wrong, "How do I know." Remembering that there was still a Li Fan, Inuyasha turned his head and looked: "Hey Li Fan, what should you know, right?" "

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