Li Fan swept his eyes into the air and raised his finger, "You better ask him."

When everyone looked at it, Maitreya looked confused: "Ah Ba? Ah

Hachi turned back into a tanuki and landed on the ground, and before Inuyasha could speak, a flea jumped from Ahachi's head onto Inuyasha's face.

The flea was none other than Hakuga, and Haka, who was about to suck some blood, was slapped flat by Inuyasha and landed in Xiang's palm: "Grandpa Hakuga?

Li Fan left quietly, and Inuyasha and the others didn't care, after all, Li Fan did not belong to their team.

Ah Ba turned into a huge yellow demon stick again, and I don't know why Ah Ba turned into such an evil thing.

With everyone, Hajia slowly spoke in mid-air: "This may be related to the great war that your father triggered a long time ago.

"A long time ago?" Inuyasha sat cross-legged and listened carefully.

Shippo interjected, "Didn't Hachiemon say that this was 50 years ago?" "

Hakemon is exactly the name of the tanuki Ahachi.

Hearing this, Hajia denied: "No, no, no, it was a long time ago, when your father was still in the Western Kingdom.

Inuyasha was even more puzzled: "I don't remember at all."

He thought to himself, "It's strange that you have an impression, you weren't born yet."

Hajia, who didn't want to explain too much, said directly: "At that time, the Western Kingdom was ruled by the cat demon family, the ocelot, and they also planned to bring all the monsters under their command, and it was your father who stood up at that time.

Recalling the war of that year, Hakka said: "The leader of the enemy is the big demon cat known as the Lord Lord, and your father chose to rise up and resist in order to protect his companions.

It was your father who won at that time, and the yokai who saved them from being dominated by ocelots were all grateful to your father, just... At that time, the resentment of the cat demons was very deep and strong.

Curse your father and his clan, vowing to come back for revenge..."

Inuyasha remembered Grandpa Gowe's words (Cats are vindictive, even after generations. I couldn't help but ask: "Will the hatred of cats cause disaster for seven generations?"

Hakka didn't answer Inuyasha's question, in fact, even he didn't know, and returned the question to Orochimaru: "Young Master Orochimaru should not have participated in that battle." So I think the cat demon is coming back to get revenge.

Neither question answered, and he didn't say why Sesshomaru was so angry, Inuyasha said dissatisfied, "So what were you doing?" When

he heard this, his heart was weak, and he jumped to his feet and said, "Of course I stayed in the position!"

Maitreya couldn't help but ask, "But why was Sesshomaru so tough to let Inuyasha go back?"

Inuyasha seemed to have realized something, and said disdainfully: "Hmph! Anyway, they definitely don't want to treat me, a half-demon, as their clan.

Hajia said solemnly at this time: "But the opponent that your father fought should still be defeated by the two of you."

Inuyasha was not happy, Hakuga had been avoiding some things, and Gu Yi said angrily: "Let me make it clear first, Daddy's grudge has nothing to do with Orochimaru and me, I just want to recapture the Four Soul Fragments and Gewei." When

Hajia heard this, he suddenly got up and carried his package: "In this case, I take my leave." Saying

that, he jumped down, Maitreya was the first to react, Hajia is very keen on the premonition of danger, he fled so decisively: "That means ..."

Before the words fell, a flame rushed up, A Ba screamed, now back to the original form, everyone fell from mid-air, the key time is mica reliable.

After landing, Xia Lan was sarcastical: "Don't you go to help your brother?"

Inuyasha gritted his teeth and wanted to cut this youkai who had a share in capturing Gowei.

On the other side, Steel Tooth took the two little brothers, as if he was lost, and also ran into Wolf Yegan, who secretly followed.

And on the side of the killing pill, he had already met with Dong Lan, because Li Fan was also there, and Dong Lan did not make a move: "Lord Demon King, what are you here for, our family is happy to help."

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "Donglan, don't be tempted, I said I wouldn't make a move, I'm here to find Ji Luo?"

Without waiting for Dong Lan to speak, Yue Luo walked out of the side house with Snake Hime and the Bull Demon, and as soon as Yue Luo came out, he threw a short knife.

The short knife flew straight to Li Fan's face, and when he saw this short knife, Li Fan was not shocked and rejoiced, it was Jie Luo's knife, and it was also her usual way of greeting.

Holding the short knife, Li Fan raised his eyes and looked: "Jie Luo, I finally found you, why did you get mixed up with this guy?"

Ji Luo pulled his hair and wanted to take back the short knife, but Li Fan did not let go: "You let go!" Who I mess with is your business!

Li Fan was stunned, and then he flashed and disappeared with a hug in his arms, and the snake Ji and the bull demon chased towards the woods on the side.

After Li Fan left, Dong Lan was relieved, and the killing pill was still cold: "I'm coming, where is your lord?" Don't you dare to come out?

Dong Lan smiled slightly: "Because the preparations for the reception have not been done yet, before this, I will be your opponent, can you be satisfied?"

The evil man jumped out when he heard this, he was warned by the killing pill just now, he should now behave well: "Leave it to me here, Young Master Killing Pill, let them see the power of the head battle!" As

soon as he poked the human head stick on the ground, the old man's head made a strange cry, and he looked a little imposing.

A flame erupted from the old man's mouth and hit Dong Lan, who just raised his hand, and a demon wind blew out, which easily blew the evil view upside down.

The demon wind carried an ice thorn and stabbed towards the fallen evil view, and the evil view screamed strangely in fright, and his face was deformed in fright.

Killing Pill drew his sword and chopped the ice thorn to pieces, and Dong Lan had five fingers on his right hand, and an ice spear appeared: "It seems that you have obtained a dangerous sword again." Saying

that, he attacked Killing Pill, Killing Pill carried the Fighting Ghost God to fight, for Dong Lan, Killing Pill was not in his eyes, a defeated subordinate who was beaten away by himself 50 years ago.

On the other side, Inuyasha and Natsu Arashi also fought fiercely, and Xia Arashi was on fire, and she burned all around her into a sea of fire.

Qiu Lan belongs to Thunder, and Maitreya Coral and others have also exchanged hands, and each of the four Lan has its own demon power attributes, corresponding to the four different seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Li Fan and Ji Luo are in another situation, the two of them output one and dodge easily, and tease from time to time.

Ji Luo was so angry that he shouted, and in the end, he stopped tired of Yue Luo, and at this time, Li Fan took out Ji Luo's body.

The red comb appeared, and Yuluo's face changed: "Give it back to me!" "

If you rush to rob it, of course Li Fan can't return it to her, only on herself, Jiluo can be considered safe."

Holding the flapping Yue Luo, Li Fan said softly: "Jie Luo, don't you feel it?"

"Feel what! You let me go! Ji Luo bit Li Fan's shoulder.

Li Fan frowned, and handed the comb to her eyes: "You take a closer look." Yuro

looked sideways at his body, but still did not let go, looking very cute.

Suddenly, she felt a powerful soul force from the comb, and it seemed that a life was slowly taking shape.

"This is..." Yuro slowly let go, and took his body with both hands: "What's going on?"

Li Fan reached out and touched her head, just like 50 years ago, it was so gentle: "I use secret techniques to conceive with half of my soul, and soon, it will become your physical body, and you can be resurrected and get rid of the identity of the resentful spirit." Jie

Luo's eyes were red, looking at Li Fan, tears involuntarily fell: "Really... Are you sure?

Looking at her like this, Li Fan hugged Jie Luo in his arms: "Trust me, I will resurrect you, and then complete our unfinished wedding!" (

Sorry you guys are really in love, this book is a custom text, required to be written without changing the main plot, now people don't let me post it, so it can only be like this, in order to apologize, I have opened a fan Pokémon, as a reparation, please move to my homepage to view, accept my reparation)

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