An evil sword forged by the Hell Demon Dragon.

Li Fan walked forward slowly, and his flat tone seemed to be talking about a grain of sand.

The Demon Spirit Pill almost didn't jump, it can rule a realm and summon countless undead Cong Yunya, in this population, it is just an evil sword, and that's it...

The Demon Spirit Pill was speechless, in front of the other party, presumably even if the Douya King was alive, he had to bow down....

Li Fan stepped on the Blood Mountain step by step, without the ground shaking or changing the color of the wind and clouds, every step was like a mortal climbing the mountain.

It's just that in the eyes of the Devil Spirit Pill, it is clear that heaven and earth dare not move a single point in front of this person, the wind and clouds are under his breath

, and he does not dare to make a second time! Cong Yunya's sword pressure, the Devil Spirit Pill is very clear, even he does not dare to easily step into the blood mountain, on the other hand, Li Fan, the demon king is worthy of being a demon king, and he actually suppressed Cong Yunya's sword, so suppressed that he couldn't move!

! This will be a big battle, but the Demon Spirit Pill did not look at it, Li Fan felt the sword pressure of Cong Yunya, and in the sword pressure, he felt his own trace of devouring power.

At the top of the Blood Mountain, in the Blood Palace that suppressed Cong Yunya, a long sword with a sheath was inserted on a garden platform made of countless skull towers.

The sword is 5 feet three inches long, and there is a red bead at the end of the hilt, like an evil eye, and evil qi emanates from the bead.

The sword blade is five inches out of the sheath, the sword pressure is emitted on the blade, this sword is the domineering sword, Cong Yunya! Li Fan's arrival, Cong Yunya emitted a hum, the sword body suddenly trembled, a voice came out in the red beads: "I can feel the strength in you, how, are you here to get me

?" The

voice was very thick, with a sense of temptation, Li Fan tilted his head and swept his eyes at the bone platform: "Where do you come from with the confidence that I am here for you?"

Cong Yunya's sword body flashed with a strange light: "The entire demon world wants to get me, because my strength is enough for every monster to have the power to fight against the big monster!"

Li Fan stood three meters in front of Cong Yunya, and found that he had just made a move and cut out a small gap in his nails, and Li Fan, who did not have nail clippers, was biting his nails with his teeth.

Seeing Li Fan's appearance, Cong Yunya suddenly burst out of the huge evil qi and sword pressure, and the air was pushed, forming a strong wind.

Li Fan didn't even blink his eyelids, his blue hair moved with the wind, and his nails were biting straight

, this made Cong Yunya crazy! Boy, dare to ignore me Cong Yunya like this! You are the first!!

Li Fan looked up with a surprised face: "I said Old Tooth, did you misunderstand something..."

Cong Yunya did not react to this title for a while, and after a moment, a sword sounded, if Cong Yunya was a human, he would definitely vomit blood on the spot: "Boy!! You know! I am the first sword in the world! Even if it is the underworld, I can say that it will be broken! You..."

Before Cong Yunya finished speaking, Li Fan wiped the water on his nails on his clothes, waved his hand and interrupted: "I was going to see what was surprising about the legendary Cong Yunya, but I didn't expect it to be an arrogant maniac." "


You are what you, you really think you are something, an evil sword that has been sealed and discarded.


I'm a fart! You want me to take you as a blade? Do I want any kind of garbage!

You are a sword that the owner discarded after his death, to put it bluntly, no one wants it!

I said, I'm not collecting rags, don't garbage.


Cong Yunya was completely furious, and Pang Bo's evil qi permeated out, like substance, turning into a large black mist, filling the entire Blood Palace.

In anger, Cong Yun shot out of the scabbard and slashed a sword ray head-on towards Li Fan, and Li Fan waved his hand with disdain.

The sword was casually swung away by him, and even the skin was not injured: "You don't want to be able to fight me with the sword body, I think you better find a better body." Cong

Yunya knew that he was not the opponent of the person in front of him by relying on his body alone: "Boy, Uncle Ben will complete you!" Cong Yunya's

sword body suddenly rose red, blood flowed out of the sword body, forming a blood-colored figure, and at the moment when the figure appeared, Li Fan clearly felt his trace of devouring power.

Interesting! Unexpectedly, he fused his devouring power into the blood soul, devoured the revenant soul who had died under his sword for thousands of years, and became an existence similar to the sword spirit.

If it is allowed to develop, it may become a real sword spirit, and then it will be able to get rid of the control of relying on the flesh, and the power of the sword spirit with the power of devouring will be even more terrifying.

The blood-colored figure had no facial features, endless resentment emanated on its body, and Cong Yunya also turned into a blade in the hands of a shadow.

Cong Yun's tooth blade pointed at Li Fan, and laughed maniacally: "Boy, you have to pay the price of your life for your arrogance!" Li

Fan did not reply, stretched out his left hand, hooked his finger, the meaning is obvious, you have the ability to come!

Cong Yunya's body evil qi completely erupted, the top of the blood palace was smashed by the evil qi, and the evil qi that rushed into the sky made the entire alien space shake three times.

The blade pointed at the heavenly dome, slashing straight down, and the huge evil qi instantly contracted, turning into a sword light that went straight to Li Fan, intending to split it in half.

Li Fan didn't expect Cong Yunya to fuse his devouring power, and he had such strength, so he was slightly startled and stabbed straight with his gun.

The dragon groan came from the tip of the gun, and the tip of the sword light collided, and an explosion was immediately generated, and the blood palace was leveled by the qi wave.

Cong Yunya didn't expect a sword to be able to split Li Fan, and after the sword light passed, he pulled back, raised his sword blade, and condensed a stronger evil qi than before.

The power of devouring loomed, and Cong Yunya roared: "Prison Dragon Break!!" The

power of Prison Dragon Break, which was mixed with the power of Devouring, greatly increased, and fell towards Li Fan with an evil whirlwind.

Li Fan's demon power exuded, injected into the blood dragon, twisted his waist and stabbed: "Blood

dragon broke!" A blood dragon rushed out from the tip of the gun, with a roar, towards the demon dragon whirlwind that the prison dragon broke.

The black demon dragon and the blood dragon intertwined and bitten, the dragon groaned through the sky, and the entire alien space trembled in the roar of the double dragon.

The Demon Spirit Pill in the distance turned pale, and his body trembled constantly: "This... What kind of power is this!!"Boom


demon dragon was bitten on the neck by the blood dragon, the blood claw tore three rays of light on his body, the blood dragon spewed out a breath of dragon breath, and the demon dragon exploded instantly.


Yunya shouted in disbelief, staring at the blood dragon in disbelief, and after the blood dragon shattered the demon dragon, he turned his head to look at him Cong Yunya, let out a dragon groan, and crashed over.

Cong Yunya's blood shadow churned, raised his sword again, poured out his strength, and split a sword again: "Prison Dragon Break!" The

prison dragon broke, which was three times larger than before, knocked the colliding blood dragon into a little bit of blood light, and came towards Li Fan with undiminished power.

Li Fan raised his eyebrows: "Interesting."

Suddenly, a strange thought rose in his heart, looking at Cong Yunya, Li Fan revealed an evil smile, if I... Will Cong Yunya go crazy on the spot?

Just do it when you think of it, the corners of Li Fan's mouth rise, and he laughed twice.

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