The prison dragon broke towards Li Fan,

Li Fan was a strange smile, Cong Yun's teeth were like crazy: "Die! die! die!" Li Fan

didn't blink, facing the prison dragon break, took a step forward, the demon qi spread out a ripple under his feet, and slowly stretched out his right hand.

The Heaven Devouring Soul let out a roar in his right palm, and Li Fan unleashed the power of devouring, and the Heaven Devouring Beast turned into a large mouth in the palm of his hand.

He sucked sharply towards the prison dragon break, and the huge prison dragon broke into deformation in an instant, and Li Fan's right hand swallowed the prison dragon like a dragon absorbing water.

Cong Yunya was stunned, if he had facial features.


Fan looked at Cong Yunya quietly: "Nothing is impossible, if there is, it's just that the strength is not enough." "

This is not angry, but Cong Yunya listened even more crazy, the blood on the blood man surged sharply, Cong Yunya was completely crazy, and rushed towards Li Fan: "You want my body! Only such a powerful body is worthy of my

Cong Yunya!" Li Fan frowned, shook his head and sighed: "The endurance is really poor, and the domineering blade, just a madman..." Looking

at the rushing Cong Yunya, Li Fan slapped over, Cong Yunya was fanned away, but his mouth kept chanting: "Hahaha!" As long as I get your body, I can become stronger!!" Cong

Yunya, who got up, pounced again, this time even more crazy, and his whole body exuded an aura of fury and madness.

Seeing this, Li Fan was even less interested, it was normal to see Cong Yunya in addition to evil before, how come after seeing it, it was the same as a second fool who was mentally ill...

From the time I stepped into this alien space, I don't know how long it has been, and the speed of time flow here can't be felt at all.

You can no longer entangle with fools, you still have business to do, in case you miss the time, then cry without tears.

Outside, Inuyasha and Gomi are making a fuss, because Gowei changed into Kikyo's witch costume, Inuyasha felt very bad.

There are memories, hate, love, longing, longing, very complicated.

This straight male dog, directly spoke, unclear, let Ge Wei undress, so that Ge Wei, a 15-year-old girl, suddenly angry, and I don't know where the strength came from, lifted a stone the size of a human head, and gave Inuyasha a stone throwing to ask for directions.

Inuyasha was also angry when he heard this, and pointed to the clothes hanging on the side: "I didn't let you take off naked! I asked you to change back into that strange set of clothes!"


the trouble, Ge Wei was alone, holding his clothes, and came to the mouth of the bone-eating well, which was the passage he crossed.

I don't know how to go back, looking at the dry bones at the bottom of the well, Ge Wei felt a gloomy, remembering that Grandma Feng said the magic of the bone-eating well, and inexplicably a creepy feeling arose in his heart, if he went down, he wouldn't also become dry bones....

After watching the small meeting, Ge Wei still did not dare to go down, leaning on the well: "What to do, I dare not go down..."

At this moment, a green leaf fell, suddenly as if it was cut in half by something, and strands of hair appeared behind her.

Ge Wei, who had just stood up, had a pain on his face, as if he had been cut with a knife, just a blink of an eye, and the entire vicinity of the well was staggered by silk threads, forming a trap.

This is...

Can you see?

A young girl appeared out of nowhere, barefoot, stepping on her hair, dressed very sexy.

The top is almost just two pieces of cloth, wrapping important parts, the snow-white back is imaginative, and the short black hair is black and shiny.

The light red pupils, awakening the pure and cute facial features, look extremely charming.

Ten fingers slender, entangled with strands of hair, looked at Ge Wei condescendingly, and his voice was sweet and crispy: "This is my hair cage, but it is useless to see it alone." "

Who are you!"

Gewei's words, the girl didn't need to answer immediately, and let out a sweet laugh: "My name is Reverse Hair Yuluo, but it doesn't matter if you can't remember."

Saying that, he waved his right hand, his hair was like a whip, and he pumped towards Gewei: "Because you are going to die." Ge

Wei could only put her hands on her chest, enduring the pain of being beaten on her body, and one of the strands of hair wrapped around the fragment of the Four Souls Jade on her body and withdrew back.

I will accept the Jade of the Four Souls.

Yu Luo poured out the jade fragment of the four souls in the small bag, and he was slightly angry in his heart, but his expression was very innocent and cute: "I actually made the jade of the four souls like this." Where are the other fragments?"

Gowei knew where they were, and she was also looking for them: "Give it back to me, how do I know it's there..." Hearing

her say she didn't know, Yu Luo's face was expressionless, even if she didn't know, it was useless to keep it.

As soon as the hair moved, a short knife slowly rose, and Yu Luo held the short knife, and with the elasticity of the hair, shot at Ge Wei: "Is it? You can die!"When

death came, Ge Wei's body froze, seeing that the tip of the knife was about to cut through his throat, he instinctively raised his head, dodging the death knife while also falling into the well.

In a different space in the well, Cong Yunya still pounced on Li Fan like a madman, and was slapped by Li Fan every time.

Li Fan, who lost his excitement, faced Cong Yunya, who pounced again, stretched out his hand into a claw, and buckled it on his head, his eyes were cold: "Swallow the sky!" A

suction force appeared in his hand, Cong Yunya was shocked, his own strength was draining, and the trace of sealing power obtained was also being sucked away by Li Fan.


Fan just wanted to take back his devouring power, and he didn't think about devouring the evil qi of Cong Yunya, but it backfired, who called Cong Yunya greedy and fused the devouring power.

Li Fan only took two short breaths, then inhaled half of Cong Yunya's evil qi, the devouring power was retracted, and the devouring sky let out a roar of intent in Li Fan's brain.

Cong Yunya, who lost a lot of strength, was very weak at this time, facing Li Fan, he was afraid, this monster is his nemesis, more than ten times more terrifying than the Douya King!

Li Fan was stunned and turned his head to look, isn't this a bellflower! Why is she here! Could it be that the plot has changed! Or have I been here for a long time

! No!!That's not a bellflower!! Yes! It's


Without waiting for Li Fan's reaction, the light wrapped around Gewei flashed, and Cong Yunya's face was unchangeable, thinking that he would die in the hands of the person in front of him.

Unexpectedly, a ray of light suddenly appeared, without saying a word, it rushed towards the light at an extremely fast speed, and when Li Fan was still stunned, Cong Yunya, Ge Wei had disappeared into a different space.

Li Fan's heart was ecstatic! He remembered the plot, Ge Wei's dress, it was clear that he was beaten

to the bottom of the well by Ji Luo, that is to say, Ji Luo was resurrected!! 50 years! It has been 50 years, Li Fan thinks about her day and night! Finally resurrected, although it is the embodiment of resentment, but so what! As long as Yue Luo is reborn, even if it is the embodiment of resentment, it is his wife!!

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