Li Fan's mood at this time was like a raging sea! For her, he did not hesitate to feed the demon with his body, just to gain strength and become a slave of the monster.

For her, I waited for 50 years, for her, I missed her every day and night, and when I broke through, I thought of her, and I almost let my heart devour my heart demons when I broke through.

For her, she traveled the world, just to grow, have great power, and when she is resurrected, she can stand at the top of the world! Let her suffer a little bit of damage!

50 years, she has grown to a true fairyland, with the strength of a demon king! Li Fan believes that this time, she will never be hurt a little more


!An earth-shaking roar, sounding in a different space, this is an excited roar, this is a cry of a lover to be reunited, this is the excitement of 50 years of longing to be rewarded

!! At this moment, what cloud teeth, what time and space channel, were thrown behind Li Fan, he wanted to go out, he wanted to hold Jiluo, tell the bits and pieces of the past 50 years

! It's just that this space is a different existence, because of that trace of devouring power, Li Fan entered it, this time to go out, but Li Fan couldn't find a way

! ! The speed of the True Wonderland is extremely fast, in this space, Li Fan has detoured no less than ten times, and he has never found a way out, and as time passes, Li Fan's temper has become irritable.

Li Fan's demon power emanated, his eyes flashed with blood, and his right fist clenched: "Break me!!" A

punch blasted out, and a fist shadow like substance rushed to the sky, and the blood-colored clouds were shattered by the fist wind, but like a mud cow into the sea.

The fist shadow disappeared after entering the darkness of the firmament, Li Fan frowned, did he want to be trapped in this space?

Another punch slammed into the ground, and the earth shook suddenly, like a magnitude 8 earthquake, the cracks in the Dao Dao spread like spider silk, and blood gushed out in the cracks.

Li Fan's heart became more and more anxious, he wanted to tie up too much, his right hand stretched out, the blood dragon gun appeared, a shot in his hand, and Pang Bo's demon power spread out on his body.

The body of the blood dragon spear shook, feeling the anger of the owner, the blood dragon spear buzzed and emitted a dragon groan.

Li Fan's demon power suddenly injected into the blood dragon gun, without reservation, the green tendon of his right hand burst out, and suddenly raised the blood dragon: "Blood dragon broke!!" The

blood dragon gun plunged into the ground, and an angry blood dragon, roaring and flying out from the tip of the gun, rampage towards the ground.

The earth

shattered !!, and the powerful wave of explosive air blew Li Fan's clothes with a grin, and a huge deep pit appeared in front of Li Fan.

Blood gushed out from the bottom of the deep pit, gradually becoming a lake of blood, Li Fan's brows wrinkled again, he couldn't go out again, waiting for Ge Wei to return.

Yuluo will be killed by her and Inuyasha, Li Fan looked at the blood lake, his eyes were torn: "Ah!!"

In order to go out, in order to Yuluo, Li Fan decided to use the third killing move to become a demon in his body! Swallow this space, even if he changes the plot, Li Fan will not hesitate to do anything!

Demon King! Li Fan's

body was as rich as the demon qi was before, the sound of the beast roar came out of his body, his body slowly changed, and demon lines gradually appeared on his face.

A pair of eyes slowly lengthened and turned red, a blue hair was windless and automatic, the flesh on both sides of the forehead bulged and sharpened, and the teeth became fangs with the wild rise of demon qi.

His clothes were torn by his slowly expanding body, and from the place where he was cracked, strange patterns spread on his body.

Swallow ...

At this moment, a thin filament appeared in the sky, and Li Fan forcibly terminated the third killing move.

Poof! The

huge countershock force reverberated in Li Fan's body, and the anti-devouring force made him spew out a large amount of blood.

That thin thread was nothing else, it was a piece of hair, and when he saw the filament, Li Fan suddenly remembered that Ji Luo's hair had followed Ge Wei to this world.

This is supposed to be a hair that fell off when Ge Wei fell into the well and Yuro threw out a short knife.

It is precisely because of this hair that Yura uses this hair as a medium to defeat Gowei and Inuyasha in this world.

As long as there is this hair, Li Fan can go out, and he doesn't care about the injuries on his body, along the fine hair, Li Fan flies all the way.

In the darkness, the darkness in front of him suddenly changed, Li Fan had reached the bottom of the well, looking at the sky at the mouth of the well, Li Fan flew out.

Along the hair, he saw the figure that made him think day and night, Yuluo!! At

this time, Yuluo was sitting on a tree, his innocent and cute cheeks still hadn't changed, but his body was not a faint fragrance, but a strong resentment.

Li Fan's heart twitched suddenly, he couldn't feel Jie Luo's body temperature, nor could he feel her vitality, only the strong resentment.

Tears flowed unconsciously, blurring his vision, and Yuro stretched his hands forward flatly, with strands of hair between his ten fingers, which was the technique of carrying a puppet.

Li Fan's body trembled, remembering the scene of playing puppets with her at Di Nian'er's house back then, but now what Jie Luo was controlling in his hands was not a puppet, but a living person....

Looking at the long-lost smile on Ji Luo's face, Li Fan's heart hurt even more, as if he had been pierced by a sharp arrow back and forth on his heart.

He knew that Yura was manipulating a living person and was fighting Inuyasha, and he didn't know why Yura became like this.

With his own intervention, Yuro couldn't have become so strange, why!!

Yue Luo's hand loosened, and he muttered, "Didn't cut the meat?" Yue Luo

, who retracted his attention, felt that someone was nearby, and when he looked sideways, the whole person was stunned, his mouth opened, and his face was incredulous.

Every... Li

Fan wiped the tears on his face, his expression was excited, how long had he not heard these three words?

Shaking his body, his steps were like pouring lead, very heavy: "Ji Luo... I miss you

!" Jie Luo's body shook suddenly, two lines of clear tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, and flew towards Li Fan: "Big Brother Fan!!" For

the first time in 50 years, Li Fan showed a long-lost smile, which was only when Jie Luo was still alive.

The two hugged together, Li Fan felt the coldness on her body, as well as the strong resentment, his heart twitched again, and he hugged her tighter, as if he wanted to integrate her into his body and never separate again.

Jie Luo, 50 years, I miss you so much, I miss you too much!

Ji Luo is in Li Fan's arms, also hugging very hard, this embrace, she is familiar with it, still so warm, still so secure, it's a pity....

Brother Fan, I promise you that from today onwards, I will never let you suffer half of the harm again!!


thinking, Li Fan said, "Of course, I will always love Yueluo! No matter what you become, you will always be my wife!!"

Thank you, Big

Brother Fan! Ji Luo gently closed her eyes, two pink tears were under the corners of her eyes, and the words she said made Li Fan feel like a lightning strike

! Then, Brother Fan, you!

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