The short knife was inserted from the back of Li Fan's

heart, through the chest, the tip of the knife pierced the clothes on Li Fan's chest, and a drop of blood slowly dripped down.

The pink tears on Jie Luo's face were not dry, and he jumped away from Li Fan's embrace.

Knot... Rowe....

Li Fan looked dazed, the pain in his heart was stronger than this knife, the lover he missed day and night, his wife who he had been waiting for for 50 years, actually inserted himself with a knife!

50 years! 50 years!!

Jie Luo roared fiercely, the resentment in her eyes was indescribably strong, and two lines of pink tears formed by resentment flowed in her eyes.

Do you know how I got over the past 50 years!!

Li Fan didn't know what Jie Luo meant, covering his chest, his heart was throbbing and he was even breathing painfully, and this pain was not caused by a knife wound.

You don't know... You don't know!!

Yuro shook his head in pain, his expression extremely sad.

Do you

know the pain of flesh and blood being torn off by the monster

? Do you know who I think about when I am desperate? It was you

!! Yuro who told in pain, pink tears slipped down, dripping on the ground, dyed a layer of pink.

Every word of her fell, Li Fan was like a lightning strike, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he felt the pain and helplessness at that time.

I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't protect you.

Li Fan said with self-blame, the whole person knelt in front of Jie Luo, and Ji Luo looked at Li Fan, and the resentment on his body increased instead of decreasing.

Yuro suddenly burst out laughing: "If I'm sorry, if it's useful, will I be like this? I'm sorry, if it's useful, will I die tragically in the mouth of the monster!!" In

hell, I suffer every day and night, have you ever experienced the feeling of being burned by hellfire! In hell,

do you know how painful it is to be pierced by a sharp knife?


I was suffering, you were there! My big brother, you are making love with people! You are traveling around the world

! And I! The suffering in hell is caused by you!! When you slaughter monsters, have you ever thought that your wife bears the sins for you in hell!!

Every time you kill a monster, I will be tortured deeper in hell


!When Li Fan heard this, there was a roar in his mind, no wonder Ji Luo hated himself, it turned out that everything about all this was done by himself.

When you have strength, I wish you could come to save me, but you were there? Just like back then, I wish you could come to save me, but you still didn't appear, the monster walked for a long time, you still didn't appear


Boundless pain! Ji Luo's words made Li Fan almost faint, opening his mouth to spit out a large mouthful of blood, Li Fan's face was pale, and he no longer dared to look at Jie Luo's eyes.

He didn't expect that his killing would make Yue Luo bear it, obviously he had the strength to break through the underworld, but he never wanted to go to the underworld to bring her back.

He just waited, waiting for the so-called plot to begin, Yue Luo will be resurrected, what is wrong with him!

Jie Luo stared at Li Fan fiercely, his silver teeth clenched, and Li Fan knelt on the ground, his face was dead gray.

For a long time, the sun went down in the west and night fell, Ji Luo stretched out his hand and waved, and more than a dozen hairs stabbed towards Li Fan, and Li Fan didn't even frown.


hair penetrated Li Fan's body, and he couldn't feel pain, because the pain in Li Fan's heart at this time had already occupied everything, and Yuluo wanted to kill him, and he had no regrets, because he loved her.

Brother Van.

Ji Luo had a complicated expression, looked at Li Fan, and love flashed in his eyes: "This is the last time I call you, go and die!" The

short knife went towards Li's neck under the control of the hair, Li Fan did not resist, raised his head, looked at Ji Luo gently, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was the same as 50 years ago.

Slowly closed his eyes and died at the hands of Yu Luo, Li Fan had no regrets, this was what he owed her.

Just as Li Fan was about to die, a voice came from behind him, and four claws struck the short knife away.

Yuro was obviously stunned, Inuyasha's appearance surprised her, looked at Li Fan, and then at Inuyasha, Yura's expression changed, and stared at Li Fan with resentment: "Li Fan, you are really colluding with the youkai!!" Li Fan

was about to open his mouth to let Inuyasha not be nosy, but he didn't expect Yuro to misunderstand himself, and when he was about to open his mouth to explain, Inuyasha suddenly spoke: "Stinky youkai! What do you say! Hurry up and return the Jade of the Four Souls to me!"

Yuro was killed by the youkai, and he didn't have a good impression of the youkai, and when he heard Inuyasha's words, he was immediately furious: "You are the youkai!!"

With this jump, he exposed Li Fan, his hair went towards Li Fan, and in mid-air, Inuyasha seemed to find out: "Not good!

The hair pierced into Li Fan's abdomen, Li Fan still didn't move, and Ji Luo didn't expect that this blow would fall on Li Fan's body, and he was also stunned.

Inuyasha, on the other hand, was furious, and while Yura was stunned, he pounced and plunged one hand directly into her chest.

Li Fan was furious, and a demon qi rose up into the sky, severely injured, and rushed towards Yura, but Inuyasha was too close to Yura.


snorted miserably, Li Fan's eyes were red, and the speed was raised again, catching the fallen Yura, backhanded, and fanning Inuyasha in confusion with the jade fragments of the four souls.

Yuro was held by Li Fan, the blood hole in his chest was shocking, turned his head to look at Inuyasha, Pang Bo's demon qi radiated, and his eyes were full of murderous intent: "Yuro is dead! I will kill you for her burial!" Inuyasha was seen by Li

Fan's gaze and did not dare to move, this is the breath of the demon king, from the suppression of the bloodline.


Ji Luo in his arms suddenly laughed: "Didn't you say that you won't let me get hurt again?" Ji Luo

slowly got up, left Li Fan's embrace, looked at Li Fan with a playful face, and pointed to his chest: "Look, what is this?

The demon qi just now, even the big monster is not as good, gritted his teeth unwillingly, turned his head and left: "Let you go today, big brother, next time I will come, you have to be careful, next time my strength will surprise you." Li

Fan stretched out his hand to leave Jieluo, but in the night, under the moon, Jieluo left with his hair, looking at the petite back, remembering her words, he was in a hurry, his eyes were dark, and he fainted.

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