50 years ago!?

Li Fan was stunned, what kind of joke! At that time, this goods were also present? He was imitating him to feed the demon, why would he say that he was imitating me!

Naraku felt Li Fan's killing intent, and continued to speak: " 50 years ago, I accidentally saw that you are still a mortal, after the death of your lover, you did not hesitate to feed the demon with your body in exchange for great strength, I saw it very clearly

at that time, why am I inferior to you?" Naraku's words really stopped Li Fan, thinking: "You ask me? I ask who to go! Laozi was learning from you at that time, who knew that you were hiding and peeping..." Li

Fan's expression was strange, looking at Naraku's eyes a little distracted, and when he was about to answer, Li Fan suddenly found that I am the winner!

Li Fan was a little embarrassed and angry, and said, "This question, you better go to hell and ask!" As

soon as the words fell, Li Fan's murderous intention reappeared, Naraku's eyes were full of horror, daring to calculate on his own body, simply looking for death!

Naraku felt death for the first time since he got the power, in front of Li Fan, he didn't even have the strength to resist, he was afraid, he regretted it, he really shouldn't have involved Li Fan....

With a punch, Nai Luo's entire chest down was shattered, but at the last moment, Li Fan was attracted by a petite figure.

The figure was extremely fast, exuding a strong resentment, facing Li Fan's fist, not caring whether he would die or not, and grabbed a heart in his hand at the moment when Naraku's body shattered.

The moment Li Fan appeared, he collected the devouring power on his fist, and the figure seemed to bet that Li Fan would not hurt him, regardless of it.

Grabbed Naraku's heart and left, Li Fan frowned, looking at the distant figure: "

Yue Luo..." The person who came was the Yue Luo that Li Fan was looking for, after obtaining the four soul fragments, Yue Luo found a place to fuse, and today just completely absorbed the power of the fragments.

As soon as I got out of the customs, I saw Naraku being pinched by Li Fan's neck, and seeing that Li Fan wanted to kill Naraku, Yue Luo was resentful and blamed, although I can't beat you.

Then I will save you, angry with you! With

Naraku's heart, he came to a cave, and Yuro casually threw it on the ground, and said in a cold voice: "How long do you have to pretend to be dead!" The

slowly beating heart heard this, and then a strange squirm, with the heart as the center, gave birth to meat balls, and the meat balls slowly split.

Just a few breaths of time, a two-meter-sized large meat ball composed of countless meat balls appeared, and inside the meat ball, Naraku's weak voice came out: "Thank you Demon Princess for coming to the rescue." Yuro

looked at the meat ball and said with a look of disgust: "It's disgusting..." The

top of the meat ball was suddenly torn from the inside, Naraku walked out of the meat ball naked, Yura's face was even colder, turned his head, and said in a commanding tone: "Put your clothes on!"

Naraku's eyes flashed a trace of murderous intent, and soon disappeared, Yuraku's attitude made him very unhappy, but he didn't dare to do anything to Yura.

It is not difficult to kill Jie Luo, but Li Fan behind her will definitely not let herself go, this time it is just a small calculation, and she will invite the scourge of killing, if she attacks Jie Luo....

Naraku didn't dare to think about it, so he could only obey Yuluo's orders, at least with her, Li Fan would not come to chase and kill him.

Wearing a baboon skin, Naraku looked bitter, his own demon power was sucked by Li Fan to the point of not saving one, his current body is too weak, and he wants to find some powerful monster body fusion....

Yue Luo glanced at Naraku: "You are too weak to help me now, I once heard Li Fan tell a story about raising a demon body, you can follow suit, use monsters as monsters, and refine a powerful demon body." Na

Luo's eyes lit up, he didn't believe Yu Luo's words, but it was related to Li Fan, so he had to believe: "Please ask the demon princess to teach me!"

Yue Luo nodded, and told the story of Miao people raising cheats that he heard from Li Fan's mouth, although there were many things he didn't understand, but with Naraku's cleverness, he quickly thought of a way to solve it.

After Yue Luo finished speaking, he left the cave and said as he walked: "After the demon is refined, come to me, I want you to help me do something." "

In the cave, Naraku uses demon power as a guide, supplemented by miasma, to make the cave a sleepy place that can only enter and not exit, and abandon the body as a trap.

Leaving a large amount of ownerless demon power, Naraku dragged the broken demon body away, returned to a city, and possessed the body of the young city lord's yin knife.

In the cave, Naraku's departure, the demon power exuded an extremely tempting aura, attracting the monsters in Fang Yuan, and the monsters who entered the cave seemed to be blown to sleep, and began to tear up one after another at the bottom of the cave.

On the other side, Kikyo chased Li Fan, this chase, it was seven days, all the way, she saw many injured soldiers.

The kind-hearted Kikyo slowly moved forward while treating the soldiers.

Passing by a village, the crops planted on the ground are withering, and the long-term war has made the village people panic.

Now the banker is so weird, a villager is complaining, suddenly the sky is raining blood, and when he looks up, pieces of monster minced meat fall from the sky.

In the center of the village, in front of a temple, Kikyo is using spiritual power to drive away a messenger of hell, and the temple is full of wounded soldiers.

At this moment, a group of soldiers came towards the temple, and one of them stepped forward two steps and said: "I heard that you are in the war, regardless of the enemy and us, to treat the wounded, and also use magical spells to save many dying witches?"

The leader looked condescending, did not believe Kikyo's words, and said in an unkind tone: "If you have something to say back in the city, come with us." "

Kikyo was helpless, the person in front of him was not a great evil, and soon Kikyo was carried away, and on the way, the people of the Tao explained the matter:

our young city lord Yin Dao, was born weak and sick, not long ago the ancestor lord died, he inherited the city lord's throne, but his health has been getting worse and worse recently.

I don't know what's wrong, Lord Yin Dao gave an order a few days ago not to let anyone approach, although we are very worried, let alone the doctor, even we retainers are not allowed to get close for half a step.

Kikyo just listened quietly, and after arriving at the city, Kikyo frowned slightly, and his heart was shocked: "What's the matter, this evil qi is..." Regardless

of the quarrel between the guards and the people at the head, Kikyo went towards the source of the evil qi without saying a word.

The guards wanted to block it, but the identity of the Kikyo witch, they still intentionally or unintentionally let it in, hoping that she could cure Lord Yindao's illness....

Opening the curtain, Kikyo saw a man, but this man did not have a trace of life, and below his head, it seemed as if he was dead.

The man tilted his head to look at Kirito, and his heart was shocked, the woman in front of him!


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