No, it should just look alike, she won't be Kikyo....

The man is the city lord of this city, the shadow knife, and it is also the poor human shadow knife who was possessed by Naraku and devoured his soul.

Drinking back to explain Kikyo's intentions, Naraku asked, "What's your name?"

Kikyo calmly knelt in front of Naraku, the evil aura on the man in front of her made her very curious, what is it....

My name is Kikyo.

When Naraku heard this, his pupils shrank slightly, (Kikyo! It is impossible that it can, 50 years ago, the woman I designed to kill, the woman who should have died with the Jade of the Four Souls, is still alive. This woman... Finally... It

has been a month since Naraku moved into the city, during which time the crops in the nearby village were polluted by his evil qi and slowly withered and died.

Recently, blood rained in the sky, accompanied by pieces of broken corpses of youkai, Inuyasha and his party happened to come to one of the villages.

Hearing the strange phenomenon said by the villagers, his heart was very strange, and Maitreya, who was a mage, thought thoughtfully: "There must be a strong source of evil qi in this vicinity.

As if he had made some decision, Maitreya nodded seriously, looking righteous: "I see!" After

speaking, he took it upon himself to find the source of the evil qi, of course, this is not free. A string of coins was already lying in his arms.

Gowei, the two women naturally have no opinion, they are happy to do things that can help the villagers, but Inuyasha only wants to find Naraku and the Four Soul Fragments.

A very reluctant follow, a Lao Tzu attitude that does not want to care about mortal life and death.

Soon, a mountain wrapped in evil qi caught the attention of the coral: "I think that the source of the evil qi is that mountain, I think, except for Naraku, no monster will have such a strong evil qi." "

Except for Naraku... Is it....

Maitreya didn't dare to agree when he heard this, Coral's words, reminded him of a person, to be precise, a demon, compared to Naraku, he was sure that that demon, compared to Naraku, only stronger than Naraku!

And this youkai, obviously seriously injured, but for some reason, the evil qi did not decrease but increased, which made her puzzled, and the identity of this monster, she has confirmed that it is Naraku!

His injury should have been caused by Li Fanjun, but with Li Fanjun's character, why didn't he kill him, was it for my plan?

Thinking of Li Fan, Kikyo wanted to go to him to ask for clarification, but Yin Dao ordered that she was not allowed to leave, and although Kirito was displeased, she did not resist.

Little Naraku, she still doesn't put it in her eyes, Naraku's heart for her, how can she not know, thinking that it is not good for her, Naraku can't do it!

Li Fan is very distressed, Yuluo suddenly appeared and rescued Naraku, making him feel very unhappy, being split by Yuraku, at this time, he is sulking.

Snake Ji was careful on the side, not even daring to breathe, for fear of upsetting Li Fan.

Li Fan drank loudly, startling the snake Ji: "Demon... Lord Demon King, what are your orders?" "

You come here!"

The more Li Fan thought about it, the more angry he became, why did he not even care about his life, he wanted to save Naraku!

My lord, sister Yura has nothing to do with Naraku, we just met him once, sent the four soul fragments and left. Li

Fan tilted his head and stared at Snake Ji unkindly, and Snake Ji quickly spoke: "Don't dare to deceive adults." "

Cranky Li Fan, back to a good state, he knew in his heart, give Naraku a hundred guts, he did not dare to touch his own woman.

The reason why I asked Snake Ji was just to ask for psychological comfort, Ren Ma, that's it, what he knows, but he has to say it from other people, only to confirm his own cognition.

On the other side, Kikyo sensed that Inuyasha was in danger, so she secretly ran out, with her spiritual power, how could a few mortals see her.

As for Naraku, now he is seriously injured, and he dares to provoke Kirito.

Heading in the direction of the induction, he came to a mountain of evil qi, Kikyo frowned, except for Naraku's evil aura, there was not much residual aura of the youkai.

This breath made her very disgusted, especially when she ran into Gowei at the mouth of the cave, Kikyo was even more upset: "Is Inuyasha inside?"

The words were said to Gowei, and before she could answer, Kikyo walked in.

Kikyo said this to Gu Yi, but now his resentment has been transferred, and the reason why he said this is mainly to anger Ge Wei.

Under the miasma, Gowei can't hold out for long, on the other hand, that is a demonstration, Inuyasha in such a dangerous place, you don't even go to help?

Watching Kikyo open the cave, Gomicro seems to have thought of something, regardless of the miasma's encroachment, running towards the cave.

This cave is exactly the cave where Naraku refining, and at this time, the demon has been refined, but Inuyasha's sudden arrival has delayed the timing of the demon formation.

At this time, Inuyasha, who is being confused by the demon qi, is fighting with a demon monster, and if the demon wins, Inuyasha is absorbed and becomes the nourishment of the demon moth.

If the demon is defeated, Inuyasha becomes a demon and will be absorbed by Naraku and become Naraku's body.

Although Maitreya knew the sacrifice of this demon and also knew the viciousness of the demon art, but at this time, Inuyasha had been confused by the demon qi, and he was also eroded by the miasma, and he could not help Inuyasha break the game, so he could only be anxious.

The monster that has become a monster, no matter how it is cut, in the demon blood pool of this cave, it will recover instantly.

Just as Maitreya was trying to find a way to break the game, Kirito's figure appeared, and the moment he saw Inuyasha, Kikyo was confused, and the dead soul suppressed in his body suddenly left his body.

Kikyo's body went limp, and he fell towards the bottom of the hole, and Inuyasha was surprised by Kikyo's arrival.

Outside the cave, Yin Dao Naraku quietly looked at the cave below, he could clearly feel that the demon magic was completed, as long as he fused the demon cheat, the injury would be perfect in an instant, and he could obtain more powerful power.

Naraku smiled evilly: "Kikyo, do you like Inuyasha so much? Because of your arrival, the demon absorbs the dead soul, the demon art will be stronger, hahaha..." Under

the influence of Naraku, the demon reached out and grabbed the unconscious Kikyo: "This woman is not a human being, become my flesh and blood!"

Inuyasha was angry, and rushed out with a knife: "You are not allowed... Touching Kikyo!"

, the demon broke his arm with a slash, but a new arm grew again, knocking Inuyasha away with a punch.

Maitreya was anxious on the side: "Inuyasha, calm down, don't be impulsive

!" Inuyasha stood up, turned around and yelled, "I want to protect Kikyo!" But

this time, Inuyasha was stunned, behind Maitreya, Ge looked at him slightly, in her gaze, Inuyasha saw sadness, this is a sadness of being abandoned....


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