The demon

wind hit behind, and Inuyasha couldn't care about Gowei's feelings, and fought with the demon again.

Gowei sensed Inuyasha's concern for Kikyo and jumped off despite safety.

Without saving Kikyo, Inuyasha will not give up the battle with the demon mob, and whether he wins or loses, it will only be Naraku who will win in the end.

Half-hugging the bellflower, Ge Wei asked with a concerned look: "What's wrong, can you still stand up?"

Kikyo, who had thought he was unconscious, suddenly sneered, and his cold eyes opened: "Stupid, after you come down, Inuyasha will only lose his mind even more to fight."

Kikyo got up like a nobody, Ge Wei looked at her in shock, and Kikyo looked at Ge Wei coldly.

Inuyasha's battle with the demon is nearing its end, although the demon is strong, Inuyasha's iron broken teeth are stronger, and Maitreya on the side is in a hurry.

Seeing that Inuyasha is about to cut the demon in half, as long as the demon dies, Inuyasha will become a new demon, and the final benefit will be Naraku.

Stop Inuyasha! Don't kill it!

Maitreya shouted, about to open the wind cave regardless of the miasma, and just as soon as it was about to strike, a demon-breaking arrow shot out, carrying a pink purifying light.

Shot at the body of the knife with broken iron teeth, the blade rebounded, and the devil-breaking arrow rushed straight to the top of the cave.

The iron teeth changed back to their original form, and Inuyasha looked in the direction where the arrow was coming from, "Orange... Kikyo! "

Kikyo is holding a changing bow, it is obvious that she shot an arrow just now, isn't Kikyo unconscious? Why....

Without waiting for Inuyasha to speak, the enchantment seal at the top of the cave was broken, the demon art was liberated, and the cave suddenly trembled, and a suction force came from the top of the cave.

The flesh and blood of the broken corpses of the monsters in the cave flew towards the top of the cave, the seal was broken, and the evil qi rushed out, rolling everyone at the bottom of the cave into the sky.

In the minced flesh of the demon corpse, Inuyasha grabbed Gowei's hand, Kikyo frowned, lying motionless in the demon corpse, she wanted to see what Inuyasha would do.

The evil qi demon rushed towards a person, this person Inuyasha did not know, but the smell from him, Inuyasha knew as soon as he smelled it, this person was Naraku!

The demon was very unwilling to be devoured like this, roaring and grabbing it with a claw, Naraku raised the stage slightly, the corners of his mouth raised, like looking at a clown.

The demon art was arranged by him, and now to recycle the results, Naraku can be said to be the god of the demon demon, and all the demon corpse flesh and blood are absorbed by Naraku one by one.

The injury of the body was already over when the demon entered the body, well, the mortal flesh of the Yin Dao also changed after the demon entered the body.

The new body, in the shape of the shadow knife and the demon demon as the foundation, this demon body gathers countless demon moths and becomes more powerful.

Looking at Naraku's intact body, Inuyasha was shocked: "The body that was shattered by Gewei is actually intact under the demon magic!"

Naraku snorted coldly: "Do you think my body was shattered by her?" Hehe... Break into my sealed cave, Inuyasha, you too can be a part of my body.

However, that woman broke my seal! But thanks to her blessing, I still got a new body smoothly,"

Ge Wei looked angry when he heard this, and Naraku's words could stir up discord between Inuyasha and Kikyo: "It's not like this! A sucker! The reason why Kikyo breaks the seal! To protect Inuyasha, of course!

Naraku swept away his cold eyes and picked up the unconscious Kikyo: "It seems that this woman is the Kikyo who followed you to death 50 years ago." "

I heard that 50 years ago, Inuyasha was angry, if it weren't for this guy in front of him, 50 years ago, how could he and Kikyo have a misunderstanding!

You bastard! Get your dirty hands away! Don't touch the bellflower!

Inuyasha rushed out in anger, pulled out his knife and slashed, what he didn't expect was that an enchantment appeared in front of Naraku, and the iron shattered on it, not only failed to cut, but made Naraku spew miasma and forced him to retreat.

Naraku had just obtained a new body, and was not yet familiar with the changes in the demon body, so he could only flee first.

Looking at the flying Naraku, Inuyasha gritted his teeth in hatred, and Kikyo was still holding it in his hand! Once again, he failed to protect Kikyos!

In the sky, Naraku pondered in his heart: "If Kikyo really wants to save Inuyasha, instead of breaking the seal, it is better to shoot the demon directly, but she insisted on breaking the seal and gave me Naraku's new body..."

Naraku was puzzled, he didn't know what Kikyo's purpose was, back in the city, Naraku knelt beside the unconscious Kirito.

Kikyo... What exactly do you want to do....

When Naraku frowned and pondered, Kikyo's voice suddenly came: "You are really a monster here, ghost spider." The

ghost spider three definite falls, Naraku's face does not wave, but there is a shock in his heart: "Hmph! Ghost spiders? A name I miss so much... 50 years ago, was you rescued a thief who hid in a cave and was dying?

Naraku said slowly, while Kikyo sat on the tatami, looking at him expressionlessly, just staring at him with a pair of eyes.

The dead soul in Kirito's body was no longer enough to support her actions, and Naraku used the miasma enchantment to prevent the entry of the dead soul worm.

In order to contaminate Kirito, the guardian of jade, Naraku puts in a dead soul worm, kills the dead soul worm, and shoots the contaminated four soul fragments into the dead soul.

The blue dead soul instantly turned dark red, and seeing the dark red dead soul, Kikyo had already guessed what Naraku wanted to do.

At the moment when the dead soul insect was killed by Naraku, Li Fan, who was a hundred miles away, frowned and looked into the distance: "How can Kikyo be with this guy Naraku..."

With the speed of the Yan Hoof, it only takes half an hour to arrive, and before Li Fan could fly far, he saw Inuyasha and his group, which made Li Fan puzzled.

Inuyasha and his party actually chased a group of poisonous bees, and before Li Fan could ask, several people entered a fog.

Li Fan paused, looking at the fog in front of him, he could feel the breath of the bellflower: "This woman is also there?" What tricks does she want to do this time..." Li

Fan was interested, he was still very happy to watch Kirito's performance, and rushed into the fog, and Li Fan found that it turned out to be a fantasy.

As a demon king, the illusion under the bellflower cloth was naturally ineffective against Li Fan, looking for the breath, and the corner of Li Fan's mouth twitched.

This woman... Be ruthless, and even dare to make a move on your own reincarnation....

Below, Kikyo held a longbow in his hand and shot an arrow at Gewei, and the arrow grazed Gewei's cheek, cutting a bloodstain.

The arrow landed on the ground, breaking a big gap, and Ge Wei fell very naturally.

Only it didn't fall completely, and Kikyo asked her to grab a tree root and hang it half-in the air.

Slowly said that Naraku wanted to manipulate her with the contaminated Four Soul Fragments, and when Ge Wei thought that Kikyo wanted to save her, Kikyo did not hesitate to snatch the Four Soul Fragments she collected.

A tree root led Ge Wei into the abyss, and the expression on Kikyo's face changed, from cold to warm for a moment, and said with a slight smile: "Li Fanjun, peeping is not a glorious thing."

Li Fan looked disgusted, withdrew the enchantment on his body, and slowly fell on his hoof: "I said that your face has become too fast, shouldn't you have learned to change your face?"

Kikyo looked at the four soul fragments in his hand and spoke, "Change face? Do you still have to learn?

Li Fan frowned, and said solemnly, "Are you going to hand over all the four soul fragments to Naraku?" "

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