Kikyo nodded: "Since he wants to get the Four Soul Fragments so much, then I'll give it to him and help others, right?"

Li Fan looked at the harmless pure smile of the boy beast, and with a burst of contempt in his heart, he glanced at her and said, "You will be so kind?" "

So I am such a person in Li Fanjun's heart? It's so disappointing....

Kirito's face changed when he said it, and it was fine just now, but it instantly turned into a pitiful look, which Li Fan couldn't stand the most.

A pair of eyes still have moisture, as if she has suffered a lot of grievances, people who don't know still think that she was bullied by Li Fan.

Li Fan shivered, this woman, definitely learned what charms!

Without waiting for Li Fan to speak, a demon qi approached, and there was a rush in the demon qi, and the moment the demon qi appeared, the corners of Kirito's mouth rose, and he glanced at Li Fan: "Li Fanjun, it seems that you have been misunderstood."

Li Fan was stunned, not understanding what the bellflower meant, and when he was about to speak, a sword light came straight out: "Bastard!" What do you want to do to Kikyo! "


Li Fan frowned, damn Inuyasha! Pull out the knife without knowing anything! And Kikyo! You are definitely intentional!

Inuyasha broke away from the illusion and was looking for Gewei and the others, but he didn't expect to see Kikyo, just Kikyo's expression.

A pitiful, aggrieved look, in the fog, although Li Fan's back is somewhat familiar, no matter who it is, dare to bully Kirito, he will never agree.

Drawing a knife on the spot, Li Fan really wanted to beat Inuyasha, but he still held back, dodged away, and stared at Inuyasha with a gloomy face.

Afraid that Kikyo would be injured, after slashing out, Inuyasha flew over to Kikyo: "Kikyo, are you okay!"

Kikyo still maintained that pitiful look, just looked at Inuyasha, Inuyasha's heart twitched, and he thought that Li Fan had done something to Kikyo.

Suddenly furious, he suddenly turned around and glared at Li Fan: "Bastard! Who are you, do to Kirito... Li Fan!! After

seeing Li Fan's appearance, Inuyasha was stunned, Li Fan had a black face the whole time, looking at Kikyo's appearance of watching the play, and he was so angry in his heart!

Li Fan! Why are you here?

Li Fan didn't even look at Inuyasha, just blackened his face, glared at Kikyo, gritted his teeth and said, "What am I doing here!" You are inexplicably attacking me, is this going to war with me? The

words were said to Inuyasha, but the meaning was to fight back at Kikyo, which means, "If you don't come out to explain, I don't mind beating Inuyasha!" "

In the original plot, Inuyasha met Kikyo after finding Gowei, and I don't know if it was Li Fan's intervention, Inuyasha actually appeared in advance.

Seeing that Li Fan was really angry, Kikyo shook his head, his expression changed instantly, and with a villain face, he slowly took out the four soul fragments.

Inuyasha felt the sudden change in aura behind him, looked back, and was shocked on the spot: "That was... Gowei's Four Soul Fragments! "

A bad thought arises, Gewei's four soul fragments are in Kikyo's hands, is she...

Kikyo! Don't you even have Gowei....

Inuyasha didn't dare to say anything, he was really afraid that the words of Gowei's killing would come out of Kikyo's mouth.

Kikyo smiled evilly: "What's wrong Inuyasha, is that woman more important than me?" When

Inuyasha heard this, he thought even more that Gowei had encountered an accident: "Answer me! Kikyo! What the hell did you do to Gwei? Seeing

that Inuyasha cared so much about Gowei, Kikyo who was originally still acting, suddenly became upset, and said in a deep voice: "What would happen to you if I really killed her?" Kill me?

Inuyasha didn't know how to answer for a while when he heard this, the two women, both of them were people he liked, and he didn't want to see either one hurt.

Now, Kikyo said this, Inuyasha can only grit his teeth incompetently, he really doesn't know what he is going to do...

Seeing this, Kikyo sneered and spoke: "What did you hold back in your heart when you were killed by Naraku's phantom?"

Kikyo's words reminded Inuyasha that this was Naraku's game again! But why did Kikyo get twisted with Naraku? My heart....

Remembering the illusion just now, I went back to 50 years ago, and Kikyo ...

Inuyasha's phantom killing, Kikyo witnessed the whole time, remembering that in the fantasy realm, Inuyasha held his phantom and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely protect you."

Kikyo suddenly burst out laughing, she laughed at Inuyasha's arrogance, at his inconsistency, at his half-heartedness....

Li Fan was treated as air, looking at the evil smile of the bellflower that was extremely inconsistent with her, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the blackened bellflower was really evil.

Just as Li Fan was thinking about whether to raise a paw to prove his existence, Kikyo turned his head to look at him: "Li Fanjun, let's go." "

Wait Kikyo!

The dead soul insect flew and wrapped the bellflower towards the sky, Inuyasha stepped forward to stay, but was interrupted by Li Fan raising his hand: "I think, you should care more about Gewei, do you still want to chase the bellflower?" "


Li Fan's reminder, Inuyasha suddenly woke up, and there was still the breath of Gewei in the air.

Li Fan rode on the hot hoof and chased after Kirito, Inuyasha could only look at the distant Kirito, and before Kikyo left, he did not forget to stimulate Inuyasha: "I am waiting for the day when I go to the Yellow Spring with you." Leaving

Inuyasha's line of sight, Kikyo let out a long sigh of relief and looked sideways at Li Fan: "Li Fan-kun, do you want to go with me to see Naraku?"

Li Fan sat on the back of Yan's hoof and gave her a roll of his eyes: "I'll go see him?" Just kidding, what a thing he is!

Kikyo was stunned and said with a smile: "Yes, Lord Demon King, how could you go to see a half-demon." "

Just so you know!

Li Fan said angrily: "If I see him, I may not be able to help but chop him!" Dare to calculate on my head, no one can save him this time! Tired of living! "

Oh? Naraku turned out to be so bold?

Kikyo was slightly surprised, and after thinking about it, he teased: "It's impossible, a monster like Naraku, with Li Fanjun's strength, can anyone save it from you?" Could it be Yuluo? Looking

at Kikyo's smile and gossip, Li Fan was angry and snorted coldly: "What's the matter with you!" Yapo..."

Kikyo didn't know what Yapo meant, but he didn't praise himself, nor did he care, and ridiculed: "Could it be that Yuluo empathized and fell in love?" Poor Li Fanjun..."

Li Fan was furious when he heard this: "Close your stinky mouth!" If you don't talk, no one should be dumb! Faithless? Who in the entire demon world dares to think about Yue Luo! "

Also, who doesn't know that Yue Luo is a demon princess now, but this does not mean that Yu Luo does not dare to empathize and fall in love."

Kirito's words made Li Fan almost explode, turning his head to stare at Kikyo, and soon, Li Fan smiled and shrugged: "Let's not talk about whether my Yuluo will empathize and fall in love, but you, playing with the feelings of a pure love little monster, and losing to his own reincarnation, I don't know if it is considered a failure?"

Kikyo frowned, she didn't expect Li Fan to see her intentions so quickly, and she didn't know when she started, angering and ridiculing Li Fan became her hobby.

Only in front of Li Fan did she feel relaxed, and the fight with Li Fan was even more like an ordinary person.

That's right, I actually lost to my reincarnation, but it's okay, Inuyasha is just my pawn, as for Yura...

Kikyo showed the expression of her little daughter's family, looked at Li Fan mischievously, blinked her eyes, and said, "Li Fanjun, you really don't think about transferring resentment?" I can cooperate with your pursuit of me. "

Get out!

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