Under the turquoise moonlight, a swamp, which is the residence of an evil dragon, has been shrouded in evil dragon qi for many years, in the swamp.

From time to time, poisonous bubbles appeared, even the tenacious trees withered, and this area, for many years, did not see the sun, as if one by one.

At this time, there were two figures walking by the swamp, one tall and one short, it was the cold noble son Killing Pill and the little demon cover evil opinion.

Evil sees that he carries a human head stick on his shoulder, and is refused to create a killing pill with a good knife by Dao Daosai, and in order to snatch Inuyasha's iron broken teeth, he hears that there is an evil dragon living in the corrosive swamp.

The dragon claw is indestructible, and the purpose of killing pills here is for the evil dragon claw, I believe that with the characteristics of the evil dragon claw, it should be able to fight with the iron broken tooth a little.

In order to ease the atmosphere, the evil opinion began to chatter again: "I also know for the first time that this knife is also a relic of Ling Zun, what kind of demon power does it have?"

Killing Pill stopped when he heard this, remembering Dao Dao Zhai's words, his heart was unhappy, a knife that can only save people, what is he Killing Pill going to do.

If you have an evil opinion, it can be regarded as the sore spot of the killing pill, although I don't know the specific ability of the innate tooth, but this knife has tried it myself, and it can't kill people at all.

Do you want to know... Evil opinions.

The evil man obviously did not notice the strange appearance of the killing pill, and said with a proud face: "The two knives made with Ling Zun's fangs, when I think of what causes and conditions there are between each other, I feel so excited, these two knives are also like a pair of brothers." For

a moment, the evil man said the word brother without hindrance, and a murderous intent spread out behind him, enveloping him with death.

The evil face changed: "Ah! No, no, no! I'm not saying that Master Sesshomaru and that kid Inuyasha are brothers, I'm just curious why Young Master Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are brothers, no! The little ones just jue..."

Evil opinions!

The more Sesshomaru listened, the angrier he became, and it was okay if he didn't explain his evil opinions, but the more he explained, the more certain he became, while constantly reminding Sesshomaru that Inuyasha was his brother.

Hearing the voice of the killing pill, the evil opinion quickly shut up and stood upright: "Yes!" Just

as he turned to look at Orochimaru, as soon as he turned his head, he saw Orochimaru's hand resting on the hilt of Innate Fang, and a sense of death that had never been felt before hit him.

Evil Seeing People Are Stupid, Time seems to become very slow at this moment, Evil Insight just watched the killing pill pull out its innate teeth, slowly lift, and suddenly slash through.

The evil opinion finally realized that he was wrong, he should not mention Inuyasha in front of Sesshomaru!

The sword light fell obliquely, and the evil view could only shout: "Young Master Killing Pill..." The

evil view fell to the ground, and the place where it was cut was flickered, flashing with a strange light, killing pill looked at the evil view expressionlessly, and the breeze blew through.

Killing Pill calmly spoke, and the ability of innate teeth had been confirmed: "What are you doing, hurry up." The

evil view still thought that he was dead, and when he heard the words of the killing pill, he returned to the soul, and a carp stood up straight, touched his body, and looked confused: "I wasn't hacked in half, why?" Gangzi, didn't you come down with a knife? Killing

Pill raised the innate tooth in his hand and recalled the first words of the evil opinion: "Understood? This innate tooth is a knife that cannot kill people. Put

away the innate teeth, the evil view is still confused: "How so..." At

this moment, the swamp suddenly burst into the sky, the swamp was like boiling water, forming a whirlpool, and a cyan demon dragon soared into the sky.

A dragon groan rushed into the sky, and the evil saw that he forgot about being cut, and quickly hid behind the killing pill: "Wow! Appeared! "

The evil dragon appeared, Orochimaru did not pay attention to it, and after confirming that Orochimaru could not kill, Orochimaru was very puzzled:

Father, why did you give me Innate Teeth, but gave Iron Crushed Teeth to Inuyasha....

Seeing that the killing pill dared to ignore himself, the evil dragon suddenly became furious, and the dragon's tail flicked and pumped towards the killing pill, and the killing pill did not even frown.

One jumped up, the demon power turned into a poisonous whip, and the left and right whips turned into claws, and the evil dragon was effortlessly killed by the killing pill.

The dragon's claws are in hand, and it's time to go and crush the teeth for a while.

At this moment, a clap suddenly came from the rear. The evil opinion suddenly turned around: "Who is it!" "

It is worthy of His Highness the Killing Pill, and he killed this evil dragon in three or two strokes.

Killing Pill frowned, the corner of his eyes swept over the person, the evil view gripped the human head staff, a posture of attacking at any time, when he saw the person coming, the evil view glared: "It's you!!" I haven't been beaten enough last time, and this time I dare to provoke Young Master Killing Pill! "


Killing Pill also saw the appearance of the person who came, and his blue hair was particularly conspicuous: "It's you, Li Fan..." The person who

came was Li Fan, and the reason why he appeared here was because of the news from Snake Hime that near the corrosive swamp, someone had seen Yuluo appear.

As soon as I came here, I saw the scene of Killing Pill fighting the evil dragon: "His Royal Highness Killing Pill has a good memory, for so many years, you still remember me." Killing

Pill looked calm, but a flash of vigilance flashed under his eyes, Demon King Li Fan he had heard of it, but he didn't believe it at all.

A defeated subordinate, how can He De dare to call a demon king, not to mention, just a half-demon, ridiculous!

Attaching the dragon claw to his broken arm, Killing Pill was moving towards Li Fan: "Are you here to avenge the last arrow?"

Li Fan scratched his head and waved his hand: "I'm not here to fight, I'm here to find someone." "


Recently, there is a legend among the monsters about a demon king, that monster is also called Li Fan, known as the Heaven-Swallowing Demon King, I wonder how you are a half-demon and dare to claim the king.

Killing Pill's words were full of disdain, Li Fan rubbed his nose, embarrassed: "Maybe they can't beat me." "


Killing Pill's eyes flashed with a cold light, just worried that no one tried the power of the dragon claw, Li Fan actually sent it to the door, the demon qi exuded, and he waved the dragon claw and grabbed Li Fan.

Li Fan frowned, and he cried in his heart, why is it like this twice, I have to fight when we meet, I'm not Inuyasha, aren't you going to fight him, why are you looking for me....

The dragon claw broke through the air with evil qi, and the cold light on the claw blade made people know the extraordinary thing at a glance.

Li Fan dodged, and the speed of the killing pill was much faster than decades ago, when Li Fan was beaten without any ability to fight back.

Now it's different, decades of fighting have given him enough combat experience, not to mention the strength of the true immortals, Killing Pill is only just entering the ranks of the big monsters now.

Li Fan easily dodged, the killing pill missed a blow, the backhand was a whip, the poison whip reappeared, and a long blue light was drawn.

Li Fan wrapped his left hand with demon power again, reached out to grab the poison whip, the killing pill was expressionless, and a pair of eyes stared at Li Fan's movements.

The poison whip was caught by Li Fan, the killing pill was pumped back with one hand, the poison whip did not move, without too many thoughts, the killing pill attacked with the trend, and the dragon claw swung out, straight to Li Fan's face.

Li Fan dodged an iron plate bridge again, just like decades ago, kicked up, and Killing Pill still took a step back to dodge.

Then suddenly accelerated to grab Li Fan's neck, Li Fan had already prepared, and before he could straighten up, he backhanded four wind blades.

Killing Pill frowned, the dragon claw blocked in front, the wind blade hit the dragon claw, and the four impulses shook the killing pill back by three meters, Li Fan said proudly: "Do you still want to subdue me with the same move?" "


Killing Pill looked at the dragon claw that emitted a trace of light smoke: "It seems that over the years, your strength has increased a lot. "

That is!

Li Fan raised his head proudly, Killing Pill's eyes were cold, and he said coldly: "But... A half-demon is a half-demon! "

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