As soon as the words fell, the killing pill pounced again, the speed was obviously twice as fast, and a burst of killing intent spread out on the killing pill.

The evil view hid on the side, and his heart was shocked (Young Master Killing Pill was angry, the last time Young Master Killing Pill was angry, it was 50 years ago, when he went to war with the Ocelot family, but compared to this... When Young Master Killing Pill cut me just now... When

Li Fan saw that the killing pill attacked again, he also had a great fighting intent, suppressing the demon power between the big monsters, and fighting back and forth with the killing pill.

Every blow of the dragon claw carried a sound of breaking the void, and Li Fan wrapped his hands with demon power, colliding with the dragon claw, and after more than a dozen moves down.

Li Fan's hands are already numb, this evil dragon claw is already comparable to iron broken teeth, Li Fan does not use the blood dragon gun, and he will definitely lose after a hundred moves.

The killing pill has been pressing Li Fan to fight, and he is very satisfied with the power of the dragon claw in his heart, Li Fan's strength, and the killing pill is also secretly frightened.

With just one hand, he can collide with the dragon claw, his strength is by no means simple, but if his strength is only this, it really disappoints me....

Li Fan fiercely swung out four claws, the killing pill blocked with the dragon claw, and was also repelled by the impact force, Li Fan shook his head with a bitter smile: "It seems that I have to use the blade..." The killing

pill smiled slightly when he heard this, and said coldly: "Oh? It seems that you still have a hand, in that case, show your blade. Li

Fan stretched out his hand and shook it, the blood dragon was in his hand, a dragon groan came out, the blood-red spear body flashed red, and a devouring force loomed on the gun.

A flash of surprise flashed in Sesshomaru's eyes, and the gun appeared out of thin air? How did he do it....

Li Fan danced a gun flower, and the gun shadow flickered: "Long time no see, blood dragon." The

body of the blood dragon spear hummed, as if in response, and it seemed to be excited to be able to fight with the master.

Sesshomaru looked at one person and one shot, and inadvertently glanced at the innate teeth on his waist, Inuyasha had a knife that could kill thousands of youkai with a blow given by his father.

Li Fan in front of him also has his own blade, although he does not know the power, but the coercion transmitted from the gun body is definitely not simple!

What about yourself? A natural tooth that can't kill people, why is the father so partial! Even if the iron teeth are broken, even Cong Yunya, I don't know where to go, father... Iron Crushed Fang is like waste in Inuyasha's hands, and he can't exert the power of Iron Crushed Tooth!

The power of killing thousands of monsters with one blow belongs to the ability of iron shattering teeth to tear the wind! Wind Injury!

Li Fan saw that the killing pill was in a daze, and Gu Yi disgusted him, pointed the gun directly at the killing pill, and spoke: "Killing pill, pull out the knife!"

Orochimaru frowned, pulled out a fart knife, a knife that can't kill, has a fart use!

The heart thought so, but the mouth was hard: "A half-demon, I haven't been able to let me kill the pill and pull out the knife!" Let me see your weapons! "

The demon power should be mentioned, it seems that Li Fan's words made the killing pill move the real character, the speed and strength have increased by two, and the dragon claw is like an afterimage.

Grabbed towards Li Fan's heart, Li Fan picked the gun open, the killing pill poison whip reappeared, straight to Li Fan's face, Li Fan was shocked, if this is drawn, I am not going to be disfigured!

The gun swept with the tail of the gun, the poison whip was wrapped around the tail of the blood dragon gun, the corners of the killing pill's mouth were raised, and the poison whip was pulled with one hand, and the blood dragon gun was wrapped tighter.

Li Fan frowned, injected demon power, and was about to forcibly shake the poison whip, when a cyan dragon claw shot on the right side, with a strong sound of breaking wind.

Li Fan's blood dragon was entangled and could not swing flexibly, and seeing the dragon's claws coming, he could only take a big step and meet it with the tip of the gun.


With a crisp sound, the tip of the gun was deflected, and the killing pill hit the hand, released the poison whip, and turned into a poisonous palm and slashed down towards Li Fan.

Li Fan's heart was anxious, the dragon claw hit the tip of the gun, the power of the countershock was eliminated, and the killing pill turned into a knife, and the timing was just right.

In a hurry, Li Fan roared: "Blood dragon bullet!" The

tip of the gun suddenly bloomed with demon light, and a red demon bullet instantly formed, and the sudden sense of danger made Orochimaru startled in his heart: "What! "

I didn't hurry to cut off the hand knife, I withdrew and retreated, and the blood dragon bullet shot towards the killing pill that was retreating in a hurry, feeling the sense of oppression from the blood dragon bullet.

Killing Pill's brows furrowed again, his demon power soared, the poison whip reappeared, his body rotated, and the poison whip kept whipping on the blood dragon bullet in the rotation.

With each twitch, the blood dragon bullet will emit a boom, and in the blink of an eye, in the rotation, the killing pill has drawn dozens of whips, and the demon power of the blood dragon bullet has been dispersed by half.

The rest was less than the size of a fist, and it could not cause damage to the killing pill.


With an explosion, the killing pill grabbed the blood dragon bullet that shot with the dragon claw, seemingly easy, but in fact, the killing pill had tried his best, a series of changes.

Coupled with the forced withdrawal and forced lifting of qi, the killing pill at this time was already panting slightly, trying to suppress the chaotic demon power in the body.

Li Fan was also not happy, he also forcibly raised his qi, and the demon power in his body was also chaotic, panting slightly, hehe smirked: "How, how does my blood dragon bullet taste?" Killing

Pill's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "Blood dragon bullet?" Even my dragon claws can't be broken! "

Is it?

Li Fan smiled evilly: "Then try my blood dragon break."

Saying that, without waiting for the killing pill to react, the demon power around his body was injected into the blood dragon gun, and a dragon groan came out through the gun, and the blood light stained the ground red.

The huge dragon power rushed into the sky, Li Fan gripped the gun body, his waist exerted force, and a horse gun stabbed out: "Be careful with the killing pill, the blood dragon breaks!" "


A blood dragon rushed out from the tip of the spear, its face was hideous, and it rushed forward with its teeth and claws.

Long Yin shook the sky, and Orochimaru's face changed greatly: "Impossible!" Feeling

the horror of the blood dragon, Killing Pill gaffed in front of Li Fan for the first time, and under the crisis, Killing Pill's eyes suddenly turned red.

The corners of his eyes lengthened, his face changed, and a huge demon force came out of him, and the light soared, piercing people's eyes.

Li Fan was stunned, the light dispersed, and a huge white dog appeared in front of Li Fan.

The giant dog's fangs were exposed, drops of venom fell from its mouth, the ground was corroded, and the giant dog's eyes were staring at the rushing blood dragon.

There was a roar, and a poisonous light erupted from its mouth, and the blood dragon was wrapped in the poisonous light, emitting a burst of sizzling sounds, and a burst of dragon groans.

Li Fan looked at the killing pill that showed the body, and he was speechless for a while, just a competition, as for revealing the body... Didn't you see that the Blood Dragon Break didn't rush towards you?

Of course, Orochimaru knew that Blood Dragon Break's target was not himself, but as the son of a dog general, he had his pride, and Blood Dragon Break brought him a sense of danger.

For danger, the overlord way of the killing pill does not allow him to escape, he wants to kill the danger!

What is overbearing?

In the face of domineering, even if it is death, you must surrender in front of his killing pill!

There is no fear of existence, let alone death.

This! It is the Dao that Orochimaru pursues! Dominate the world, fearless Tao! In front of him, any obstacles will be cleared by him.

Dangerous? Still there! Is it still dangerous to kill all dangers?

Death? Does not exist! Surrender all death! I let you live, you shall not die!

This! It's overbearing! It belongs to the domineering way of killing pills!

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