15 years!

Li Fan was slightly shocked, and the woman smiled bitterly: "Since I was six years old, Naraku has appeared in our village and killed many villagers... And my master

..." Li Fan shook his head when he heard this: "With his personality, it's not strange to do these things..."

"You seem to know Naraku very well?"

Li Fan shook his head again: "I can't talk about understanding, he is just a clown in front of me." How did you get a vendetta against him?

The woman was silent for a long time, and shook her head: "I don't know, it should be because of my spiritual power, I heard the master say that my spiritual power is not inferior to the bellflower 50 years ago." "


The woman nodded and said, "Yes, in the past 15 years, he has been letting the monsters attack our village, making the villagers panic all day long, and I have also been disturbed by the monsters."

Li Fan took a serious look at the woman, and found that in addition to being cold, the woman's face was more helpless, and there were tears: "Take the liberty to ask, what do you call it?"

The woman got up and picked up the prayer tube: "My name is Hitomi."

"Hitomi !!" Li Fan opened his mouth wide, his pupils tilted his head with a puzzled expression, and looked at Li Fan: "You know me?"

Li Fan put away his surprised expression: "I've heard of..." No

wonder it's so familiar, it turned out to be Pupil, who was harassed by Naraku to death, calculate the time, Pupil should be short.

With her current situation of overdrawing her vitality, there are still a few months at most, thinking back on this poor girl's life, Li Fan very much wants to change her ending, but her vitality is overdrawn, and Li Fan can't do anything even if it is a true fairyland.

Remembering the plot, Li Fan spoke: "Miss Hitomi, do you know your physical condition?"

Pupil was stunned, and said with a bitter smile: "How can I not know, I can live for two months at most, without my protection, the fate of the villagers..."

Li Fan looked at the worry that suddenly rose on Pupil's face, and spoke: "Naraku's target is you, without you, the village should not be in danger, as an apology, I will guard your village for a while after you leave."

"Really!" Hitomi was overjoyed, with an innocent smile on her face, this smile, which has not appeared in 15 years, Hitomiko's life is sad.

Her fate, very similar to Kikyo, seems to be in this world. All powerful witches cannot escape the curse of misfortune, such as Kirito, Hitomi, Suiko, and the black witch Tsubaki.

"Yes." Li Fan nodded firmly: "However, in order to prevent Naraku from controlling the corpse after your death, I suggest that your corpse be buried separately, so that not only can the spiritual power be dispersed to guard the village, but Naraku cannot perform corpse control techniques." When

Hitomi heard this, a wry smile appeared on his face, he had guarded the village all his life, but he didn't expect that even death could not leave a whole corpse....

As soon as the thought arose, a trace of darkness suddenly arose in her clean heart, and because of this darkness, Hitomi was used by Naraku after her death.

I have to say that the world's correction power is strong, and Li Fan did not expect that he originally said it according to the requirements of the plot pupil.

It's just that two months in advance, it makes the pupil's heart dark, but Li Fan only knows one and not the other.

The same thing, deciding for oneself, and saying it from other people, is a completely different mentality, self-decided, that is resignation, righteousness! And what others say, that is, despair, unwillingness.

The great demon king pushed the plot again, causing Pupil to increase his strength greatly after being controlled, and he almost didn't slaughter Ge Wei and his group.

Pupil left, with the wound of the unfinished woman, and the complicated mood left, looking at the lonely and sad lonely shadow of Pupil, Li Fan shook his head and left with a secret sigh.

On the other side, Sesshomaru had found Inuyasha, to be correct, Iron Crushed Fang.

The result of the iron crushed tooth is not allowed to be touched by the killing pill, and the killing pill intends to subdue the iron broken tooth.

After getting the killing pill of the dragon claw, he grabbed the iron crushed tooth with one claw, and said in a deep voice: "Let's break it today!" As long as you can't see (the wind injury),"

he said, and his other hand turned into a poisonous claw and knocked Inuyasha back, Inuyasha was slightly shocked: "Have you got a newbie again!" Killing

Pill raised the dragon claw: "It's just a borrowed arm that can block the enchantment of iron broken teeth."

The coral on the side looked surprised: "That's the dragon's hand!"

Goku was puzzled, and Coral explained, "Much stronger than ordinary youkai's hands, but what does he want to do with that hand..."

Inuyasha didn't know about this, he was full of confidence in the iron tooth, and said disdainfully: "No matter what kind of arm, as long as you touch the knife once, it will already hurt a lot!" The

corner of Killing Pill's mouth smiled evilly: "It is worthy of being an iron broken tooth, even if you don't have a good master, you don't put the dragon's arm in your eyes."

But! Now that the user is recognized by the enchantment, why didn't he teach (Wind Wound)

Iron Broken Fang, tear the void, and let me see your true power! "

Sesshomaru didn't put Inuyasha in his eyes from beginning to end, his goal was always Iron Crushing Teeth.

Dao Daozai was shocked: "Wow... Sesshomaru can see the wound of the wind! "

Sesshomaru didn't care about Dao Daosai and the others, wielding the dragon claw, and fired a positive blow towards the iron broken teeth, and he didn't even look at Inuyasha.

He wants to subdue the iron tooth, and such a knife should belong to his killing pill, not to Inuyasha, who is a waste half-demon!

With one blow and flying, Inuyasha almost couldn't even hold the knife, there was a buzz from the blade, and seeing that the killing pill came again, Inuyasha could only raise the knife to block it.

Orochimaru hit the knife with every blow and repelled again, such a good chance, Orochimaru still did not hit Inuyasha, but crushed his teeth.

Inuyasha flew out with a knife and fell heavily to the ground, his iron teeth were trembling and buzzing, and Orochimaru's blow finally made Inuyasha see that something was wrong.

This guy's target is not me, this guy is fighting iron teeth!

Another blow, Inuyasha fell to the ground, Coral was in a hurry, and he was about to step forward to help, but Inuyasha refused.

Sesshomaru rushed out again, grabbed the iron broken tooth, and threw a punch, to his surprise, Inuyasha actually used his head to block the punch for the iron broken tooth.

The poison on the fist made Inuyasha blind for a while, and the iron crushed teeth felt the heart from Inuyasha.

Just as Sesshomaru jumped up and was about to deliver the final blow, the ability of Iron Crushing Fangs was activated, transmitting the feeling of demon qi back to Inuyasha's eyes.

Inuyasha, who was blind, blocked Orochimaru's blow with his moon knife again, and in another repulsion, the iron crushed teeth completely transmitted the demon vortex to Inuyasha.

In the two demon qi vortexes, in the continuous collision and grinding, a silk flash of lightning appeared, which was the grinding breath of the wind and the collision of demon qi.

The demon vortex collided with the breath of the grinding wind, creating a crack in the wind, which was the breath of the wind, and Inuyasha landed at the moment.

Slashing fiercely towards that crack, the storm of demon qi generated by the demon qi of the two in the collision was at the moment when the iron shattered teeth split the crack.

Through the crack, it became a catharsis, and the wind pressure was constantly compressing, absorbing the demon qi of the two people, forming an indestructible knife radiance, which was the wind injury!

The wind wound swung out, and the killing pill was hit head-on, and the blade formed by the huge wind pressure wanted to tear him apart, feeling the breath of death.

The wind wound cut through the pain in his body, and Orochimaru couldn't help but scream.

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