At this moment, Killing Pill's waist has been used as an ornament, and the waste knife that Killing Pill thinks is born with teeth!

Suddenly, a black light lit up, enveloping the entire person of the killing pill, disappearing in a powerful tear, the light of the wind wound dissipated, and the ground was cut out of six cracks of different lengths.

After this battle, the iron crushed teeth were knocked out of many pits by the dragon's claws, and the crisis disappeared, Inuyasha cleaned his eyes by the river, and Dao Sai was forging iron broken teeth for Inuyasha.

When everyone was proud, Dao Daozai sarcastically: "In the battle just now, Tiansheng Tooth saved the killing pill.

Several people were puzzled, it was clear that the killing pill was torn to the point that there was no slag left, and under the injury of such a powerful wind, it was impossible for the killing pill to escape.

Ignoring everyone's ignorance, Dao Daosai said, "Inuyasha, you didn't feel the touch of cutting the killing pill just now. "

Inuyasha is unwilling, but Sesshomaru can escape, he is still a little relieved in his heart, after all, he is his own brother...

In his mouth, he said: "Well, that guy's breath disappeared from the light of the iron broken teeth, not blasted out, but as if it suddenly disappeared..." Li

Fan was walking in the forest, thinking about Yuluo's affairs in his mind, and when he was thinking about it, a black light suddenly fell in front of him.

Li Fan was shocked, looked up, the black light disappeared, revealing a man in white, seeing the man's face, Li Fan was stunned: "Killing pill!?" Looking

at the embarrassed Orochimaru, Li Fan shook his head, it seemed that he was with Inuyasha... No, it was fought with iron broken teeth, and it was chopped here by the wind injury.

Walking to the killing pill, looking at the killing hall in a coma, Li Fan probed his nose, and there was qi, he couldn't die....

At this moment, Orochimaru's weak voice came, although weak, but still cold: "Do you think I'm dead?"

Li Fan quickly withdrew his hand and said with an embarrassed smile: "That, the weather is good today, sleep lazy, the forest is a good choice." "


Sesshomaru frowned, and sat up hard: "Do you want to take advantage of my injury?" "


Li Fan looked at him puzzled: "Why should I make a move on you?" We are not enemies.

Orochimaru was stunned, thought about it, it seems to be the same, the guy in front of him has always shot first, he has not taken the initiative to trouble himself....

Seeing that Killing Pill closed his eyes and did not speak, Li Fan asked knowingly and smiled: "That Killing Hall, what's wrong with you, who can hurt you like this?" Killing

Pill's face sank, and his eyes flashed murderously: "You underestimate me Killing Pill, I was just injured by a knife, as for people?" That's just waste! "


Li Fan looked surprised, but he was funny in his heart, obviously he was cut by Inuyasha, it had to be said that it was injured by iron broken teeth, and the arrogant killing hall...

It was my father's knife, and I always wanted to take it back, but it never picked me up and chose a waste.

Li Fan looked at the killing pill, remembered that the iron broken tooth was the guardian blade, and solemnly spoke: "Killing pill, do you have someone to protect?"

Sesshomaru was stunned, he had heard this, 200 years ago, his father had said the same thing to him, but, as a youkai, why should he protect the people!

In this regard, Orochimaru has always scoffed, his father died because he saved a human woman, which is enough to prove that the so-called guardian is so ridiculous!

I Orochimaru is a youkai, and it is impossible to protect humans!

Li Fan shook his head when he heard this: "Killing Pill, do you know what is the most powerful force?"

Orochimaru replied without hesitation: "Of course, it is a powerful force that can kill tens of thousands of enemies with one blow!"

Li Fan shook his head again: "Maybe you are right, but in my opinion, the most powerful force is love, or protection, because of the fear of loss, to protect, because of love, so to protect, love can make a person have infinite explosive power." "


Orochimaru turned his head and spoke with disdain: "I only believe in my own strength, what protection, what love, are all boring things, I don't need Killing Pill." Seeing

that the killing pill looked tired, Li Fan got up and left, leaving a few words before leaving: "Killing pill, I hope that one day, I can try to pick up someone, try to protect, anyway, you have no loss, you might as well try..."

Li Fan rode away on a hot hoof, killing pill closed his eyes and waded on the grass, his father's words, and Li Fan's words echoed in his mind.

The heart that never wavered was shaken at this time, and then sneered unconvinced: "Boring thing!" "

I don't know how long it has been, Killing Pill woke up from a deep sleep, to be precise, it was a sound of weeds turning to wake up, and Killing Pill under serious injuries was very vigilant.

In an instant, he got up and looked, his expression was hideous, it was a little girl, and Orochimaru returned to normal, and the little girl was startled.

Casually killing pills returned to their cold appearance, the little girl let go of her heart, saw that killing pills looked injured, and went to the river to bring him a bamboo tube of clear water.

Sesshomaru ignored it, the little girl turned to leave, and Sesshomaru looked at the tube of clear water, not knowing what he was thinking.

When night fell, the little girl came out of the woods timidly, did not bring a grilled fish and some mushrooms, did not speak, and quietly placed it in front of the killing pill.

Just as the little girl turned to leave, Orochimaru spoke, his voice still cold: "Don't do anything extraneous, human food is not to my liking."

The little girl paused and looked back at Sesshomaru, she had been living in the village where she was bullied since her father died.

The food she stole from the villagers' fish ponds, and somehow she felt a sense of intimacy when she first saw the killing pill.

Watching her parents being killed by thieves, she lost her ability to speak and could not even cry.

When she returned to the village and went to steal fish again, she was found and beaten by the villagers, she fell asleep hungry, and the next day, she held a few ears of wheat and sent them to the killing pill.

Without waiting for her to get closer, Orochimaru's icy voice came: "No need." The

little girl, thinking that he disliked this little bit of food, stepped forward and knelt on the ground, wanting to explain, but she could not speak, so she could only hand over the ears of wheat.

I said, I don't need anything.

The little girl was very upset, she was really useless, she couldn't even find enough food.

Just as she blamed herself, Sesshomaru spoke again: "What's the matter with the injury on her face."

The little girl was stunned when she heard this, and looked at Orochimaru stunned, how long had she not heard this concern, who cared about herself after the death of her parents....

If you don't want to say it, forget it.

Sesshomaru turned his head to look at the little girl, the little girl's heart was warm at this time, as if she had got the whole world, and the injuries on her face were no longer painful, looking at Sesshomaru, showing a long-lost happy smile.

When Sesshomaru saw her smile, his heart was inexplicably touched, and he covered it up coldly: "What's so funny, I'm just asking about your condition." The

little girl was happy, happiness wrapped around her heart, and she bounced back to her dilapidated house.

But in the house, there was one more person, and the little girl was a little afraid, but she didn't expect that her broken house would also be visited by thieves.

At this moment, a terrible howl suddenly came from the village: "There are wolves! O wolf! When

the thief heard this, he turned around and ran, and the wolves went straight to the thief, and it was clear that the wolves were here for him.

The little girl was afraid, the villagers were torn to death by the wolves one by one, the thief was chased by the wolves, and a humanoid wolf demon appeared and picked up a fragment.

After killing the thief, the wolves began to eat, and the little girl watched the whole time, remembering the scene of her parents being killed, and terror occupied her heart.

Sesshomaru's figure suddenly appeared in her mind, and the little girl turned and ran desperately towards the forest, with the wolves chasing after her.

That figure will definitely be able to save himself, as long as he gets to his side, he will be safe, hurry up... Hurry up again!

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