Early in the morning, Sesshomaru's injuries were already healed, and he went out of the woods, just in time to run into the evil opinion that came to look for him, as well as the two-headed youkai.

The breeze blew, the wind brought the smell of blood and wolves, and Orochimaru's eyes froze: "The smell of this blood is..." Thinking

of these two days, the little girl who wanted to take care of herself, Orochimaru looked for the smell, judging by the smell of blood, the little girl should have died.

But Sesshomaru still found it, and looking at the little girl's corpse, Sesshomaru was silent for a long time.

Evil Opinion came out from behind him: "What is that... Oops, it's already dead, it should be a wolf, bitten to death by a wolf. The

evil view felt that Young Master Killing Pill seemed to be coming towards this girl: "Young Master Killing Pill, do you know this human girl?"

Sesshomaru slowly stepped forward, quietly looking at the little girl, ignoring the evil words, the little girl's happy smile suddenly flashed in his mind.

At this moment, a certain feeling in his heart was touched, he wanted to save this girl, and together with the thought, the innate teeth around his waist inexplicably pulsated.

Slowly drawing the knife, feeling the feeling coming from the Innate Fang, Killing Pill looked at Tiansheng Tooth expressionlessly: "It was originally so..." The

pulse transmitted to him by Tiansheng Pill is a kind of power of the Eye of the Underworld, as long as the messenger of the Underworld is killed, it can save people from death.

Looking at the little girl, one by one, the messengers of the underworld went from blurry to clear, they came to take away the little girl's soul, and once the soul was taken away, the little girl was completely dead.

See... These guys are messengers of Hades....

Killing Pill came interested, and the legend of Innate Fang could save the lives of thousands of dead people with one blow: "Come and try, the power of Innate Fang." "

Try... Young Master Killing Pill, what did you just say!

The evil opinion was very surprised, after being slashed by the killing pill, he was very sad, and he always thought that the killing pill was trying the knife with him, but just now, the killing pill clearly said, let's try it.

In this way, my evil opinion is that I misunderstood the Young Master of the Killing Pill, I have followed the Young Master of the Killing Pill for so long, how could he test the knife with himself.

The killing pill raised a knife and chopped down, and the messenger of the netherworld was beheaded under the innate teeth, and the little girl who was originally lifeless, after the death of the messenger of the netherworld, suddenly had a heartbeat!

Evil views are stupid, he doesn't know what is going on, is this the power of innate teeth? The power to bring the dead back to life!!

Sesshomaru held the attitude of giving it a try, in order to feel more clearly, he actually half-hugged the little girl, and in his arms, the little girl's suddenly beating heart surprised Sesshomaru!

Watching the little girl slowly open her eyes, she saw the hell: "Live... Come to life! That, did Young Master Killing Pill save that little girl with his innate teeth..."

Killing Pill looked at the little girl quietly, and the little girl also looked up at Killing Pill, and after confirming that the little girl was really resurrected, Killing Pill got up, turned his head and left.

The evil view looked incredulous: "Young Master Killing Pill will actually save mankind... Although it surprised me, just now Young Master Killing Pill did say (let's try it)

" The evil opinion confirmed his guess even more: "I was really cut to test the knife!" Woo hoo... Young Master Killing Pill... The evil view is too sad..." The

little girl didn't care what kind of knife test, the killing pill really didn't let her down, he really saved himself and chased after him without hesitation.

The evil see is still pretending to cry, feeling that there is no one around, opening his eyes and seeing that the little girl has chased after her, Orochimaru actually saved her, it must have an extraordinary relationship, and cannot be favored by humans!

Young Master Killing Pill waited for me....

Killing Pill had already understood the power of Innate Fang, and he was very dissatisfied in his heart: "Hmph... Born Fang, let me save humans..." Due

to the sudden appearance of the wolves, Li Fan wanted to leave and turned back, but he still took a step slower and failed to save the people in the village.

Just as he was about to kill this group of wolves, Inuyasha and his party came, and with Inuyasha and his group, Li Fan chose to watch the play.

Steel Fang fought half of Inuyasha, and before the wind wound was launched, he fled very decisively, so angry that Inuyasha yelled.

Li Fan hid in the distance, shaking his head with disdain: "Inuyasha, who has not fully mastered the wound of the wind, is too weak..." Feeling

the breath of the killing pill, Li Fan turned his head and left, and the killing pill also sensed Li Fan's breath, standing quietly on the grass and waiting.

Li Fan and Yan Hoof suddenly appeared, the killing pill still looked cold, the evil saw that Li Fan's interests were known, and quickly hid behind the killing pill, and the little girl looked at Li Fan with a curious face.

The corners of Li Fan's mouth rose, and he glanced at the little girl with a smile: "What a cute little girl." Killing

Pill naturally knew the meaning of Li Fan's words, and said angrily: "Are you coming back for her?" "

No, no, no.

Li Fan hurriedly waved his hand: "I suddenly remembered a person, and I came back to tell you that there is a person, he is a disciple of Dao Dao Zhai, the skill of casting swords is no worse than Dao Dao Zhai, as long as you have special materials, I believe, he will be able to create a good knife for you." "


Killing Pill came excited: "Do you mean Gray Blade Fang?" "


Li Fan nodded: "He was once Dao Daozhai's apprentice, and he killed ten innocent children in order to forge the sword, so he was expelled from the division by Dao Daozhai. "

As for the materials....

Li Fan touched his chin: "You can keep an eye on Inuyasha's movements, and soon, I believe you will find the fangs that make your heart move."

Sesshomaru heard Inuyasha's three words, and his eyes flashed murderously: "What is your purpose?"

Li Fan smiled: "I just want to have a real fight with you, I believe, you think the same way." "


Killing Pill's face showed displeasure, and Li Fan's words completely angered him: "I will fulfill your wish!"

Li Fan waved his hand, and did not care about the killing pill's killing chance, and slapped his hoof: "Then we'll see you next time..."

Li Fan, who stepped into the air, inexplicably dropped a sentence: "Also, don't deny what you think, you will get unexpected power." Killing

Pill stared at Li Fan's back, his face angry (guarding?). Hum! I don't need a killing pill!

Li Fan returned to the village where he stayed, Kikyo watched the TV series with nothing to do, Li Fan had a black line on his face, and Kikyo was actually watching Diga Ultraman!

He was still very fascinated, and he didn't even know that Li Fan came in, and Li Fan said angrily: "I said you can't find something to do?" For example, picking some herbs or something.

Kikyo was stunned, and looked back at Li Fan in surprise: "When did you come back?"

Li Fan slapped his forehead, looking unloveable, a good cold witch, was crooked by the TV set he brought up.

With your acupuncture and tuina, my herbs are not used at all, and it is useless to pick them back.

Li Fan sighed, and Kirito's words left him speechless, and he could only grit his teeth and say, "You won't worry about your plan!"

Kikyo looked confused: "Plan? Isn't it going on now? Okay, you're busy, don't get in the way of me looking at Digga. "


As if remembering something, Kikyo didn't reply, "By the way, Naraku has been here, and he asked you to meet him at his castle." "

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