The huge demon qi exploded, Li Fan held Yuluo with one hand, and opened the enchantment with the other, and the wind blade hit the enchantment, and the enchantment did not even shake.

The one-handed void grabbed and led, and suddenly swung down, and the aftermath of the surrounding demon qi was dragged to the palm of Li Fan's hand, and with one swing, it turned into four claws and flew out.

Kagura also saw Li Fan at this time, and found that he had hit the wrong person, and he was a little apologetic in his heart, and when he saw Li Fan's attack, Kagura suddenly panicked.

Such an attack turned out to be the aftermath of the wind blade she emitted, and a youkai that could control the wind, and with Inuyasha's precedent, Kagura can now be said to be a frightened bird.

Seeing the claw wind blade coming, Kagura did not dare to be careless, the fan waved, and a wind appeared: "Dance of the dragon and snake!" A

wind-shaped vortex appeared, and in Kagura's backhand, it weathered into a whirlwind, like a dragon like a snake, crashing towards the four claws.

The claw was just swung out by Li Fan casually, and the power was not great, and it was blocked by the dance of the dragon and snake, but Li Fan's subsequent attack was not something that Kagura could block.

Li Fan was still holding Ji Luo, and after swinging his claw, he reached out and grabbed it, the blood dragon was in his hand, and he shot out without saying a word.

Blood Dragon Bullet!

The dragon groan sounded, the huge demon qi rushed into the sky, and the blood-colored light condensed in the gun dust, forming a demon force bomb.

Kagura's face changed drastically, what kind of youkai did he provoke!

When the blood dragon spear appeared, she felt dangerous, and the formation of the blood dragon bullet made her feel the danger of death, and she didn't have time to think about it.

Waiting for death was not her Kagura's style, mobilizing all her demon power, the fan slammed twice, and a stronger whirlwind appeared.

The whole room was trembling, the wind dragon swept the debris in the room, towards the blood dragon, Li Fan snorted coldly: "I don't know if I am dead or alive!" "

The blood dragon bullet collided with the wind dragon, and a powerful explosion occurred, the entire room was exploded, and Kagura flew upside down.

The powerful countershock force made Kagura spew out a large mouthful of blood, and she was seriously injured, and she was no longer able to fight, but the power of the blood dragon bullet had not disappeared.

After the explosion, the aftermath of the blood dragon bullet turned into a series of blood dragons and rushed towards Kagura, which was the secondary damage of the blood dragon bullet.

Like the Blood Dragon Break, both killing moves have secondary damage, which is a two-stage attack method created by Li Fan in order to counter Inuyasha's explosive breaking.

Kagura looked at dozens of blood dragons, rushing towards him with their teeth and claws, and the sense of death in his heart was even stronger, in the face of such an attack, even Naraku, he did not dare to take it easily....

It is my Kagura's honor to die under such a strong man....

Kagura, who thought so, slowly closed his eyes, and at this moment, a voice sounded like a heavenly sound: "Don't kill her!" Kagura

was wrapped in death, suddenly saw a light, opened his eyes, and saw that it was not someone else who spoke, it was actually a woman.

She had seen this woman, and Naraku seemed to be very jealous and respectful of her, as if it was called a rebellious knot.

Li Fan looked down at Yue Luo, for Yue Luo's words, Li Fan was very attentive, seeing that the blood dragon was about to tear the Kagura in mid-air.

Li Fan raised his hand and waved, controlling the demon qi blood dragon: "Disperse." The

blood dragon instantly turned into a little blood light in his "scatter".

The fight between Kagura and Li Fan was only a few short breaths, and Naraku and Goshin watched quietly from the side, their eyes full of fear.

Naraku didn't want to save Kagura, but he didn't dare, he couldn't, the person Li Fan wanted to kill, he Naraku didn't dare to ask at all.

What's more, he is not an opponent at all, and if he doesn't do it, he won't provoke Li Fan, what if he attacks himself again, he can only hope that Ji Luo can stop Li Fan.

In the end, Yura still opened his mouth to save Kagura, and Kagura fell to the ground, his face turned pale, and he spewed out a mouthful of blood again, looking at Yura's gaze, full of gratitude.

Li Fan stared at Kagura with a cold face: "There will be another time!" Die!

Kagura's body trembled: "Kagura doesn't dare, thank you for your mercy."

Li Fan snorted coldly and looked at the enlightened ghost on the side: "Do you want to give it a try?"

Wuxin Ghost sweated coldly and said respectfully: "Don't want to, don't want to."

Li Fan was very satisfied when he heard this: "Naraku, they are all your doppelgängers, so weak."

Naraku hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully: "The demon king said and smiled, in front of the demon king, everyone is weak. "

Demon King!

Kagura was shocked, and looked at Li Fan in disbelief, the person in front of him turned out to be the Demon King! No wonder Naraku is so respectful! That Yuro beside him....

Kagura suddenly remembered something, and his eyes straightened: "Demon princess!

Yura pushed Li Fan away, walked in front of Kagura, and helped her up: "Are you okay, why did you launch a martial attack on me?" Saying

that, he also looked at Naraku with great meaning, and Kagura was lifted up by her, looking flattered, and heard Yura's words.

Only then did he tell the process of fighting with Inuyasha, thinking that Naraku had pitted her, so he came back angrily, originally wanting to find Naraku to take revenge, but unexpectedly, in Naraku's room, it turned out to be Yuro and Li Fan....

It turned out to be just a misunderstanding, Yura was relieved, but Naraku was worried about it the whole time, afraid that Kagura would say that he ordered it.

Li Fan waved his hand: "I don't care what you want to do, and I won't interfere in your affairs, but!"

Li Fan spoke, glanced at Naraku and the others, and the murderous intent on his body radiated, and the power of the huge demon king crushed everyone's body.

"If you dare to attack Yuluo! I will make you unable to survive, unable to save death! Li

Fan nodded

, collected his momentum, and pulled up Jie Luo's small hand, and Jie Luo struggled for a while, still letting him pull.

The two re-entered a room, and only then did Li Fan speak: "Jie Luo, do you understand now?"

Although Yue Luo was unwilling, but the facts were in front of him, he nodded: "Then what do you want..."

The voice was very small, Li Fan smiled when he heard this, took her into his arms again, and said softly: "Don't worry, I won't let you have anything, don't interfere in the matter of the four soul fragments, believe me, I will let you really be resurrected." Yue

Luo struggled symbolically for a while, hearing Li Fan's words, feeling the temperature on his body, Yue Luo shed two pink tears.

This embrace is the destination she thinks about day and night, but it is a pity that she is just a dead man, a resentful spirit who is reborn by resentment against him....

Yu Luo's state of mind has changed, this is all thanks to the purifying light of the pupil, the four soul fragments have been purified a little, although they are still polluted fragments, but in this pollution, there is a trace of purifying light.

Feeling that his resentment was decreasing, he was ruthless, suddenly pushed Li Fan away, and his backhand was a knife, and this knife directly slashed through Li Fan's chest.

Blood splashed, Li Fan looked at the wound on his chest, he couldn't believe it, isn't it good? How is it again....

Jie Luo was holding the knife, his hands were trembling slightly, and he looked at Li Fan with teary eyes: "What is the use of you saying this now, I am already dead, it is a resentful spirit who is reborn with resentment against you!" Are you going to kill me? You roll! I don't want to see you again! "

Yueluo... I....

Get lost!!!

Ji Luo roared, and Li Fan was frightened: "Okay, good, I'll roll, don't be angry, I'll roll." Out

of the room, Li Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly, it seems that it still can't work, Yue Luo's resentment towards me is too deep....

Li Fan's eyes lit up, as if he had caught something: "It's not right!" "

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