There is a problem with Yura's words!

Li Fan frowned, rode on the back of Yan's hoof, and left Naraku's castle.

Recalling Jie Luo's expression, the more Li Fan thought about it, the more he felt wrong:

(Ji Luo should know something, I can clearly feel that her resentment has dissipated a lot, don't you want to leave the world?) Or do you mean Dead Soul Fragments?

She said I wanted to kill her? How could I possibly kill her, but wasn't my action killing her? Yuro is a resentment against me.

When she no longer hates me, she will dissipate in heaven and earth, and what I am doing is not to eliminate her resentment against me... Yuelo...

Li Fan's chest felt stuffy, an indescribable stuffiness, on the one hand, he really wanted to come back to him and complete the wedding that was not completed 50 years ago.

On the other hand, he couldn't let Ji Luo return to him, and the trick of fate made her have to resent Li Fan in order to stay in the world.

Compared with Li Fan, Ji Luo suffered more, obviously he loved Li Fan, but he had to hate him and hurt him, just to stay in the world and look at him more.

Li Fan seemed to understand Jie Luo's heart, Li Fan smiled, but this smile is uglier than crying, this is laughing, this is clearly crying.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Li Fan's heart was wounded, and at this moment, he felt his incompetence, even though he was already standing at the peak of this world.

But even his beloved could not be saved, Li Fan shed two lines of tears at the corner of his eyes: "Hahaha... What about True Fairyland!

Li Fan spewed out a mouthful of blood again, looked at the red-stained palm, and suddenly shook it, and a blood-colored light formed a sphere.


Li Fan looked at this ball of light formed by the blood of his heart, clasped it on his own heavenly spirit with one hand, and suddenly mentioned: "Ah! "

A soul with two horns, a face and a body covered with demon patterns was pulled out of the Heavenly Spirit by Li Fansheng.

This is Li Fan's demon soul, the soul left the body, or was it pulled out abruptly, Li Fan's eyes were red, and the pain of the soul withdrawal almost didn't make him pass out.

Gritting his teeth and panting, Li Fan sneered: "Based on the blood of the heart, cut the soul and divide the soul!" Saying

that, Li Fan's eyes flashed with a sharp color, and the blood in his heart turned into a long knife, and he suddenly slashed towards his demon soul.



A miserable howl came out of Li Fan's mouth, and his soul was cut in half, and Li Fan's cultivation in the Demon King Realm suddenly fell to the Great Demon Realm.

Gritting his teeth, Li Fan forcibly withdrew half of his soul into his body, and the other half was pressed by him into Jie Luo's body, a red comb.

After doing all this, Li Fan fell weakly on the back of Yan Hoof, and Yan Hoof flew towards the village where Li Fan landed.

Soul Splitting is a secret technique of the Heaven-Swallowing Clan, which is a blood knife formed by the blood of the heart, cutting the soul and splitting it into two, which is extremely painful.

The realm will also fall, but once the soul is divided, you can cultivate at the same time regardless of each other, and after fusing again, the realm will have a great improvement.

However, this secret technique has another use, that is, nourishing!

But this is a very rare use of the Heaven Devouring Family, and no one will be willing to nourish others and help others grow at the cost of their own realm falling.

But Li Fan did it without hesitation in order to form a soul, and this was the only way he thought of, at the cost of splitting his soul, to help Yue Luo's body transform into a flesh-and-blood person.

It's just that this process will be a little long, but Li Fan can't manage so much, as long as Yuluo is in the moment of dissipation, she will beat her residual thoughts into the body.

After the nourishment of the soul, I believe that it will take only ten years to take shape.

After Li Fan left, Yuro also took Snake Hime and left, leaving Naraku with him.

The outsiders were gone, Kagura's injuries recovered a lot, and Kagura was furious at the memory that he had almost been killed twice in one day.

This is all caused by this guy Naraku! Kagura stared at the side room, where she knew it was Naraku's true body.

Kagura rushed in with a scowl on his face: "Naraku!

Naraku was sitting on the ground, and when Kagura arrived, he had already guessed why, and said flatly, "Kagura, what do you want to do?" You, who escaped death twice, are you going to attack me? "

Strike at you!

Kagura became even more angry when he heard this: "This is all your calculation for me!" You didn't tell me about Inuyasha's demon knife ability!

Before I came back, you deliberately gave up the room to that powerful guy! Do you want to borrow my hand to test their strength!

Naraku slowly got up: "Can you tear the knife of the wind wound, I thought there was something great, you can escape back, it means that you are not as strong as you imagined." As for

..." Naraku shook his head: "His strength is too strong, the demon king is worthy of being a demon king, but..."

Kagura looked at Naraku angrily: "Knowing that he is very strong, you actually used me to tempt!" Naraku! You damn it! "

Kagura fanned in her hand and swung out a few half-moon wind blades, but unfortunately, she was injured, and Naraku just attached it to the epidermis with demon qi, and the wind blade was bounced off by his demon qi.

Naraku's clothes were cut off, revealing the spider mark on his back, and Kagura didn't really want to do anything to him, after all, he was just his doppelganger.

But even if it is a doppelganger, he must not let him calculate, Kagura's skill is more about expressing his position, telling Naraku that he is not a tool!

Naraku naturally saw Kagura's thoughts, reached out and slowly appeared a black bead, and with a gentle grip, Kagura covered his heart in pain.

Don't forget Kagura, you're just a piece of meat separated from me, and I can change you back whenever I want.

Moreover, your heart is in my hands and can kill you at any time!

Kagura is very unwilling, he is the messenger of the wind, and the wind is free! Now... Damn it!

Looking at Kagura, Naraku withdrew her mind: "Your sister is about to be born, go and prepare and show Inuyasha their abilities of your sisters." "

Wuxin Ghost is in the original play, it should not have been born at this time, but because of the chaotic entry of Yuluo and Li Fan, Wuxin Ghost was born early.

Naraku swept the Goshin Ghost at the door: "Goshin Ghost, you also go and prepare, the power of Kagura and Kagura is not enough to kill Inuyasha, you follow behind them and act when the opportunity comes." On

the other side, Inuyasha was discussing Naraku's affairs, and the spider mark behind Kagura, Inuyasha could see clearly.

Moreover, the smell on the body also belongs to Naraku, Shippo, this little fox is seeing Naraku, he does not understand, obviously Naraku is a man, why he became a woman.

Maitreya was knowledgeable and explained, "Naraku is an individual gathered by thousands of youkai, and imagine her as being separated from her body. "

Gewei: Yes, if you want to say that Naraku transformed himself, we don't know much about it.

Maitreya: Whether it is a man or a woman, it is originally Naraku, which is unacceptable to me.

When several people were discussing, a little girl in white clothes and white hair, expressionless, holding a mirror in her hand was approaching, she was another doppelganger of Naraku, Shen Wu!

Li Fan was taken back to the village by Yan Hoof, and when Kikyo saw Li Fan who passed out, she was shocked in her heart, with Li Fan's strength, she couldn't think of anyone who could hurt him.

After helping Li Fan into the room, Kikyo found that Li Fan was not simply injured, and couldn't help but say in horror: "The soul is incomplete!" Half forcibly withdrawn!! What the hell is going on! Naraku..."

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