Kikyo didn't know what method Naraku used to suck half of Li Fan's soul away, and with her understanding of Naraku, this matter was definitely not simple.

Li Fan was kind to her, and was still the only friend she could make friends with, so she decided to go to Naraku and snatch Li Fan's other half of his soul back.

With a bow and arrow on his back, Kikyo laid an enchantment in the room and said to Yanhoof: "Yanhoof, you stay to guard Li Fanjun, I want to go out." Yan

Hoof nodded, and Kikyo headed towards Naraku's castle.

Entering the forest, Kikyo was full of thoughts about what method Naraku used to make Li Fan, who was as powerful as Li Fan, lose half of his soul...

After walking for half a day, the sun goes down, Kikyo is half lying on the tree to rest, it is dangerous to rush at night, and there are many yokai in the forest that will appear at night.

In order not to startle the snake, Kikyo did not rush to the night, and in the middle of the night, Kikyo suddenly felt a demon qi approaching, opened his eyes and looked quietly.

A little girl with white hair, holding a strange mirror in both hands, followed by Naraku's poisonous bees, Kikyo looked at the little girl flatly.

The little girl also saw Kikyo, neither of them spoke, for a long time, the little girl Meki left, Kikyo frowned, she felt the breath that belonged to Naraku.

When the little girl walked away, Kikyo quietly followed, and late at night, Kikyo saw the little girl on a tree fork, and the little girl actually learned herself, half leaning on the tree fork.

The mirror in her hand gave Kikyo an extremely strange feeling, unspeakable, it seemed to have a strong vitality, but it was incomplete, it seemed to be a replica...

The little girl exudes Naraku's breath, is this a doppelganger of Naraku?

Kikyo thought so, it was related to Naraku, what did she want to do? Kikyo decided to watch quietly.

The little girl was like a corpse, her expression did not change except in the mirror, and her goal was clear, it was a village.

Kikyo followed all the way and felt the breath of the Four Soul Fragments (Could it be that her target was the Four Soul Fragments?). This breath is... The four soul fragments on that girl's body... Is

the target Inuyasha?

The corners of Kikyo's mouth rose: "Naraku, what exactly do you want to do, arrange this doppelganger who doesn't have much power to go, are you going to steal?"

But Kikyo thought too much, and the little girl quietly came to a house outside, and the mirror in her hand pointed at a girl, who was Xiaoharu who was adding wood to Maitreya and boiling water for bathing.

The mirror emitted a soft light, sucking out Koharu's soul, and Kikyo watched from a distance, his eyes showing shock: "This is!" Could it be that she sucked half of Li Fanjun's soul away!

Koharu fell to the ground, but quickly got back on her feet and continued to go about her business as if she hadn't seen the little girl.

Kikyo didn't plan to strike now, she wanted to see what the hell was going on with this little girl.

After the little girl sucks Koharu's soul, she leaves, sucking the souls of everyone in the village into the mirror and controlling their movements.

He returned to the house where Inuyasha and his party were, and while Inuyasha and the others were eating, the little girl controlled the villagers.

Taking farming tools, he came to besiege Inuyasha's people, and with one move, he transferred Inuyasha and Maitreya, two high-ranking people.

The little girl used the characteristics of the mirror to bounce back the coral's flying bone and seriously injured it, and the remaining Gewei was also held by Koharu and sucked his soul.

In order to have enough time, Kagura also appeared to join the time of the two of Inuyasha and Maitreya.

Seeing Kagura's appearance, both of them were taken aback, and with the protection of the villagers, neither Inuyasha nor Maitreya dared to use killing moves.

Kagura, who thought that the victory was in hand, said very arrogantly: "Now that woman named Gewei, her soul has also been sucked away." Hearing

Kagura's words, Inuyasha exclaimed, "What did you say!

Maitreya also exclaimed: "That is, there is also a monster!"

Kagura didn't answer the two, last time she was injured by Inuyasha's wind injury, she was really upset, she was a messenger of the wind, she was actually injured by a half-demon with the wind injury, and her face was gone!

Okay, show your iron teeth, Inuyasha. This time it's not as simple as last time!

Kagura's provocation, Inuyasha didn't listen to it, thinking only of Gowei.

What's wrong Inuyasha, are you scared?

Kagura's provocation again, Inuyasha knew that he could not hide, turned to Maitreya, "Maitreya, you quickly go back to Gowei." "

What about Inuyasha?

Maitreya was a little worried, after all, he was facing Kagura, and it was difficult to say whether the wind wound could be activated or not.

Inuyasha's face was heavy, and he pulled out his iron crushed teeth: "Do you still need to say it!" Solve this stinky woman, of course! "

Seeing Inuyasha draw the knife, Kagura doesn't talk nonsense, her purpose is to get Inuyasha to pull the knife.

Dance of the Wind Blade!

The wind blade slashed towards Inuyasha one by one, the time was urgent, Inuyasha blocked the wind blade, roared Maitreya away, and Kagura did not stop it.

It's useless for you to go now.

With the villagers present, Inuyasha can only block the wind blade with a knife, and does not dare to swing the knife, Kagura has no fear, but he can't prevent it.

Ge Wei fell to the ground, the little girl Shen Wu was still sucking Ge Wei's soul, and Shen Wu was still expressionless.

Shippo tried to stop it, but it was useless, and was bounced off by the power of the mirror of Godless.

Ge Wei is not a person of this era, Shen Wu sucks very slowly, plus there is still the residue of Ge Wei's soul on the bellflower, no matter how much the mirror sucks, it cannot completely absorb light.

Soon, the mirror no longer absorbed, but also overflowed the soul, and Shen Wu's expression finally changed, slightly surprised: "Can't suck her soul..." Shen Wu,

who did not believe in evil, slowly walked towards Gewei: "But... She can't move anymore... Gowei's Four Soul Fragments... Give it to me. Slowly

stretching out his hand, Ge Wei's soul was sucked away by half, already very weak, seeing that she wanted to snatch the four soul fragments, Ge Wei forcibly sat up and opened his bow to take the arrow.

She didn't shoot an arrow, she gritted her teeth deadly, so she knew that with the current state of her body, she couldn't kill the monster in front of her with one arrow.

Just to deter and tell the other party that he is not powerless to resist!

Shen Wu's expression changed again: "She can still move..."

At this moment, Maitreya arrived, Shen Wu turned around and left, Ge Wei sighed in relief, and fell down again, she is now very weak.

Kikyo watched quietly in the dark, ready to strike at any time, she was aiming for the mirror of Godlessness, and she was already sure that half of Li Fan's soul was sucked away by her.

On the other side, Inuyasha was getting farther and farther away, already separated from the villagers, Kagura kept shouting, Inuyasha was obviously not well injured.

She was even more presumptuous, Inuyasha stared at Kagura, the injury of her right hand was indeed not good, only the power of one blow, although only the power of one blow, but it was enough to deal with Kagura!

Kagura seemed to see his thoughts, and turned the Dragon Serpent Dance into a tornado and headed towards Inuyasha.

Kagura secretly shouted in his heart (Hurry up and use your wind wound, aren't you familiar with wind wounds?) Use it now.

Kagura felt Kaminu's approach, unleashing a storm of demon qi, Inuyasha felt the demon wind, but the swirling wind could not feel the collision of the demon qi at all.

Kagura smiled evilly, slightly receiving a small half of the demon cyclone, and on the induction of wind injuries, ten Inuyasha could not compare to one Kagura.

Sure enough, when Kagura received a small half of the Demon Qi Storm, the breath of the wind wound was captured by Inuyasha, although it was only for a moment, but it was enough for him to wield the wind wound.

Although he wondered why Kagura's demon wind had weakened, he couldn't care so much, and at the moment a wind injury appeared, Inuyasha suddenly drew his knife.


See what?

Wind Injury!

Are you going to cut?

It's where!

Seeing that Inuyasha really cut the wind wound, Kagura smiled, and at the moment when the wind wound appeared, Shinmu appeared.

The wind wound was bounced back, and Inuyasha was shocked: "Impossible!! "

At this moment, a demon-breaking arrow shot from a distance, and Kagura, Shinmu, Inuyasha, Maitreya and others were shocked!

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