The Devil-Breaking Light shot through the wind wound that bounced back, and Kikyo came slowly.

The wind wound that originally bounced back would severely injure Inuyasha, and then Naraku would fall from the sky.

Now, Kikyo's shot, Naraku, who was hiding in the shadows, was taken aback.

The Devil-Breaking Arrow shot straight into the mirror in Kamimo's hand, and Inuyasha suddenly turned around when he saw the Devil-Breaking Arrow, thinking it was Gowei, and found that the person who came turned out to be Kirito.

At the same time of surprise, she was also wondering why Kikyo would suddenly help herself, she obviously snatched the four soul fragments of Gewei and handed them into Naraku's hands. He didn't understand what Kikyo was trying to do.

The gods and demons didn't have so much time to think about it, the devil-breaking arrow was fired, Kagura didn't have the ability to counterattack, and the gods were faceless and expressionless.

Push out the mirror in your hand, the arrow of breaking the demon shoots straight into the mirror, and the powerful purification power is not something that the mirror can rebound.

Originally, in the plot, it was an arrow shot by Gewei, but now, it has been replaced by Kirito.

The mirror only blocked the arrow for a short while, and then it was broken by the powerful spiritual power of the bellflower, and the souls in the mirror flew out of the mirror one after another under the spiritual power of the bellflower.

Shen Wu held the mirror, and the devil-breaking arrow shot directly into the mirror, releasing the soul inside.

Kagura exclaimed, "Shinno! What's going on! Why not bounce back!

Shen Wu looked at the flying soul blankly, and his hands were trembling slightly: "The spiritual power is too strong to rebound, and the soul in the mirror has been released." "


Kikyo walked slowly, without looking at Inuyasha, and looked at Shen Wu faintly: "Was Li Fanjun's soul taken away by you, return it!"

Kikyo pulled the bow again, the target was Shen Wu, Kikyo's words were very informative, and Naraku could hear it clearly through the doppelganger.

Li Fan's soul was sucked away?

Naraku was overjoyed when he heard this, Li Fan has always been an existence that he did not dare to provoke, but now, his soul is sucked, although he doesn't know who did it, but it is a good thing for him!

As soon as the sky darkened, a miasma whirlwind rose up into the sky, and a powerful evil aura shrouded everyone's heads, and Kikyo frowned (Naraku!).

Naraku, who did not dare to appear for a long time, fell from the sky at this time, and Naraku's appearance made Kagura breathe a sigh of relief, after all, the woman in front of her, she and Shen Wu could not deal with it at all.

Maitreya saw Naraku appear and ran behind Kikyo: "Miss Kikyo."

Kikyo glanced at Maitreya, and Naraku looked at Kirito quietly: "You just said that the demon king's soul was sucked away?" Kikyo

was shocked when he heard this, knowing that he should have misunderstood, and also told Naraku about the loss of Li Fan's soul, and with Naraku's character, he definitely wanted to attack Li Fan!

Naraku, can't you help but make a move?

Kikyo pretended to look at a clown-like expression, and Gu Yi said excitedly: "He is in the village now, you can go to the trial, but..."

Kikyo smiled evilly: "I suggest that you go as a doppelganger, after all, if he kills you, no one can save your life."

Naraku frowned, Kikyo's words were obviously provoking himself, but Li Fan was indeed lost in soul, but he didn't know if he was still alive.

According to Kirito's words, Li Fan should be fine, since it's okay, why did Kirito look anxious just now?

Naraku frowned again (whether he is dead or alive, and does he still have the ability to kill me...). How

, are you afraid? Naraku.

Kikyo was still smiling evilly, looking at Naraku like looking at a dead person, and Naraku was very unhappy with her eyes.

Gowei's soul returned and returned to normal, picking up Inuyasha, who dragged his severely injured body and looked at Kikyo blankly.

The corners of Naraku's mouth suddenly rose and said, "Inuyasha, I looked up to you, I only sent out two doppelgangers, wind and nothing, you became like this." "


Inuyasha gritted his teeth, Kikyo was relieved in his heart, it seemed that he had deceived Naraku, but who had taken half of Li Fanjun's soul away....

Naraku took out the Four Souls fragment from his arms, and now the Four Soul Fragment was almost complete, looked at Inuyasha, and said:

"How, isn't it surprising to see that the Jade of the Four Souls is about to be complete, this is also thanks to Miss Kikyo, if it weren't for her, how could I have collected so much so quickly."

Naraku was obviously stirring up discord, and even began to plant in front of Kikyo: "There is a woman who wants to borrow my hand and kill Inuyasha.

Inuyasha was shocked when he heard this, and he couldn't believe it, and Maitreya was also shocked to take a few steps back, looking at Kikyo with vigilance in his eyes.

Kikyo did not speak, looking at Naraku with a cold face, Naraku saw that his provocation took effect, and sneered: "Now, you are helping Inuyasha to stop me, Kikyo-sama, what do you mean?" Hearing

Naraku's words, Inuyasha and his party confirmed their conjecture and couldn't help but look at Kikyo in shock.

Kikyo suddenly burst out laughing: "Naraku, you still like to play intrigues, and you will always be a bedbug that cannot see the light."

Naraku was also not angry, and put away the four soul fragments: "Oh? Didn't you hand over the Four Soul Fragments into my hands? Ge

Wei quietly listened to the conversation between the two, although Kikyo snatched her own four soul fragments, but if Kikyo borrowed Naraku's hand and killed Inuyasha, she would not believe it!

Inuyasha's heart for Kikyo has not changed, he likes Kikyo very much, and Kikyo must also like Inuyasha, Naraku this guy, is definitely sowing discord again.

Disgusting guys! Unforgivable! A guy who plays with people's hearts and makes those who love each other kill each other! Disgusting!

Ge Wei glared at Naraku viciously, she was angry, really angry, drew an arrow and took a bow: "Naraku! Put away your disgusting face! What sow discord is enough once! Go to hell! "


Inuyasha looked at Gowei's side face and saw the tears in her eyes, (Is Gowei crying...) Because of me and Kikyo ...

An arrow came, Naraku did not dare to be careless, turned into a miasma whirlwind and flew away with the two Kagura sisters, Kikyo suddenly intervened, it was impossible to kill Inuyasha.

What's more, he accidentally got the news that Li Fan lost his soul, compared to Inuyasha, Li Fan is his big trouble.

Although I don't dare to verify it, there is one person who can, once it is confirmed that Li Fan's soul is lost and he can't afford to be seriously injured, I will go and swallow his demon king power!"

Naraku left, the whole village returned to normal, only Inuyasha and Coral were seriously injured, Kikyo looked back at Inuyasha, did not speak, turned and left.

Kikyo... Wait... A moment....

Inuyasha took the first two steps and fell to the ground, and Kikyo didn't reply: "Inuyasha, your life is mine, protect it well, wait for me to come and get it." "

Kikyo ....

Kikyo summons the dead soul worm, and the dead soul worm wraps around his body and lifts off to leave, Inuyasha watches Kikyo's departure, and faints in a fit of breath.

In mid-air, Kikyo frowned slightly (it wasn't Naraku who sucked out half of Li Fanjun's soul, who would it be...).

The next day, Inuyasha and his party casually found a place to recuperate, Maitreya was thinking about things in the tree, and Coral was still in a coma with serious injuries.

Inuyasha was hurt the most, and Kikyo's emotional problems were even more bruised.

In Naraku's castle, Naraku summoned Gohan Ghost: "You go and make some trouble for Inuyasha, drag them down, don't hurt me."

Kagura you will also go together, but your task is to find Yura, tell her about Li Fan's soul loss and serious injury, let her test the truth and fake, I believe she will be very happy to hear this news. "

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