Kikyo didn't go far, and Naraku's words made Inuyasha bury a thought in her heart that was unfavorable to her, and Kikyo must not let Inuyasha misunderstand herself.

Affected by the transfer of resentment, Kikyo must let Inuyasha and Jiyo wander between Go, and Naraku sparks discord this time.

It is quite possible to push Inuyasha completely onto Gowei, this is definitely not okay!

While Gowei and Maitreya are out collecting medicine, Kikyo lures Inuyasha with a dead soul worm.

Inuyasha saw Kikyo and opened his mouth to ask what he thought, "Kikyo, what do you want to do, did you really give the Four Soul Fragments to Naraku?"

Kikyo also did not hide it: "Given, it was to bury Naraku."

Inuyasha didn't understand even more: "What do you mean... Isn't Naraku's demon power stronger? Naraku created Kagura and Kamu no two doppelgangers, Kaze and Kaze no youkai. The

private meeting between Kikyo and Inuyasha happened to coincide with Kagura, who came to look for Yura, and the conversation between the two, she heard clearly behind the tree: "Inuyasha and the woman named Kikyo, it turns out that there is really a story..."

She had heard Naraku say that this woman named Kikyo was not simple, and she didn't know what purpose she was close to, but now Kagura seemed to know something.

Listening to the conversation between Kikyo and Inuyasha, Kagura sneered: "Want to kill Naraku? Let me test whether you have that strength! "

Inuyasha probably hurt so badly that he couldn't even smell my breath.

Kagura took out his fan, and the demon wind burst out, preparing to launch a sneak attack on Kikyo and Inuyasha.

Just a moment before she swung her fan, Kikyo suddenly got up and turned around and shot an arrow, and the powerful spiritual power scattered the demon wind she had just mobilized.

Sticking to her cheek and shooting at the trunk of the tree, Kikyo remounted the arrow: "The next arrow is your head."

Kagura didn't expect Kikyo to react so quickly, feeling the sense of death coming from the arrow, and Kagura flew away without hesitation.

It's not that Kikyo can't be killed, but Gu Yi let Kagura go, and all he wants is for her to go back and report the letter.

Naraku's demon power will become stronger and stronger.

Kikyo didn't look back and said, "Don't be killed by him, Inuyasha, your life before I remove Naraku and the Jade of the Four Souls in this world together... It's mine, and I won't give you permission to anyone.

Kikyo was gone, leaving Inuyasha with questions, but he finally knew, Kikyo hadn't changed, just that she had her plans....

Kikyo successfully aroused Inuyasha's heart for her again, which made Inuyasha and Gewei's relationship heat up a little, Kikyo suddenly came out of this out, making Inuyasha swing left and right again.

Goshin Ghost is a ghost demon separated from Naraku, with the ability to see through people's minds, and the speed is fast, and a mouth of ghost teeth is indestructible.

Naraku's order was for him to go and get some trouble for Inuyasha and his party, dragging them so that Yura had enough time to test Li Fan's situation.

Thinking of Li Fan, Wuxin Ghost shivered: "Naraku this guy is looking for death, such a powerful enemy dares to provoke, forget it, anyway, I don't need to go, eat something first and then go to find Inuyasha." "

In a village, the enlightened ghost suddenly appeared, looked at a few horses, and pounced without hesitation, and the blood and soul made him suck up.

The neighing of the horse attracted the attention of the villagers, and the arrival of the villagers disturbed the enlightened ghost who was eating horse meat, and did not wait for the villagers to run a few steps.

The enlightened ghost jumped behind the villagers and tore the two villagers in half in two bites.

Kagura, who fled from Kikyo's hands, just came to this village, sensed the enlightened ghost, and fell down, just in time to see this scene.

The first time he saw Goshin Ghost make a move, he was eating ordinary people, and Kagura was speechless in his heart: "Really, what's going on with this monster, can it only eat a lot..."

Kagura's heart shook (it laughed?) Does this guy really know how to read minds! My

name is Wuxin Ghost, isn't it normal to be able to read minds? Sister.

Kagura's face changed drastically: "You!

Goshin smiled strangely again: "It's not early, I'll go find Inuyasha for trouble when I'm full." "

The figure of the Goshin Ghost flickered in the village, and every time it appeared, it would take the lives of one or more villagers, and Kagura was behind it, watching the massacre with an expressionless face.

Kagura, who couldn't bear it, still couldn't help but speak, "Just let one or two children go."

The Gokushin Ghost was not happy when he heard this: "I told Naraku that I would kill all the creatures I saw, whether they were humans or animals.

Kagura snorted coldly, turned around and left: "I can't go on, you can do whatever you want." "

Goshin looked at a house and sensed the breath of a person, it must be the child Kagura said, the child's meat is very tender, it is a rare delicacy.

Just when Gohanshin was about to eat the two children, he suddenly heard a heart voice (bastard!). You killed so many people, let me cut off your head with one knife!" When

the enlightened ghost heard that someone was going to cut himself, his neck was raised, his body retreated and flashed this knife, and as soon as he stood firm, the voice of his heart sounded again (the hateful was avoided)

Scattered Soul Iron Claw!

Several claws flew over, and the Wuxin Ghost dodged away at high speed again, looking at the figure holding a knife in front of him, the Wuxin Ghost heard that heart voice again.

Looking at Inuyasha who stepped forward, he smiled and said, "You're still thinking, I dodged the iron crushing teeth, this monster is so big, and his skills can be so agile, right?" "

Inuyasha was shocked when he saw through his mind by the Goshin Ghost (this guy read my heart...

Humph! Yes, Inuyasha, I can read through other people's hearts, my sister Kagura and Shinmu, but before I was born, I laid the same thing on the groundwork.

Inuyasha gritted his teeth, a ghost who can read through his heart, his own skills will be seen through, but his mouth is disdainful: "A guy with a very good mouth, generally nothing remarkable!"

Inuyasha suddenly jumped up and slashed down, and the Goshin Ghost saw through his blow earlier, jumped up earlier, and smashed two punches head-on at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha was shocked, and the Goshin Ghost was not in a hurry to strike: "I said, I can read minds, you look very painful, what's wrong, is it over?" "

Inuyasha was injured and just wanted to end the battle early, what kind of mind reading, he didn't believe it at all, and as a result, he was slapped away by the Goshin Ghost with a claw.

Gewei and Maitreya want to help, but there is the fiercest victory, completely sealing Maitreya's wind cave, Gewei wants to sneak up with an arrow, but is warned by the enlightened ghost.

For a while, Inuyasha and his party were restrained to death by the Goshin Ghost, and called out by name: "It's useless, I am very clear about your weaknesses.

Master Maitreya, are you trying to suck me into a black hole with a wind hole? Gewei, don't think about sneak attack, I'll kill you before you pull your bow, Coral, you've been injured by the flying bone bounce and can't move anymore. Shippo

was ignored, very upset, Inuyasha gritted his teeth, saw that the two children did not run, angry, roared: "Why don't you run yet..." Seeing

the clothes held by the two children, he said: "Is that your parents' thing..." The

child nodded, at this moment, Inuyasha's heart was touched, the desire to protect rose, and the iron crushed teeth sensed Inuyasha's protective heart.

Suddenly, the fighting spirit soared, looking at the Wuxin ghost who was slowly coming, regardless of the words in the mouth of the Wuxin ghost, he only wanted to cut the monster in front of him.

Feeling the crack of the wind wound, it suddenly cut off, and the Goshin Ghost did not retreat, but instead advanced, biting into the iron crushed teeth, when Inuyasha and the others were surprised.

The huge bite force bit off the iron broken teeth, Inuyasha was stunned in an instant, and the iron broken teeth were actually bitten off! How is this possible!

Inuyasha was still stunned, and the Goshin Ghost knocked the already seriously injured Inuyasha away with one claw, death came, the iron shattered teeth were broken, and Inuyasha's demon blood suddenly awakened.

A huge, frightening demon qi emanated from him, and in the distance, Orochimaru's face changed: "This aura is... Inuyasha! "

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