Just when Wuxin Ghost was chattering about to start eating from Gewei, Wuxin Ghost's face changed: "What! Inuyasha's heart..." Inuyasha's heart

, which was obviously blank, suddenly sounded in its head, and the Goshin Ghost felt the danger and turned around.

Inuyasha suddenly burst out, and with one claw, just one claw, one of Goku's arms was torn off by Inuyasha.

His arm fell heavily to the ground, Inuyasha fell to the ground from mid-air, and the demon blood around his body was surging like never before, and the thirst for blood almost occupied his heart.

There is no confusion and fear in the heart, some are only killing and madness, the madness that tears everything apart, and the violent demon blood is boiling.

His eyes were bloodshot, two purple demon lines appeared under his eyes, and his silver hair swayed in the wind, looking extremely strange, and his speed and strength were more than three times higher than before.

"What's wrong, don't you see my movements clearly?"

The voice was heavy with oppressive madness, the bloodthirsty nature permeated Inuyasha, and reason was eroded little by little.

Inuyasha's sudden change startled Gewei and several people, and Goyo felt that Inuyasha was far away from her at this time, and there was an illusion that she was going to lose him.

Goshin Ghost glanced at his broken arm: "Impossible, Inuyasha, why did you change so much."

Inuyasha spat out the residual blood in his mouth with disdain, and looked proud: "How do I know this kind of thing!" Instead of worrying about my physical changes, it is better to chant for yourself, enlightened ghosts! "

The Gokushin Ghost couldn't help but feel fear when facing Inuyasha at this time, (What's the matter, Inuyasha's heart at this time is completely different from just now.) There is no sadness, no fear and confusion, not even anger! He was just excited to be able to kill me!

Being able to hear the voices of others is his only invincible ability, and he can know the direction of the attack of others before they can make a move during the battle.

Now, the prophet who has lost his mind reading in a half-demon: "A half-demon like you! I'm going to crush you! Goshin

Ghost was furious, very angry, looking at the rushing Goshin Ghost, Inuyasha was undaunted: "The blood of the youkai flowing in my body..."

Inuyasha's demon power increased again, and the nails of his hands suddenly grew an inch: "Compared to you!" "

You half-demon!

The Goshin Ghost was also exerting power, Inuyasha swooped down, his right paw swung high, and slammed his claw at the Goshin Ghost: "Completely different level!" Three

rays of blood tore the enlightened ghost apart, and his body was shattered, leaving only one head to fall to the ground.

Inuyasha's demon blood boiled again, and he said excitedly: "Goshin ghost, how happy." "

Gowei saw that Inuyasha's temperament had changed greatly, and that sense of distance was even farther away from her, she was afraid, she was afraid that Inuyasha would leave her.

Inuyasha... What's wrong....

Inuyasha, who felt the changes in his body, looked at the blood on his hands, (The blood is boiling, what's going on, haven't killed enough...


slowly approached, his face full of worry, feeling the approach of the living, the killing heart rose again, the only reason made Inuyasha suppress the urge to strike:

"Don't come near me!" I don't know what I'm going to do now!

Gowei felt Inuyasha's pain and walked up despite the danger: "Inuyasha... There are no enemies anymore. "

Don't come here!

Inuyasha forcibly suppressed the urge to tear Gomi to pieces, seeing Gowei's concerned eyes, Inuyasha had a hint of clarity, and Goyasha looked into his eyes: "Inuyasha... Sit down. "


Inuyasha fell to the ground under Gowei's irresistibility, the demon blood was inexplicably calm, Inuyasha was very upset, looked up at Gowei, and the demon lines on his face disappeared: "What are you doing!" Watching

Inuyasha change back to his original form, the sense of distance disappeared, and two lines of tears flowed from Gewei's eyes, she liked Inuyasha, this is a fact.

Throwing himself into Inuyasha's arms, Gowei couldn't help crying anymore: "Great, you're okay!"

Inuyasha, after returning to normal, seemed to be a little unable to remember what had just happened, but the feeling made him feel fear, an indescribable fear, very bad...

On the other side, Sesshomaru felt the change in Inuyasha's demon qi, and he was very surprised in his heart, although the time was short, but that power was indeed the power that belonged to the youkai, the power that belonged to the bloodline of the Inuyasha...

Looking for the breath, Orochimaru pondered all the way, the little girl followed behind him, saw him with a pensive look, and asked curiously: "Young Master Killing Pill, are there any monsters over there?"

Sesshomaru was still deep in thought, and his voice was still high and cold: "Youkai, it's a ghost that was killed by someone." "


The little girl was Ling who was saved by him, and in order to verify the protection that Dad and Li Fan said, the Killing Pill Ghost sent her with him.

The death of the Wuxin Ghost shrouded Fang Yuan in evil qi for several miles, and Ling and Evil Seeing ran all the way and saw the head of the Wuxin Ghost: "Hey, Grandpa Evil Vision, you see, just like what Young Master Killing Pill said, there are really ghosts killed."

The evil man felt the evil aura around him, and was surprised in his heart: "Well, who will kill it..."

Orochimaru's icy voice came, and he slowly walked to the side of Gohanshin's ghost's head: "However, it seems that he has not been able to retreat with his whole body." Looking

at the head of the Gohanshin ghost, reaching out and grabbing the ghost horn and picking it up, Ling was so frightened that he screamed, and Sesshomaru's face froze: (I can smell it... On this ghost's teeth, there is also the smell of broken iron teeth, this is what Li Fan said, can you create a weapon material against broken iron teeth... Carrying

the ghost head of Wuxin, the killing pill head did not look back, and Ling was still screaming: "Be quiet Ling, it's noisy." Hearing

Orochimaru's words, Ling turned around and stood up as if she were nothing: "Yes!" "

The killing pill did not return, and his mind was very active: (If I guessed correctly, this ghost should bite off the iron broken teeth, and the weapon that can be broken by the iron broken teeth can be created...) Hmph, interesting... And the smell of Inuyasha's blood, what the hell is going on... The same taste as my father's blood and mine...

Kikyo returned to the village, Li Fan was still sleeping, slowly leaned down, and used spiritual power to find out Li Fan's situation at this time, which was the spiritual hope method that Li Fan taught her.

Gathering his eyes with spiritual power, he could see the root of the patient's illness, because the bellflower was not yet skilled, and his face was almost attached to Li Fan's face.

The soul is still half missing, but it is already slowly repaired, and it is estimated that it will wake up in a day or two.

Suddenly, Li Fan opened his eyes, Li Fan was stunned, and Kirito was also stunned, Li Fan's head was still a little confused, how could there be such big eyes looking at him.

Blinking, Kikyo blushed and sat up straight: "You're awake."

Li Fan looked at Kikyo puzzled: "What do you want to do to me so close?"

Kirito's face turned even redder, and he turned around: "Spirit Hope Method." "


Li Fan was even more puzzled: "You haven't practiced the method of spiritual hope?"

Kikyo didn't answer, thinking, "If I practice, will I still look at your face!" "

That's right.

Li Fan sat up and rubbed his temples: "How long have I been in a coma?" "

Three days.

Three days!

Li Fan stood up suddenly, his body was about to fall as soon as he shook, and Kirito's eyes hurriedly held him up: "Don't get up if you are not well, why is half of your soul missing?"

Li Fan sat down again, stretched out his hand and pressed it in his arms, where the body of Yue Luo was: "I cut it myself." "


Kikyo was shocked when he heard this: "Are you crazy!" Cut off your own soul! What are you doing!

Li Fan slowly took out a blood-red wooden comb, and a happy smile appeared on his face: "For it." "

This is....

Kikyo looked at the wooden comb with full soul power: "Yura's body..."

Li Fan covered the wooden comb with one hand and said softly: "I use secret techniques to nourish my own soul, and soon Yuluo will be able to get rid of the body of the resentful spirit and regain her physical body, and at that time, she will be truly resurrected!" "

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