Kikyo looked at Li Fan, and his eyes were full of envy for Yue Luo: "It is really jealous that Yue Luo can have Li Fanjun's love and care."

Li Fan rubbed his nose: "Inuyasha is not bad for you, do you want to think about it?"

Kirito smiled bitterly: "I am a witch, the guardian of the jade of the four souls, I am not destined to have love in this life, nor can I have..." Li

Fan turned his head to look at Kirito, and sighed: "Why do you force yourself to this point, as long as you open your mouth, you know that I will definitely help you."

Kikyo shook his head, and a different color flashed in his eyes: "Destroying the Jade of the Four Souls is my plan, Li Fanjun makes a move, as long as he possesses the Jade of the Four Souls, he can't destroy it."

Li Fan put away the wooden comb, got up and moved his hands and feet, after the demon power was lost, he was very unaccustomed to it, and the separation of the soul made Devouring Sky fall into a deep sleep again.

"Are you going out?"

Kikyo looked at Li Fan and quietly picked up the bow, now that Li Fan is injured, she doesn't want Li Fan to go out alone.

Li Fan saw Kirito's actions, and his heart was moved, and this friend did not make friends in vain: "Don't worry, although my strength is not as good as before, I still have the strength of a big demon." "

Summoning the hot hooves, Li Fan went in the direction of Inuyasha and his group, for three days, I don't know where the plot has developed.

After flying for an hour, he suddenly sensed the breath of the killing pill, and Li Fan frowned: "What is the killing pill, there is a trace of murderous intent in the breath, who can provoke him..."

Looking for the breath, he saw the killing pill in a place full of evil fog, Li Fan's arrival, the killing pill was not surprised.

Looking at Li Fan in mid-air, Killing Pill's voice was still high and cold: "It seems that you can't wait to fight me again, but the sword I created hasn't been taken back yet."

Li Fan fell, came to the killing pill, and glanced at the evil opinion beside him: "Is it the Gray Blade Fang who broke its word?"

Without waiting for Orochimaru to speak, Evil Seeing said with an angry face: "That guy from Gray Blade Fang should have been controlled by the evil thoughts on the sword, and he also cut me with a sword, fortunately, Young Master Killing Pill saved my little life with his innate teeth." "


Li Fan touched his chin and whispered, "Has the plot come to this... The Ghost Fighting God has already been built.

Killing Pill frowned, he could feel that Li Fan's strength had decreased, and it seemed that his soul was also injured: "Are you injured?"

Li Fan was stunned, the killing pill was worthy of being a killing pill, he had already concealed it well, or was seen: "A little injury, don't get in the way, or I will go with you to see the power of the ghost fighting god?" "

Ghost fighting?"

Sesshomaru's expression moved: "Is it the name you chose for the sword?" Very nice name.

Li Fan didn't explain, and for the first time he and Killing Pill were like friends, heading towards the place where the evil qi emanated.

Li Fan had a lot to say along the way, but the killing pill was too cold, Li Fan asked ten words, and the killing pill was "um" at most.

Li Fan didn't understand how Evil Opinion and Ling could stand his cold personality.

"I said Killing Pill, aren't you so cold and tired? Also, how long did you go without speaking? Killing

Pill's brows frowned slightly, this Li Fan was too noisy, and he was very noisy along the way, if he hadn't agreed to get the weapon and fight him again, Killing Pill would have almost started several times.

On the other hand, Inuyasha took the iron crushed tooth to the knife to repair it, but the iron crushed tooth would become very heavy, and even swinging the knife would become very difficult.

Tonight is the night of the moon again, Inuyasha has changed from a half-demon state to a human, and the corals who have not seen Inuyasha's human form are very curious.

Maitreya explained to his future wife on the side, and Inuyasha looked upset: "Really, how come there are more and more people who know my secret..."

Gewei's voice suddenly came, holding the water bottle, Gewei looked at Inuyasha with a smile: "This also shows that you have more and more partners."

Inuyasha was stunned when he heard this: (Yes, I don't know when there are more and more people around him...)

Looking at the river of stars in the sky, Inuyasha felt alone: (Even so, after turning back into a human, my heart is still very uneasy, as long as I can become a real youkai, I can say goodbye to this troublesome thing forever.)

Gowei came over with two cans of drink: "Inuyasha."

Inuyasha looked at Gowei with a worried look, and thought in his heart: "If I become a real youkai, I will be with

Gowei and everyone..." Gewei felt Inuyasha's unease, and for Inuyasha at this time, Gowei was very concerned: "You'd better not be too far away from everyone tonight."

Inuyasha tilted his head hard: "Cut! It's annoying. I occasionally have something to think about.

Gowei seemed to know Inuyasha's thoughts, and looked at Inuyasha stunnedly: "Inuyasha, do you really still want to become a real youkai?" I was scared..."

Inuyasha was anxious when he heard this, he didn't want to let Goyo misunderstand: "What do you mean by that, if I hadn't changed at that time, everyone would have been eaten by Gohan!"

Gowei remembered Inuyasha at that time, and his voice was a little lost: "No, I'm not saying how horrible your face is.

Inuyasha was a little unclear about his memories at that time: "Was my face scary at that time..."

Gowei looked at Inuyasha, and his tone changed from loss to reluctance and sadness when he parted and lost: "I feel... Inuyasha's heart seems to be going far away, and I'm scared that you're not going to forget me just like that. Feeling

Gowei's reluctance, Inuyasha was also very uncomfortable: (At that time... When I change... My heart...

Thinking of this, Inuyasha comforted a little embarrassed: "Are you stupid, no matter what it becomes, I am still me, and I will not forget the few of you Gewei and Maitreya!"

Inuyasha's words comforted Gowei's sensitive heart, and he looked at the sky full of stars: (Don't forget!) Please! Inuyasha! Late

at night, the Gray Blade Workshop, controlled by the evil thoughts of the fighting ghost god, came with a monstrous evil aura, and the red evil sword carried a palpitating feeling, and as soon as it appeared, he said: "Who is Inuyasha?"

Maitreya and Coral stood in front of Inuyasha, and Inuyasha heard that he couldn't remember that there was this number one in his enemy's house: "Who are you!" Gray

Blade Fang sneered: "I am Gray Blade Fang, a swordsmith, the sword I forged, fighting ghosts and gods!" This guy shouted to suck Inuyasha's blood.

Inuyasha's expression was solemn, and the evil aura coming from the god of fighting ghosts made him feel dangerous: (Why did this swordsmith find me...)

At this moment, there was a fluctuation from the Fighting Ghost God, and the Gray Blade pointed at Inuyasha: "Are you Inuyasha?" It was this sword that told me, what, I thought you were a youkai, isn't this a human ghost. "

Inuyasha." Maitreya smiled and asked, "Do you remember that you offended this old man?"

"Nope." Inuyasha said with certainty.

Maitreya turned his head to look at Ashblade: "Did you hear that?" Gray

Blade Fang laughed strangely: "I said, it was this sword that wanted to cut you, this fighting ghost god, it was forged by the ghost teeth of the old man who crushed the knife and forged iron and broken teeth." "

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