What the!

Inuyasha was shocked, the sword in front of him was actually made of the teeth of the Gokushin Ghost!

Coral did not participate in the battle of the Goshin Ghost, but was very jealous of the Gohan Ghost: "Does it mean the sword that contains the grudge of the Gohan Ghost?" "

This sword is coming to seek revenge on himself, Inuyasha does not want to involve Maitreya and others, his own business, he intends to solve it himself, the important thing is that the sword made by Goshin Ghost Tooth is too strong, and Coral they are not opponents at all.

Inuyasha, who was about to rush forward, was stopped by Maitreya, and Coral was even more decisive: "Retreat Inuyasha." "

Gewei and Shippo also stepped forward and grabbed Inuyasha, Inuyasha was just a human at this time, and he had no strength to fight against the ghost fighting gods of Gray Blade.

Flying bones flew out, Gray Blade Fang was full of disdain for the coral attack, a sword! With just one sword, the flying bone was cut off from it.

The Feilai bone that has been with her for many years was cut in two, and Coral felt a pain in her heart, the weapon is her most trusted partner, and the partner was killed, not to mention how sad Coral was.

No one expected that the ghost fighting god would be so sharp, they were shocked on the spot, Maitreya looked solemn, and did not dare to touch it hard with a magic staff.

He took out a talisman from his arms: "A really great sword, then try this trick!" "

Throwing his hand and shooting out the rune paper, the rune paper hit Ash Blade Fang's face, and the powerful exorcism force made Ash Blade Fang's body shake and let out a scream.


Maitreya saw that the talisman paper took effect, raised the staff and struck head-on, the Gray Blade Fang fell to the ground, Maitreya turned around dashingly, thinking that the Gray Blade Fang would be solved like this.

Without waiting for a few people to be happy, Ashblade Fang actually stood up again, only Inuyasha had been solemnly paying attention to Ashblade.

Only he can see that the enemy is not the Gray Blade Fang, but the evil sword in his hand, fighting ghosts and gods!

At this time, the sun was about to rise, and Inuyasha, feeling that the demon power in his body was recovering, took away the shippo on his shoulder with one hand and rushed out towards the Ashblade Square.

Just when he was about to rush to the Ash Blade Fang, Dao Dao Zhai actually fell from the sky, and the arrival of Dao Dao Zhai made everyone happy.

His arrival means that the Broken Iron Tooth has been repaired, and as long as the Broken Iron Tooth is in his hand, Inuyasha is fearless and grabs the Broken Iron Tooth.

Hakka jumped out of nowhere, reminding Inuyasha that he was only a human now, and that iron broken teeth could not change without demon power.

At this time, the sky gradually brightened, in order to drag out time, Dao Daozhai looked at the Gray Blade Fang: "Long time no see, Ash Blade Fang." Gray

Blade Fang really went up, he was driven out by the old man in front of him, it can be said that the enemy met: "Are you not dead yet!" Knife and knife.

Dao Daozhai was not annoyed, and said calmly: "You have created a bad sword again, what is the matter with that evil qi." Gray

Blade Fang smiled proudly: "Dao Dao Zhai, I will let you see clearly who is the best knife maker!" "

After dragging out the time, Inuyasha's stinky temper came up, and he didn't care that his demon power had not recovered, so he slashed with a knife and was crushed and bounced off by the sword of the Fighting Ghost God.

Gray Blade only cut two swords, and Inuyasha was injured under the pressure of the sword of the Fighting Ghost God, after all, he is only a human now.

The sun rises, Inuyasha's demon power returns, and with the return of demon power, the iron broken teeth also change, Inuyasha confidently speaks: "Let me try how sharp the repaired iron broken teeth are!" With

a horizontal swing with one hand, the iron crushed tooth flashed and turned into a demon knife, and before Inuyasha could feel the power of the knife, the iron crushed tooth sank down.

Inuyasha was stunned: "Knife... Knife and knife! What have you done to my iron crushed teeth!

Dao Daosai looked at Inuyasha with an old god, and Inuyasha roared, "Answer me quickly!" Dao Daozhai, what the hell did you do to the iron crushed teeth! "

Is there something inconvenient?" Dao Daozai stretched out a finger and scratched his head.

Seeing this, Inuyasha became even more angry: "Don't joke! It's dead! What the hell is going on!

"That's the weight of your teeth, of course, don't care." Dao Dao Zhai Qi did not die, and he said endlessly.

This scene seemed to be a joke in Gray Blade Square, and he wanted to end this joke.

Inuyasha saw Gray Blade rushing towards him, and he was unwilling to rush with a knife, but the knife was too heavy, and he could only carry it on his shoulder.

The swords collided, and the two were up and down, but Inuyasha knew that he had lost, after all, Gray Blade Fang had no demon power, and he couldn't exert the power of the Ghost Fighting God at all.

Inuyasha fought with Gray Blade again, swinging such a heavy iron broken tooth, Inuyasha was very difficult, he couldn't swing the knife at all, and after a long time, he definitely couldn't even hold the knife.

At the moment of crisis, Gray Blade Fang was torn apart, Inuyasha was inexplicable for a while, but he didn't think much about it, anyway, Gray Blade Fang died.

Panting, he jumped in front of Dao Daozhai, and very unceremoniously gave him a punch, but Dao Daozhai did not respond, and asked: "What kind of grievance is spread on me!"

Inuyasha looked angry and pointed at the iron crushed teeth that had returned to its ordinary state: "Who can swing such a heavy knife!" Take it against the enemy, and it will exhaust me to death without a few cuts!

"So, do you want to be proficient in using iron teeth?"

"Is there a way?"

"It's simple."

Inuyasha was overjoyed when he heard this, seeing that Dao Daosai did not speak, the two looked at each other, for a long time, Inuyasha looked affectionate, put one hand on Dao Daosai's shoulder, and said half-jokingly: "You shouldn't let me exercise."

Dao Daosai was startled, and seeing his expression, Inuyasha hit Dao Sai on the head in a flash: "Sure enough! After

a farce, Inuyasha seemed to resign himself, Maitreya, Dao Daosai and Inuyasha walked to the evil sword fighting ghost god, feeling the evil aura and sword pressure coming from the sword.

Dao Daozai thinks that he does not dare to touch, Maitreya and Shippo are messing around, from building a tower to suppress ghost fighting, to lack of money, to serving the people and so on.

In a word, everyone can't help it, Inuyasha's straight brain idea is very simple: "What do you say, this kind of thing can be done, I will cut it off with iron teeth!" "

Struggling to carry the iron and crushing teeth, Inuyasha cut out a knife, and was crushed and flew by the sword of the Fighting Ghost God, everyone was taken aback, and Dao Sai looked at Inuyasha and said excitedly: "The person who can control this evil sword must be a superior person, you can't do it yet..."

More importantly, he had a feeling that this evil sword was created by the Killing Pill for the Gray Blade Fang, because the Killing Pill had always been obsessed with iron and broken teeth.

It was not surprising that he wanted to create a knife that could fight against iron broken teeth, and he believed that if it was a killing pill, he must be nearby!

Inuyasha is very good, his personality was used by Dao Daosai, and sure enough, he sat down, waiting to see who could get this sword, he wanted to cut that one in front of Dao Daosai and prove that he was the strongest!

Maitreya had a headache and whispered with Ge to wait for tomorrow to forcibly take Inuyasha away, if he didn't want to, then he would say "sit down"!

A gust of wind blew, Kagura quietly fell in the woods, and under the night sky, Li Fan and Orochimaru slowly walked out of the woods, feeling two demon qi.

Everyone in Inuyasha sat up suddenly, and Li Fan raised his hand and greeted everyone: "Hey! When

Inuyasha saw Li Fan, he was obviously stunned, and when he saw that the killing pill was also coming, he suddenly became nervous: "The killing pill!" How did you two guys come together!

Sesshomaru glanced at Inuyasha, saw him with one hand on the hilt, and said disdainfully, "Hmph! Inuyasha, you think too much, I'm just here to retrieve my sword.

Dao Dao Zhai was shocked when he heard this: "It is indeed the evil sword that you let the Gray Blade Fang create!" "

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