Killing Pill swept his eyes at Dao Zhai, he didn't help him build it, even if he didn't help him, now he still has this attitude, his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Dao Daosai's body shivered, and suddenly shrunk behind Inuyasha: "This sword evil qi is too heavy, even your killing pill will be possessed by evil qi, don't touch it."

Li Fan shook his head, and for Dao Daozhai's words, Li Fan could only sigh secretly, "Ignorance." Killing

Pill's already cold face, after hearing Dao Dao Zhai's words, he was instantly filled with murderous aura, walked towards the Fighting Ghost God, and said in his mouth: "Evil qi, I can't help Killing Pill, Dao Dao Zhai, I'm not a waste half-demon like Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha was displeased when he heard this: "Abominable! Sesshomaru what do you say! Want to fight!

Orochimaru's outstretched hand paused, glanced at Li Fan, and then looked at Inuyasha who glared viciously at him, thinking: (Good, just take Inuyasha to warm up, let me see how powerful the Ghost Fighting God is, and fight Li Fan again!) Shoot


Under everyone's incredible gaze, Killing Pill held the hilt of the Ghost Fighting God's sword with one hand, feeling the sword pressure coming from the hilt, and Killing Pill's brows did not frown.

The sword pressure still wants to stop me from killing pills! Hum!

With one hand, the evil qi of the fighting ghost god broke out, and the sword pressure and evil qi suddenly rushed towards the killing pill, and a controlling force came from the sword.

Killing Pill's brows did not frown, for this sword, Killing Pill was very satisfied, the demon power rushed, and the evil qi of the Ghost Fighting God surrendered in an instant.

Everyone's faces changed drastically, killing pills actually subdued the Fighting Ghost God so easily, and Dao Daozhai's face was even heavier.

Holding the god of fighting ghosts, Sesshomaru felt the hatred for Inuyasha coming from the sword, and said slowly: "It seems that you really miss Inuyasha, die and become a sword, do you also want to kill Inuyasha?"

Sesshomaru's words, Inuyasha and his party listened to it in their ears, and remembered the ghost of enlightenment, but he didn't expect that the ghost's resentment was so strong.

"In that case..." Sesshomaru looked up at Inuyasha, "Inuyasha, draw the knife." "

Dao Daosai knows the strength of Sesshomaru very well, plus the Ghost Fighting God in hand, Inuyasha has no chance of victory, and Gowei does not want to see brothers cannibalize.

Seeing that Inuyasha was slow to move, Sesshomaru didn't talk nonsense: "Since you don't come, then I'll make a move!"

Inuyasha saw that Orochimaru had been killed, and said unconvinced, "Don't be sorry!" Killing pills!

Sesshomaru still looked cold, and simply swung a sword, Inuyasha blocked it with the blade, but the sword of the Fighting Ghost God was too domineering.

If it weren't for the weight of the iron tooth now, Inuyasha would definitely be crushed by the sword under this blow alone.

With just one contact, everyone knew how big the gap between Inuyasha and Orochimaru was now, and Ge Wei set his eyes on Li Fan's body in the distance.

Li Fan looked like he was watching a play at this time, his brother beat his younger brother, which was much more interesting than a monster fight.

Seeing that Li Fan didn't stop it, Ge Wei sighed secretly: "Sure enough, this guy is really not reliable at all..."

Sesshomaru also had a thought, that is, he felt the change in Inuyasha's blood at that time, and he now wanted to see with his own eyes what was going on.

Inuyasha was very stressed and collided with Sesshomaru again, Sesshomaru felt the weight of the iron teeth and said sarcastically: "Oh? Have iron crushed teeth become a little heavier?

Inuyasha felt a bitterness in his heart when he heard this, and he really stood and spoke without back pain: "Which... It's a little heavier! Idiot! Killing

Pill looked at this younger brother who was not a weapon, and his heart was furious, and he had a look of hatred that iron could not become steel: "The knife that can't be controlled, you might as well not take it!" "

With one hand, a sword slashed horizontally, and the iron shattered teeth were split by him, and Inuyasha also flew upside down under the countershock force.

The iron crushed teeth left the hand, and Hakka was worried that Inuyasha would be demonized again, and stepped forward to remind him, but Inuyasha snorted coldly, Sesshomaru was right, such a heavy knife, you can't use it at all, it's better not to!

For Sesshomaru, Inuyasha knows very well, he will really cut himself, without the weight of iron broken teeth, he may still have the power of a battle.

Inuyasha rushed out with his bare hands, of course everyone was shocked, Sesshomaru looked at the rushing Inuyasha, just pointed the tip of the sword at Inuyasha, and released the sword.

Inuyasha couldn't even get close, and flew back upside down in the huge sword pressure, seeing this, Li Fan put away the appearance of Hang'er Langdang: "It's coming, it's coming, the dog is going to transform!"

Li Fan was excited, the transformation of the dog, he was very curious, and the killing pill seemed to think of something: "I know, die!" The

killing pill that rushed out of the sword did not hide his murderous aura, Inuyasha felt the threat of death, and the demon blood of self-survival was activated again.

The boiling of demon blood instantly changed the direction of the wind, and Orochimaru was shocked in his heart: "This breath..."

Blood-red eyes, purple demon patterns under his eyes, and a hideous face.

Dao Daosai sensed the change in Inuyasha, stepped forward and spat out a mouthful of flame, blocking the killing pill, and Gewei and the others quickly stepped forward.

Sesshomaru only hears one conversation: Hurry


Miss Ge!

Sit down!

Then, Inuyasha's demon qi returned to normal, and Sesshomaru was stunned in disbelief, and through the flames, watching everyone leave, Sesshomaru did not chase.

The flames dissipated, and Li Fan came up holding the back of his head: "Don't you catch up?"

Sesshomaru didn't answer, remembering the moment just now: (It can actually make Sesshomaru feel scared for a moment, Inuyasha at that time...

Li Fan shrugged: "I can't imagine that the demonized Inuyasha can make you stop, it's really rare." Killing

Pill suddenly turned back when he heard this: "You know Inuyasha's state just now!" "

Demonize." Li Fan said fearlessly: "It's the power of your father's bloodline, Inuyasha's half-demon body can't withstand it, without the suppression of iron broken teeth, in the face of death, the blood of the youkai will awaken, but this is not a good thing, it will become a youkai who only knows how to kill."

Sesshomaru pondered for a moment, threw aside Inuyasha's matter, and pointed his sword at Li Fan: "Next, finish our battle." Li

Fan was stunned, killing the hall is worthy of killing the temple, cold, cheerful, decisive! No wonder so many girls like it, no! I'm going to get cold too!

Li Fan grabbed it with one hand, and the blood dragon was in his hand: "Accompany to the end." The

two of them fought ping-pong, and the blue sword suppressed the evil qi, and the blood-red demon qi dyed the sky half red and half blue.

The battle between the two was very fierce, the demon wind and earth stones flew over, the sound of collision, and the explosion of demon qi resounded ten miles in Fang Yuan.

Every blow of the killing pill carries a strong domineering intent, although Li Fan's strength has declined, he also has the strength of the peak of the big monster.

The strength of suppressing the demon qi in the early stage of the big monster is called a hearty fight with the killing pill.

Li Fan laughed: "Refreshing! It is worthy of being a killing pill! Next, one move to determine the winner! Killing

Pill also had a lot of fun, and Li Fan's strength was the only one he agreed with: "As you wish!" "

Blood Dragon Break!

Li Fan's demon knife frantically injected the blood dragon spear, twisted his waist and stabbed straight at 360 degrees, and the blood dragon roared viciously, rushing towards the killing pill.

The killing pill was not to be outdone, the fighting ghost god was held high, the blue lightning of the Dao Dao fell, and the huge sword was pressed into the lightning, forming a blue dragon.

With a sudden swing, the blue lightning fused into one, and a blue Azure Dragon walked towards the blood dragon with a dragon groan: "Azure Dragon Break!" "

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