The collision of the blood dragon and the Azure Dragon, the gas wave generated by the huge explosion, blasted the ground out of a huge deep pit, and the killing pill was worthy of being a killing pill.

The Azure Dragon Break who had just comprehended it turned out to be so powerful, the two of them stopped together, and Killing Pill thought thoughtfully: "Are you keeping your hand, in the Blood Dragon Break, I can feel that the power has not been fully released."

Li Fan nodded: "My Blood Dragon Break still has a second kill, but this is not important, the important thing is you." "


Li Fan nodded again: "Have you found that your Azure Dragon Break can also have a second kill." Li

Fan didn't say nonsense, and once again stabbed a blood dragon with extremely small power, and the little blood dragon opened its teeth and danced between its claws, and the dragon scales on his body fell firmly, and he shot out from his body.

Killing Pill looked shocked, he didn't think that the demon power could still be controlled like this, just after watching it once, Killing Pill swung out a small Azure Dragon Break.

The blue lightning turned into a dragon, but this time the little Azure Dragon did not fuse, but crashed into a stone in all directions, the stone exploded, and seven or eight small Azure Dragons fused into one in the explosion, becoming a Azure Dragon, crashing into the center of the explosion again.


Li Fan clapped his hands, and he was jealous of the comprehension of the killing pill in his heart, and the killing hall was indeed the killing hall, which was worthy of being the son of the dog general.

Killing Pill looked at the Fighting Ghost God in his hand and said to Li Fan: "Why is your strength not as good as before, and your injuries."

Li Fan did not hide either, and said the matter of slashing the soul, and the killing pill frowned: "This is the protection in your heart?" It doesn't matter if you lower a realm.

Li Fan knew what he meant, and looked solemnly: "Killing pill, when you really want to protect someone, you will know the powerful power in it." "


Killing Pill took the Fighting Ghost God and said disdainfully: "I Killing Pill doesn't have that boring thing.

Li Fan raised his eyebrows, walked to Killing Pill with a treacherous smile, and put his arm around his shoulders, his action, Killing Pill was obviously stunned.

No one had ever dared to hook up with him like this, and the first time he was put on the shoulder, Orochimaru's brain was stuck for a while.

Li Fan looked sinister and said, "What about that little girl Ling?" Why are you taking her around, don't think I don't know ha. Killing

Pill frowned and stretched out his hand to pat Li Fan's hand, closed his eyes lightly, concealed his weakness, and took two steps away, his voice was still high and cold: "She is just an experiment for me."

Li Fan was dissatisfied with this answer, looking like I knew everything, and approached the killing pill again, the plush feel on the shoulder just now, Li Fan wanted to stroke it again.

Killing Pill saw that he wanted to reach out again, his eyes suddenly opened, the murderous intent flashed in his eyes, Li Fan stretched out half of his hand, and withdrew it with an embarrassed smile.

said: "When you give up the attachment in your heart and comprehend the heart of protection..." Li Fan put away his smile, looked at the killing pill seriously, and said word by word: "You will surpass your father!" "


Sesshomaru's expression changed slightly, Inu would be the person he respected the most in his life, and he always wanted to surpass him and become a stronger existence than his father.

And he is also constantly trying, but it is so difficult to surpass his father, so he gives up everything he should not have.

The only thing that can surpass his father is the hegemony, but the domineering he has been pursuing is stuck by something.

Just such a layer of film, but unable to break through, Li Fan's words made his mind flash, it seemed to grasp something, and it seemed that there was nothing.

Li Fan's realm is one order higher than him, and he naturally knows that until the point is reached, the domineering of the killing pill lacks a domineering heart, for whom he is domineering.

There is also that he has always been obsessed with iron broken teeth, the way of hegemony, and should not have an obsession with foreign objects at all, as long as he still has iron broken teeth.

Or in other words, he is obsessed with the teeth left by his father, and his hegemonic way can never be advanced, what is domineering? All things will surrender before Him, and disobey? Then hit him to serve!

This matter, Li Fan can't say directly, he has to rely on the killing pill to experience it himself, and he personally understands that if outsiders break the key, the way of hegemony will collapse.

The evil opinion on the side couldn't understand a word about the words of the two, seeing Killing Pill looking pensive, he didn't dare to disturb, in the woods, Kagura was looking at Li Fan and Killing Pill with a shocked face.

(The strength of these two guys is too strong, even Naraku can't compare at all, I didn't expect Inuyasha, a half-demon, to have such a powerful brother...)

Li Fan glanced at the woods, Kagura was peeping, he and Sesshomaru had already found out, but they didn't pay attention to it.

Sesshomaru just thinks that Kagura's breath is similar to Naraku, but it is not Naraku, it is estimated that it is a youkai such as a doppelganger.

"Come out, Kagura."

Li Fan opened his mouth lightly, Kagura was about to flee when he heard this, but he still walked out obediently, and he was shocked and sniffed his nose: "This smell... It was the same as the suspicious person who buried the Jade of the Four Souls in his arm before, approaching Young Master Killing Pill, and wearing a baboon robe.

Kagura appeared, waking up Sesshomaru who was in deep contemplation, and looked at Kagura, and Sesshomaru's voice was calm: "What a familiar smell, the same as a liar named Naraku who once tried to frame me." Kagura

was very jealous of the two, because Li Fan's disorderly entry led to the plot until now, Kagura met Sesshomaru for the first time.

Facing the two powerful people, Kagura also collected his pride, but still a little defiant: "Are you Inuyasha's brother Sesshomaru, what a gentle man." Killing

Pill was a little displeased when he heard this, and quietly looked at Kagura, while Li Fan looked at the two without speaking.

Sesshomaru's ruthlessness deepened Kagura's impression of him, and he introduced himself: "I am Kagura, the messenger of the wind, and I can be said to be Naraku's doppelganger. "


"That's right." Kagura smiled slightly: "The fighting ghost god in your hand is also made of Naraku's doppelganger, the teeth of the Goshin Ghost."

Sesshomaru didn't know what she wanted to say, and said flatly, "So what? Did you come specifically to tell me these things?

Kagura was stunned, and then said with a smile: "I originally wanted to tell you the whereabouts of the Ghost Fighting God, but Lord Demon King has..."

Kagura didn't continue, just glanced at Li Fan, and the killing pill also glanced at Li Fan, Li Fan's brows frowned: (No, why do you two and I look, continue to talk about love, is it not good...

Even if the task was robbed by Li Fan, Kagura did not stay for long, threw out his feathers, and flew away on the wind.

Seeing this, Li Fan looked at the killing pill with a puzzled expression: "You just let her go like this?" Don't you go after it?

Killing Pill tilted his head to look at Li Fan and said strangely, "Why should I chase?" "

Li Fan is anxious, in the plot, Killing Pill is interested in her, is it because of his own disorderly intrusion that Killing Pill lost interest in Kagura?

"It's not... Aren't you interesting to her! In a hurry, Li Fan blurted out.

Killing Pill's face sank when he heard this, and he was cold with anger: "Do you still want to fight again!" Li

Fan was stunned, but he was helping you find a daughter-in-law, why are you still not happy! Good intentions are not rewarded, if there is a ghost fighting god, I am afraid that you will not succeed!

"Hit it! Who is afraid of whom! "

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