Kikyo rode his horse and galloped all the way, and something in the sky finally broke through the clouds and revealed its true face.

A huge dark red dead soul worm, Kirito's heart was shocked, such a large dead soul worm, after being contaminated by the dead soul fragments, the devouring power turned out to be so terrifying.

Li Fan secretly followed behind the dead soul insect and touched his chin: "Naraku, this guy really has a blood base, but this trace of devouring power, after the four soul fragments are strengthened, actually produced some mutations, which is interesting." Kikyo

fled all the way, the huge dead soul worm chased behind him, and the dead soul in the forest was constantly devoured by it, and Kikyo also fought back.

But the demon-breaking arrow was avoided by the dead soul worm, and as soon as he chased and fled, the dead soul in Kirito's body was also sucked away, and Li Fan almost shot to stop the giant dead soul worm.

Kirito's hand arrived at Li Fan, and seeing Li Fan's worried appearance of wanting to make a move, there was an inexplicable wave in his heart, in order not to let Li Fan interfere, Kirito had to decisively fall into the cliff.

The corner of Li Fan's mouth twitched, and he cursed in his heart: "Are you a dead!" I don't have to jump

off the cliff..." Suddenly, he remembered the clip of the Supreme Treasure jumping off the cliff, and couldn't help but sigh: "Alas... You are willing to jump off the cliff and don't let me help, I'd better go back..." At

this time, Li Fan seemed to understand the mood of the Iron Fan Princess at that time....

On the other side, after Inuyasha and Borochimaru fought with Kageromaru, Inuyasha quarreled with Gowei again because of Steel Fang, although Gowei ostensibly said that he was worried about Inuyasha's injury and had to stop it.

But is it really good that Inuyasha is injured and you use the "sit down" method to stop it? Knowing that Inuyasha would be jealous, Gowei still had an intimate attitude with Steel Tooth.

It can be seen that Gewei is also a half-hearted person, which she may not know herself, perhaps more to use steel teeth to gas Inuyasha, in order to retaliate against him and Kikyo for their confusion.

Inuyasha, who was angry and angry, fidgeted and looked extremely impatient, ignoring Maitreya and Coral's words.

Grandma Feng listened carefully on the sidelines and reminded: "I don't know what kind of powerful enemies will appear in the future, so you should be more careful."

Several people nodded to show that they knew, and Maitreya tilted his head to look at Inuyasha: "Inuyasha, when are you going to bring Miss Goyasha back."

Inuyasha lay on his side, supporting his head with one hand and putting the other on his knee, his fingers tapping his knee impatiently: "It's annoying, this kind of guy is quieter than me!"

Coral couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Can you stop acting so irritable, I feel very tired."

Inuyasha fingered, and his face flashed with embarrassment, and Maitreya said excitedly: "It's really thanks to Miss Ge that she can endure dealing with Inuyasha."

Coral added: "I couldn't agree more. Shippo

remembered Gowei's words before leaving, looked at Inuyasha, and felt that Inuyasha was a bastard, and Gowei was obviously so good to him, and often made her angry.

Seeing that Inuyasha was still indifferent, Maitreya added a fire: "And no matter what, it's all wishful thinking of Steel Fang."

Coral was not angry to speak: "There is no need to be so afraid."

Inuyasha listened and actually thought that what they said made sense, but for the sake of face, Inuyasha slammed the floor: "It's noisy, you shut up!" Listening to you, it turns out to be all mine! Several

of them sighed in relief when they saw Inuyasha patting the floor, and as if nothing had happened, they drank the soup, and Inuyasha stood up and emphasized, "I won't apologize!" Saying

that, he ran out, what he was going to do, everyone knew it, looking at Inuyasha's back that even the curtain was thrown, several people shook their heads in unison and let out a sigh.

At the mouth of the bone-eating well, Inuyasha was lying outside, really unable to move his face to find her, from noon to the red sky, a gust of wind blew.

Inuyasha stood up suddenly: "Youkai breath! A

huge dark red dead soul worm flew by, Inuyasha was shocked in his heart, what the dead soul worm represented, he knew very well, did not wait for him to sense the breath of Kirito.

In the woods on the side, Kikyo shook his body weakly and walked out: "Kikyo!

Kikyo only shouted "Inuyasha" and fell to the ground, Inuyasha was in a hurry, looking at Kikyo who was seriously injured.

Inuyasha looked back at a group of poisonous bees in the distance: "Naraku's poisonous bees! This is Naraku dry! After

hovering in the sky, the huge dead soul worm pounced on Kikyo, and Inuyasha gritted his teeth: (Naraku wants to kill Kikyo!) How could I possibly let him do this!

Dodging the bite of the dead soul worm, Inuyasha escaped some distance and put Kikyo down: "Kikyo, you rest here first, wait for me to solve this monster." "

The giant Dead Soul Worm is just a huge body and has no ability, it is just a product made by Naraku to restrain Kikyo, and Inuyasha cut the Dead Soul Worm in half with just one sword.

After the giant dead soul insect died, the dead soul in its body was released, and the dead soul insect of Kirito grabbed a mass of dead souls and threw them into Kirito's body.

Inuyasha looked at this scene, and his heart was indescribably entangled: (You can't live without a dead soul, Kikyo.)

Kikyo woke up and pretended to be confused and asked where it was, Inuyasha thought she was being chased by a youkai and ran to him for help.

Kikyo yelled at Inuyasha, "I just chased after me to get here!"

Looking at the sky, Inuyasha said for a long time, "It's been 50 years..."

Kikyo looked cold: "What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking we haven't changed at all from 50 years ago."

Kikyo sneered and tilted his head: "Nonsense, I have changed." Since the moment

I sealed you here..." "We hate each other because of Naraku's trap, I have been sealed on this tree for 50 years, and you... He's dead.

Inuyasha's eyes were full of affection: "That Kikyo, have I changed?"

Inuyasha didn't face Kikyo with a childlike personality like Gowei, he was very bold and direct, and even Kikyo couldn't help but be moved when he heard his words.

It's just that she knows that Inuyasha is not what she loves, she shouldn't have love, let alone have, at least she can't have love until the Jade of the Four Souls is destroyed.

She came this time to tell Inuyasha about Naraku and the Oni Spider on the grounds of the giant dead soul worm, and also said that Naraku had an interest in her.

The second thing is to deepen his weight in Inuyasha's heart, destroy the progress of his relationship with Gowei, and let Inuyasha be less emotionally involved with Gowei and invest in his own plan.

In the bone well, Gowein slept and came back late, looked at the night sky, and thought, "After so long, Inuyasha should have calmed down." A

cloud of light caught her attention, and Gowei walked over curiously, and in the forest, under the white dead souls, Kikyo and Inuyasha looked at each other.

Ge Wei suddenly dodged and hid behind a tree, this action, even she didn't know why, but looking at the scene in front of her, she inexplicably had a sense of familiarity.

It seems that I have seen it somewhere, and the heartache of Ichiwa loss and jealousy rises.

Inuyasha saw that Kikyo was leaving, and thought that Naraku was actually obsessed with Kikyo, and was very upset in his heart, and after turning over the domineering declaration, Inuyasha held Kikyo in his arms.

Kikyo saw Gowei on the side out of the corner of his eye, calculated his heart, and did not struggle anymore, and also held Inuyasha.

Ge Wei was very uncomfortable in her heart, such a scene, she had experienced in the phantom killing...

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