Kikyo came back, returning with a heavy heart, Li Fan looked at Kikyo boredly: "What I said can be normal, while I want to use Inuyasha, I also look emotional and can't bear to refuse."

Li Fan paused and said, "Your behavior is called in our hometown, that is, when and done!"

Kikyo put away his thoughts and looked at Li Fan puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"I just want to be a bitch and build a torii!" Li Fan didn't have a good airway.

Kikyo was stunned, and said with a bitter smile: "I must have disappointed you a lot..."

Li Fan shook his head: "The road is your own choice, either go down, or choose to accept, really, why make yourself very hurt."

Kikyo Silver Teeth bit lightly: (Yes, the path was chosen by me, my mission is to destroy the Jade of the Four Souls, compared to the whole world, what are Inuyasha and I!) Seeing

that the bellflower returned to normal, Li Fan waved his hand and rode on the hot hoof: "I'm leaving, you can do it yourself, let the dead soul insects come to notify me if something happens, they can sense my location."

Kikyo watched Li Fan leave, and there was inexplicably a little more comfort in his heart, and I don't know when he started, he seemed to have become accustomed to Li Fan's existence, and only in front of him did he fearlessly reveal his true side.

"Li Fanjun, thank you..." All

the way south, Li Fan bumped into a large group of monsters, as well as countless poisonous bees, led by an acquaintance, Kagura!

Li Fan stopped in mid-air, Kagura saw that Li Fan was also stunned, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, raised his hand to make the demons stop, Kagura spoke: "I don't know why the demon king lord came?"

Li Fan looked at the youkai behind Kagura with interest, and spoke, "Are you going to find trouble with Inuyasha again?"

Kagura didn't know if Li Fan came to stop him, so he nodded tentatively, "It's all Naraku's order, is the demon king trying to stop it?"

Li Fan swept his eyes and waved his hand: "I don't have time, I have no interest in interfering in your affairs, provided that you don't mess with me." Saying

that, Li Fan was leaving, Kagura saw that Li Fan was really leaving, remembered his fight with Sesshomaru, and wanted to get rid of Naraku's control of Kagura.

I wanted to befriend Li Fan for a long time, but I never had a chance, remembering the Yuro I saw the day before yesterday, Kagura quickly spoke: "Demon King, please stay."

Li Fan's brows frowned, slightly releasing a trace of demon king coercion, and said displeased: "What do you want to do."

Kagura's figure shook, and his heart was shocked, just coercion, so he let himself be confused, and he was even more afraid of Li Fan, "I saw the demon princess in a small village in the south the day before yesterday, I..."

Li Fan was overjoyed when he heard this, and suddenly landed on Kagura's wings: "Quickly say, what happened to her."

Kagura thought that Li Fan was going to attack her, and he almost didn't freak him to death. After hearing Li Fan's words, he said: "Princess Wang and Snake Ji together, they seem to be looking for a sealed monster, it seems to be called a dragon bone spirit. "

Dragon bone essence!"

Li Fan's face changed when he heard this, (This girl is looking for the dragon bone to do it, is she thinking of using the hand of the dragon bone essence to kill herself?)

Li Fan guessed correctly, and he didn't know where he heard the legend that Jie Luo heard, saying that there was a big monster, so powerful that even the Douya King back then could not kill him, but could only seal him.

And the King of Fighting Teeth was also seriously injured by him, and soon died of serious injuries and died in a foreign land.

Li Fan only knew that the dragon bone essence was sealed in the mountains, but somewhere, Li Fan did not know, with the accurate news of Jie Luo, Li Fan accelerated his speed.

On the other side, Yuro and Snake Hime are looking for the dragon bone essence all over the mountains, they have been looking for a day and a night, and they have never found the place where the dragon bone essence is sealed.

Snake Ji Ji said a little impatiently: "I said Sister Yuluo, is this legend fake, what kind of dragon bone essence is this."

Yuro sat on a rock: "I don't know, let's look for another day, look for the two hills in front, if not, let's go."

It seemed that Yu Luo also lost patience, Li Fan was flying in the sky, and suddenly felt a familiar breath: "This is... Killing pills! The

direction changed, Li Fan fell towards a mountain forest below, in front of a big tree, Li Fan saw the killing pill, and was about to say hello.

A voice suddenly came: "What you want to know is your father's relic, iron broken teeth?"

Li Fan frowned, there was actually another person, carefully sensed it, Li Fan's eyes fell on the big tree, and slowly walked out.

Killing Pill sensed Li Fan's arrival long before Li Fan landed, but he didn't care, the tree actually spoke, and Ling behind Killing Pill exclaimed: "Dryad!"

The evil view also looked incredulous: "This guy is..."

Killing Pill said flatly: "Pu Shu who is 2,000 years old." When

the old man on the tree heard this, he said without sorrow or joy: "That's right, then the knife left by Orochimaru's father, the scabbard of iron crushed teeth and innate teeth, was cut out of my branches. "

The sword is not a scabbard, and the enchantment ability of the scabbard, the killing pill is not interested, and he came here to confirm Li Fan's words even more.

"Park Seon-on, I want to know the relationship between Inuyasha and Iron Crushing Teeth."

Park Sen-ong asked, "Inuyasha, is it your younger brother?"

Sesshomaru did not answer Park Sen-ong's words, and said, "The first change in Inuyasha's blood was when he was bitten by a ghost and crushed iron teeth, and the second time was when he let go of iron broken teeth when he fought me.

Sesshomaru recalled Inuyasha's change at the time: "The smell of Inuyasha's blood became the smell of the blood of my father and my youkai. "

The same youkai blood?" Park Xian Weng snorted and smiled, "That's not necessarily.

"Why?" Sesshomaru looked up at Park Seon-ong.

Park Sen-ong also did not hide it: "Inuyasha is a half-demon between a demon and a human, he can't become a real youkai, at least one thing, you Sesshomaru can do it as a complete youkai, but Inuyasha can't do it."

Sesshomaru said, "Inuyasha can't do it?

Park Seon-woong said with certainty: "That is, maintain yourself." In battle, no matter how much you are forced, you can maintain yourself, but Inuyasha cannot, when he is cornered, in order to protect himself, the blood of the youkai will awaken and occupy his heart, and gradually he will lose himself and become a youkai who only knows how to kill.

After listening to Park Xianwen's words, Killing Pill confirmed Li Fan's words, did not stay any longer, turned around and left, and Li Fan stood quietly to the side.

Sesshomaru walked past him: "What are you going to do." The

corner of Li Fan's mouth twitched (Do you want to be so cold, how can I say that we can also be considered friends...)

"Don't do anything." Li Fan shrugged helplessly and said, "Just come down and say hello to you."

"Hmph!" Sesshomaru sneered: "Boring." Ling

saw Li Fan and knew that Li Fan had a good relationship with Killing Pill, and waved his hand sweetly: "Young Master Li Fan." Seeing

that Killing Pill ignored herself, Li Fan walked towards Ling and rubbed her hair with a smile: "Xiao Ling, how about following Killing Pill, if you feel bored, you can come to me, I'm not like some people, I have a cold face all day."

Ling didn't know much about Li Fan's yin and yang strange qi, and said with a smile: "No, Young Master Killing Pill is very good." "

Ling." The pace of the killing pill did not stop, and Li Fan's words made him very disliked: "Gone."

"Yes, Young Master Sesshomaru." Ling bowed to Li Fan and apologized, "Young Master Li Fan, we'll see you next time." "

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