The dragon bone essence opened his mouth to prepare his demon bullet again, and Li Fan slowly raised his hand: "Stop!" I didn't come out to fight you. A finger pointed at Inuyasha, "I'm here for him." "

Huh?" The keel essence was slightly surprised, and the demon bullet slowly dispersed: "You have a grudge with him?"

"It's not." Li Fan shook his head and said, "I just wanted to see how he slaughtered you with explosive currents."

Li Fan's appearance made Ge Wei and the others breathe a sigh of relief, hearing Li Fan say the three words (blasting), Dao Daozhai's eyes widened: "How did he know about blasting!"

Maitreya and the others were also shocked, Li Fan was even more mysterious in their hearts, and Ge Wei couldn't manage so much, and quietly picked up the iron broken teeth and slowly approached Inuyasha.

Inuyasha, on the other hand, slowly retreated as Gowei approached, and his mouth kept letting out a low roar like a beast.

The keel spirit was stunned when he heard this, remembering the battle with the Inu, he had personally experienced the power of blasting, but with the strength of Inuyasha, a half-demon, he didn't believe that Inuyasha could use explosive breaking.

"Hmph! With a half-demon like him, it is impossible to comprehend the meaning of the explosion.

Li Fan obviously felt that when the blast broke the three-word exit, the demon qi of the dragon bone essence had a momentary pause, and then the demon qi of the dragon bone essence was slowly increasing.

Li Fan glanced at the keel essence with a smile: "Or will you be superior?" You can also regain some more strength. "

You!" The dragon bone essence's face changed: "I still underestimate you, it's okay, then wait."

Inuyasha retreated to the cliff wall, there was no way to retreat, and Gowei held the iron broken tooth: "Inuyasha quickly pick up the iron broken tooth and change back to the original you." Maitreya

and the others looked at Gowei, and their hearts jumped, Inuyasha had no way to retreat at this time, and he who had lost his mind could attack Gowei at any time.

"It's useless!" Dao Daosai shouted, "Don't waste your strength, Inuyasha has lost himself, if you move forward, he will attack you as well."

Gewei looked at Inuyasha, his eyes full of determination, and tears welled up in her eyes little by little: "Inuyasha... Sit down. "

Seeing that Inuyasha was ready to attack Gowei, Gowei's (sit down) demonized Inuyasha fell down, and when he looked up again, he had returned to normal.

"Gowei!" Inuyasha gritted his teeth: "What are you doing with this guy!" Including

the Dragon Bone Essence, they were all stunned by Ge Wei's operation.

Maitreya: "It seems that only Miss Goku can cure Inuyasha." Coral

: "Even the changed Inuyasha can't resist the Gowei-chan spell."

Shippo: "Gewei is worthy of being Gewei!"

Dao Daozai: "What? What happened?

Li Fan: "It's really the nemesis of the dog

..." Gewei did not feel because Inuyasha changed back, ran to Inuyasha, tears fell, and handed out the iron broken teeth: "Inuyasha quickly pick up the iron broken teeth."

Inuyasha looked at Gowei's tear stains and knew that he was demonized again, and Gowei was very moved in his heart when he approached him despite the danger.

Holding the iron broken teeth, his eyes were firm and full of fighting spirit: "Gewei, thank you!" Don't worry, Dragon Bone Spirit I will knock him down! Seeing

Inuyasha blocking in front of him, Ge nodded slightly: "Hmm!

Inuyasha held the knife in both hands, and I don't know if it was an illusion, but the iron crushed teeth turned out to be a little lighter, and said in his heart: "I will make the iron crushed teeth lighter, and then guard your side!" And Maitreya them!

Li Fan glanced at the keel essence: "If they continue, I won't bother." Leaving

in a flash, returning to Yura's side, the Dragon Bone Spirit looked at Inuyasha and glanced at Li Fan again: "Boy, that guy said you can make a blast."

The Dragon Bone Essence pointed at Li Fan and teased, "You are just a half-demon, I wonder how a half-demon can make an explosion." "

Blasting blast?" Inuyasha didn't know about Blastburst, and Gowei spoke behind him: "Blastburst is the meaning of Iron Crushing Teeth, a super trick that can defeat the Dragon Bone Essence, so, Inuyasha, you must comprehend Blasting!"

"Noisy!" The keel essence was already jealous of explosive flow, and when he heard Ge Wei's words, he was immediately furious, and his mouth was a demon bomb: "The guy who gets in the way!" Go to hell!

Inuyasha was shocked, picked up Gewei and dodged, Maitreya climbed on the back of the cow, Coral rode mica, Inuyasha put Gomicro on the back of Mica: "Coral, trouble you to stay away."

Coral knew that he couldn't intervene in the current battle, and took Gowei away, who Inuyasha had no worries about was the right thing: "Got it, you have to be careful!" "

Hmm! I won't die so easily!

"If you have this time, you might as well care more about yourself!" The keel essence tail twitched: "Go and die!" Half-demon boy!

Inuyasha turned around suddenly, his tail was too fast, and he had no time to dodge, so he could only slash at the knife: "Ah! "


Inuyasha was shocked by the huge force, rolled over in mid-air, kicked his legs on the cliff wall, and slashed at the heart of the dragon bone spirit again.

The corners of the keel essence's mouth rose, and he did not dodge, looking at Inuyasha with a playful face.

The next second


A blood line splashed, and the dragon bone essence's face changed: "Impossible!" This blunt knife! Unexpectedly..."

Inuyasha landed on the ground, the iron crushed teeth seemed to be a little lighter, the keel essence was cut by himself, Inuyasha suddenly proud: "Hey! Dragon bone essence, didn't you say that my knife can't hurt you? Now how?

"Great!" Ge Wei raised his fist: "Can hurt him, Inuyasha come on!" Knock him down! Dao

Daosai was also confused: "Strange, the breath of Iron Broken Teeth has changed..." After

pondering, Dao Dao Zhai held the attitude of giving it a try: "Inuyasha, you listen well, feel the Iron Broken Teeth with your heart, and comprehend the meaning of the Iron Broken Teeth passed on to you (blasting)!"

Inuyasha was stunned when he heard this, his consciousness sank into the iron crushing teeth, feeling the explosion in the mouth of the knife, half a sound, the fart was useless, and he was distracted, and was pumped away by the tail of the keel essence.

Inuyasha, who got up, said angrily, "Dao Dao Sai! Are you kidding! What kind of blast burst is there! I can't feel anything! When

Li Fan heard this, he fell to the ground laughing on the side, and Ji Luo was also trembling with joy.

The dragon bone essence heard the blast again, and his heart was even more angry, and his strength had returned to about forty percent of his heyday: "Boy! It's time to end! You who have not comprehended the explosion, die! The

dragon's mouth opened, and a demon catapulted several times stronger than before, Dao Daozhai's face changed greatly, and he patted the cow and left: "Hurry away, the strength of the dragon bone essence has increased again."

Inuyasha gritted his teeth and dodged, and one demon bullet after another bombarded him, and the entire valley had been blown up by the keel essence.

Li Fan opened the enchantment to block the aftermath of the explosion, and Inuyasha was forced to the edge of a cliff, and there was no way to hide, and the keel essence gathered again.

An oversized demon bullet was shot at Inuyasha, and Inuyasha felt the crisis: "Can't dodge!" At

this moment, the iron crushed teeth suddenly produced a pulsation, and the demon catapulted and caught the demon cyclone, and Inuyasha couldn't hide: "Can't dodge!" Then cut him! "

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