A stream of wind suddenly appeared on the iron crushing tooth knife, which was the breath of wind injury, and Inuyasha felt the wind wound air flow on the knife.

The air flow winded towards the cyclone of the demon bomb, pulling the cyclone of the demon bomb, and the air flow of the iron broken teeth suddenly became stronger, and the sound of the wind could be faintly heard.

"This is!" Inuyasha was shocked in his heart: "The breath of the wind injury!" Facing

the demon bullet, Inuyasha felt the breath of wind wounds that were much stronger than before, and suddenly cut down: "Wind wounds! The

golden force cut out, like a claw mang, tearing the demon bullet of the dragon bone essence, penetrating it, and slashing fiercely through the body of the dragon bone essence.


The Dragon Bone Spirit screamed, he never expected that Inuyasha could cut such a strong wind injury.

The huge body was cut by the wind wound, a powerful tearing feeling hit, the keel spirit screamed and fell to the ground with a bang, Inuyasha looked at his victory.

Suddenly excited, the iron broken teeth have become lighter, even the power of the wind wound has become stronger, proud, he raised the knife: "Hey! Did you see it!

Dao Daozhai looked disgusted: "Let's stop here, although the knife has become lighter, let's run for your life next." "

What?" Inuyasha is puzzled, he has already killed the keel essence, why run for his life? Don't!

Inuyasha suddenly looked at Li Fan, could it be that Li Fan would make a move on himself!

Soon, Inuyasha knew the reason, the earth trembled, the huge demon qi darkened the entire sky, and the thunder flashed, like the end of the world.

"This breath!" Inuyasha's gaze fell back to the keel essence, and he couldn't believe it: "This guy is not dead!" And... This demon qi..." The

dragon bone essence slowly raised his head, and his voice was flat: "Only this can endure the boy." Really, let me down.

Inuyasha was solemn, and the keel spirit teased, "You don't think that this level can defeat me, do you?" Not

only Inuyasha was shocked, but even Gewei and several people were stunned, and the dragon bone essence said endlessly: "I should have said that my body is harder than steel, not to mention!" The

Dragon Bone Essence turned his head to look at Li Fan: "I only used two percent of my strength, I originally wanted to retain my strength to kill you, and then fight with that guy, now it seems that I want to solve you first!"

"Now!" The body of the dragon bone essence has always used its strongest strength without reservation, and the surrounding body lit up with blue demon light.

"It's my turn!" The keel essence opened its mouth and condensed the demon bullet again.

Dao Dao Zhai was anxious: "Hurry up!" Your goal has been achieved, there is no need to fight anymore!

Inuyasha felt the amazing demon aura of the dragon bone essence and did not retreat: "What a joke! I must slaughter him today! He

said this, but he knew very well in his heart that once he retreated, the attack of the dragon bone essence would fall on Ge Wei and the others.

How could he put Gewei in danger!

"Inuyasha!" Ge Wei was also anxious.

"It's noisy!" Inuyasha stood in front of the keel spirit with a single knife: "I'm just waiting for this time!" Feeling

the will coming from the iron crushing teeth, the crack in the wind caused by the collision of demon qi, Inuyasha seemed to grasp something, but he didn't quite understand.

Li Fan also felt the change of iron broken teeth, it was a change in the wind, very mysterious, unable to speak, but the feeling was clearly captured.

"Blasting burst...," Li Fan muttered, his eyes fixed on the iron broken teeth.

The demon bullet urged by the dragon bone essence with the demon power of the whole body, with electric light, Inuyasha was not afraid, feeling the breath coming from the iron crushed teeth.

"As long as I cut him, I can surpass Daddy!"

Inuyasha held the knife and rushed towards the keel spirit, saying in his heart: "Iron Crushing Teeth, I give all my hope to the feeling you give me, with me!" Cut him! The

iron teeth jumped suddenly, and I felt Inuyasha's heart, a protective heart, and the breath of the wind reappeared.

This time, it is not the wind of demon qi, but the wind generated by Inuyasha's own demon qi, which belongs to Inuyasha's own wind injury!

The keel essence held a demon bullet: "Boy! Go to Hades with your daddy! "

The powerful demon bullet exuded an extremely dangerous aura, and the air in Fang Yuan's ten miles was affected, and under this demon qi, it actually stopped flowing.

The demon catapult shoots out, carrying the demon cyclone towards Inuyasha, Inuyasha is not to be outdone, carrying iron broken teeth, and the knife carries his own demon wind.

The huge demon bomb dragged the demon cyclone, and the wind on Inuyasha's iron teeth fought against the demon cyclone, and the wind pulled with the wind.

Let the demon bullet reveal a central point drawn by the wind, Inuyasha carries the knife, and his own demon qi gushes out, forming a demon wind.

Crashing towards the center point of the demon bomb, the demon wind pulls, Inuyasha tops the demon bomb, and his own demon wind constantly stirs the whirlwind of the demon bomb.

A huge vortex of demon qi formed, and the collision of the two demon qi created a crack in the wound of the wind, and Inuyasha felt the will of the iron crushing teeth.

Slashed towards the demon cyclone: "This is it!" "

The wind wound cut out, and the wind on the knife swept the demon bullet, fusing the demon bullet into it, and bouncing back towards the dragon bone essence.

The keel essence was shocked: "What! This sword qi actually swept my demon qi into it, this is! No way! "

The wind wound broke through the demon bullet and swept the demon wind, forming a tornado that rushed towards the dragon bone spirit.

The tearing force of the powerful wind tore the keel essence to pieces, and under the rebound of the two demon qi, the keel essence had no spare strength to resist at all.

Dao Dao Zhai couldn't believe it, (This kid really used a blast!)

Ge Wei and the others were so excited that they almost didn't jump up, but the dragon bone essence still couldn't believe it: "Impossible!" By no means impossible! How could you possibly use out... Yes! Before

he finished speaking, he was torn to pieces by the blast, and Inuyasha was stunned, how could he not expect that this was his own skill.

The wind stopped, the dust dispersed, and Inuyasha still maintained the movement after swinging the knife: "Just now... What's going on... Wind Wound is completely different. "


Gowei's voice came, Inuyasha put away the iron broken teeth, and Shippo jumped on Inuyasha, excitedly: "Inuyasha, you succeeded, the dragon bone essence was beaten by you without a trace!"

Ge Wei stepped forward with a smile on his face: "It's too stakes, how did you do it?"

"That... Is that? Inuyasha looked confused, and he didn't know what was going on.

Hakka also jumped out and patted the horse's butt: "It's really worthy of Young Master Inuyasha, and it's worthy of being the man I fancy." Shippo

was not happy when he heard this, and said in a deep voice: "Grandpa Hajia, you have been ignoring him."

Dao Sai thought thoughtfully, he didn't think Inuyasha could comprehend the blast, Inuyasha didn't know about it.

I thought that Dao Daozhai had done something to strengthen the iron broken teeth, and under the excitement, he slapped Dao Daozai to the ground with several slaps: "Sometimes you also do something pleasant, hahaha." "

What kind of mechanism did you install with the iron crushing teeth, it is much stronger than before!"

Li Fan couldn't help it, covered his stomach and held Ji Luo's little hand, and it fell down with a pop, but said to Ji Luo in his mouth: "Look, I said this, this guy with a simple brain, it's just a coincidence that the burst burst."

Yura glanced at Inuyasha seriously a few times and nodded, "Uh-huh, it seems to be a coincidence."

Inuyasha was furious when he heard this, and he had already had a festival with Li Fan, and said angrily: "Li Fan! Who do you say has a simple brain! Believe it or not, I cut you!

Li Fan pouted, "Cut me? Wait until you learn to use blasting, now you..."

Li Fan glanced at Inuyasha and said, "Not yet!" "

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