Without waiting for Inuyasha to make a move, Li Fan took Yuro away, and Inuyasha jumped on the ground and cursed.

In the battle with the Dragon Bone Spirit, although Inuyasha consumed a lot of demon power, his excitement was undiminished, and he wanted to fight Li Fan.

After scolding for a while, until Li Fan's figure disappeared, Inuyasha calmed down, and Inuyasha was very puzzled by the blow just now.

Dao Daozhai explained: "That is the mysterious explosion of iron broken teeth, in theory, it is to involve the enemy's demon qi into its own knife qi, but there must be a knife qi to suppress the enemy's demon qi to cut out, and the enemy will bear a total of iron broken teeth and its own demon qi, rebounding back damage, this is the power theory of blasting." "

Huh?" Inuyasha blinked with wide eyes, "But I just cut towards the scorched place of the wind wound."

Maitreya was also happy for Inuyasha: "Inuyasha, anyway, in this way, you can freely control the iron broken teeth, right?" Hearing

this, Inuyasha looked proud, and showed off his knife: "More than that! Look at it, don't be scared! "

Jumped out, slashed out, and generated a crack in the wind with its own demon qi, and the wind wound cut out.

Everyone was shocked, and Inuyasha looked back with a show-off look: "How! I can now use the wind wound at will. "

The demon wind wrapped around the iron broken teeth, Inuyasha unlocked the right to use the wind wound, excited, left stab, right slash, slashed with pleasure.

The whole valley was trembling, rubble was flying, Dao Daosai rode his oxen to flee the valley, and the coral also sensed the danger: "Hey, Inuyasha, enough, stop."

Maitreya looked at the gravel and exclaimed, "How could anyone wield such a dangerous knife like this?"

Inuyasha held the knife, feeling the power of the iron crushing teeth, and spoke very arrogantly: "It's okay, no one is my opponent anymore, if you are unwilling, come and stop me!" Just

as he was about to slash out another knife, Gowei's voice suddenly sounded, with warm anger: "Inuyasha!

Inuyasha's body froze when he heard this, and he had a strong sense of bad luck, and every time he heard Gowei's tone, he would be unlucky.

Turning his head in fear, just turned his head, Ge Wei's voice came again: "Sit down!"

Inuyasha fell headlong, and Maitreya said helplessly: "Really, this person is too easily carried away." "

Ji Luo was led by Li Fan's little hand, and the battle just now made her feel a lot of excitement, and the powerful dragon bone essence made her feel the strength of the monster for the first time.

There is also Inuyasha, obviously inferior to the keel essence, but with the demon knife in his hand, he can actually cut out a blow against the sky and beat the keel essence into minced meat.

Li Fan was so powerful that she didn't put the dragon bone essence in her eyes at all, although she knew that Li Fan was very strong, she had never seen Li Fan really make a move.

She always thought that no matter how powerful a youkai was, it was just that, but the battle between the keel spirit and Inuyasha completely made her realize how weak she was.

Li Fan was proud in his heart, and Ji Luo could let him hold his little hand, and Li Fan, who had to step in, slowly wrapped his hand around her waist.

Ji Luo suddenly woke up from his contemplation, looked at the hand on his waist, he didn't know when he was held by Li Fan, and he still put his arm around his waist!


When he woke up, Ji Luo slapped his backhand, and then threw Li Fan away and jumped to the side, blushing and angrily: "Shameless! I was distracted... What do you want!

Li Fan covered his face innocently, still in confusion, just now it was fine, why did Ji Luo suddenly turn his face....


Ji Luo snorted angrily, and walked away without looking back, if she didn't go, Li Fan's actions made her heart unstable, and her resentment towards him was much less.

The purifying light left by the pupils added a little more to the Jade of the Four Souls.

Watching Yue Luo leave, Li Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly, then picked up his spirits, took out Yue Luo's body from his arms, felt the changes inside, Li Fan smiled heartily: "Faster than I thought, Yue Luo, don't worry, we will be together soon!"

Unconsciously, Li Fan rode Yan Hoof and actually broke into a fog, and Yan Hoof was very uneasy about this sudden fog.

Constantly snapping his nose to remind Li Fan, Li Fan was still thinking about things, and the warning of the hot hooves made him wake up from his contemplation, looking at the white fog formed by demon qi, Li Fan frowned.

Dismounted, Li Fan looked around, and a voice suddenly sounded, and a girl dressed as a nobleman appeared from the fog.

The girl is very beautiful, her skin is like curd, green silk and waist, and her voice is soft with a thick sorrow, which makes those who hear it can't help but feel a protective desire in their hearts.

"Who are you?"

Li Fan looked at the girl, the beauty of the girl, even Li Fan had a momentary loss of concentration, seeing that Li Fan did not answer, the girl spoke again: "No matter who it is, let's go to the house first."

Li Fan glanced around, the demon power gathered his eyes, the fog disappeared, and in the distance there was a group of old men sitting in a daze on the field.

Looking at the girl again, Li Fan was stunned, in her body, there was a fox demon, the fox demon controlled her body, and the girl's soul was sealed by the monster and slept.

Feeling the remnants of a man's essence in the monster's body, and looking at the group of old men, Li Fan was clear in his heart, and thought: "It turned out to be a fox demon that sucks people's yang qi..." Entering

the house, Li Fan sat down, the fox demon manipulated the girl, poured a cup of tea for Li Fan, and said faintly: "I was originally a princess, because I fled here because of the war, my country has perished, so I lived in seclusion here."

Li Fan took a sip of tea, and without bothering to speak, he said directly: "Don't act, leave this girl, I can let you go."

Li Fan's plain words made the girl stunned, and her heart was shocked, but her face showed a dazed look: "What are you saying, I don't understand."

Li Fan frowned: "An unsuccessful fox demon, occupying the human body, seducing men, sucking away yang qi and youth, you..."

When the girl heard this, she suddenly became embarrassed, the weakness on her face was swept away, and she looked at Li Fan with a fierce expression, her body was full of demon qi, and her voice became thick: "If you see through it, then suffer death!" The

originally white jade hand turned into a fox claw and stabbed towards Li Fan, Li Fan secretly shook his head, his eyes froze, and glared at the girl.

The power of the demon king radiated, just the upper eye, the fox demon screamed and left the girl's body, turning into a demon light and fleeing into the sky.

The fox demon left, the girl fell straight to Li Fan, Li Fan led the void, and gently supported the unconscious girl to the ground.

"Come back!"

Li Fan stretched out his hand again and grabbed it, and the lustful fox demon flew back uncontrollably and knelt in front of Li Fan.

After Li Fan saw the appearance of the fox demon, he remembered the plot, the fox demon in front of him cannot be killed, this is one of the plots of Maitreya and Coral's relationship heating up, Li Fan does not want to destroy.

"Adults spare my life, small ones have no eyes, please spare my life!"

The fox demon kept begging for mercy, Li Fan's strength was not something she could fight against, Li Fan thought for a while, and said, "I can not kill, and I don't care if you harm people or not, but I want to take this girl."

Hearing that Li Fan did not kill himself, the fox demon breathed a sigh of relief: "Adults are casual, as long as they don't kill me, it doesn't matter if the group of men and adults outside are also taken away."

Li Fan's forehead jumped: "Shut up!" Lao Tzu doesn't want men! "

Yes, yes, yes..." The fox demon was shocked, and quickly kowtowed: "The adult is angry."

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