Li Fan threw the girl on the back of Yan's hoof, in the plot, the girl is already a dead person, her identity is a princess, because of the defeat of the country, she fled here alone.

Because of her weakness, she let the monster devour her possession, in the end, it was also a miserable girl, Li Fan couldn't bear it in her heart, so she saved her soul from the fox demon in advance.

Brought back to the village where he stayed, Kikyo looked at the undead brought back by Li Fan with a confused expression, the corners of Li Fan's mouth twitched, and he spoke: "Don't misunderstand, I just saw her poor background, and I brought it back to let her be excessive."

Kikyo covered his mouth and smiled, "Li Fanjun doesn't have to explain it to me, it's just..." Kikyo threatened: "I don't know about this after letting Yu Luo know..."

Li Fan looked at Kirito with an angry expression: "Just be a person, don't fan the flames here!" On

the other hand, Naraku saw Inuyasha defeat the keel essence, and was very jealous of Inuyasha's new trick, and in the face of Inuyasha's blast, Naraku did not have the confidence to block it.

Unconsciously, Inuyasha actually grew to this point, Naraku was very unhappy in his heart, thinking of Inuyasha, he thought of Kikyo.

This woman who makes the ghost spider ador, because the ghost spider, she can't kill Kirito.

This woman does not die, Naraku always feels uneasy, in order to kill Kikyo, Naraku has thought of many ways, but always fails.

A gust of wind blew, and Kagura suddenly descended from the sky and came to Naraku's face: "The person you are looking for has been found, but you better go and talk to her in person, and her condition is the Jade of the Four Souls." "

Oh?" Naraku looked up with interest and said, "She wants the Jade of the Four Souls?"

"Yes." Kagura said with a disdainful tone, "I don't know what ability an old woman has to make me go to her so hard."

"Her strength is not simple." Naraku smiled: "Let's wait a while, after I arrange the current affairs, I will meet her again."

Li Fan, who rarely planned to rest for two days, suddenly sat up from the floor and said with a surprised face: "This is..." Li

Fan's sudden action startled Kirito, who was watching TV on the side: "What's wrong?"

Li Fan looked in one direction with a surprised expression: "Could it be that the old brother still has an accident?" Didn't he tell him to be careful of the Jade Fragments of the Four Souls? "

Brother?" Kikyo tilted his head: "Li Fanjun, you still have an older brother?"

Li Fan shook his head and said, "It's one of my sworn elder brothers, and just now I received a distress signal from him. "

Help?" Kikyo was very interested in people who could worship Li Fan: "Can worship with you, the strength must not be bad, do you want me to help?"

Li Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "No need, I think he should be careless, I'll go and see what happened."

Li Fan got up and was about to leave, and Kikyo also followed: "Wait, I'll go too, stay in the village every day, it's time to go out and walk."

Li Fan's steps quickened, he didn't want Kirito to follow, in case he was seen by Yu Luo, he might misunderstand himself again and summon Yan Hoof.

A jumper on the horse, flee like a horse and leave, Kikyo had already prepared, when Li Fan jumped, she threw out a rope, like a horse, trapped Li Fan, gently pulled, and landed on the horse.

Li Fan looked confused, looked at the hemp rope around his waist, his face was gloomy, and his tone was not good: "Stinky woman!" What are you doing!

Kikyo covered his mouth and chuckled, holding the hemp rope tightly with one hand, and did not mean to open it lightly: "This is a method that I thought of for a long time, does Li Fanjun have an opinion?"

Li Fan almost died of anger: "What do you say!" No one wants to be trapped like a horse!

Kikyo replied reasonably, "Who let Li Fanjun be so fast, I can't help it?" "

Less verbosity!" Li Fan untied the rope sleeve: "Give me down!"

"Don't do that." Kikyo gloated, "If Li Fanjun has to go down, then I can only talk to Yu Luo about Li Fanjun's recent situation." The

corner of Li Fan's mouth twitched, this dead woman was threatening herself!

"Good!" Li Fan gritted his teeth: "It's you who are coming, don't regret it!" "

Because of Li Fan's intervention, Inuyasha and his party solved the fox demon matter without much effort, without the temptation of a beautiful woman.

Maitreya was not as obsessed as in the plot, and killed the fox demon with three or two strokes with the coral, and did not see the legendary princess.

Maitreya was still very unwilling, and after embarking on the journey, in a valley river, a peach flowed down with the water, and Shippo picked it up.

Seeing the face on the peach fruit: "What a disgusting

fruit..." Maitreya saw the peach fruit, his face was slightly shocked: "This is the human face fruit, legend has it that the fruit is nourished by humans, but..." Maitreya

looked at the upper mountain: "Why does the human face fruit go down with the stream..."

Inuyasha said disdainfully: "Then there are so many whys, go up and take a look!"

Maitreya was very strange, the information he knew was (the human face fruit is very precious, it is a fruit tree planted by the peach immortals, but I don't know when it started, the peach immortals raised peach trees with humans, which made him very puzzled.

As the stream went up, Maitreya, Gowei, Shippo, and Inuyasha finally saw the peach tree on the top of the mountain, only at this time, the peach tree exuded a strange demon aura.

As the sun was about to set, Inuyasha glanced at the peach tree on the top of the mountain and jumped impatiently on the rocks: "You guys are too slow, I'll go cut the tree first!"

Ge Wei was a little unhappy: "Wait for me."

Inuyasha turned around and said impatiently, "When I send you up one by one, the sun will go down."

Looking at Inuyasha's back, Ge Wei was dissatisfied: "How so!"

Shippo counted the time and spoke, "Inuyasha wants to solve it before dark.

Gewei and Maitreya looked at Shippo in bewilderment, and Shippo looked at Inuyasha's back and said solemnly, "Because tonight is the day of the moon."

"The day of the moon..." Ge Wei came over anyway and was startled: "New moon! It was the day when Inuyasha lost his demon power and turned back to being human, so Inuyasha was..."

Li Fan calmed his face all the way, and when he arrived at Taoyuan Mountain, he didn't find Qingyue's figure, but saw a big fat man with sharp eyes.

Remind Li Fan: "Li Fanjun, he has four soul fragments on his body. The

fat man saw the stranger, and was looking at the two curiously, hearing Kikyo's words, the fat man was stunned and patted his stomach: "Can you see the four soul fragments?"

Li Fan looked around and saw the virtual world placed in the middle of the room, this thing Li Fan had seen back then, it was the world of sermons that Qingyue spent a lot of time making.

Looking at the virtual world, Li Fan spoke: "If I guessed correctly, you are a disciple accepted by Brother Qingyue, what about the others?" "

Qingyue?" The fat man was stunned and said with a smile: "Are you talking about that old guy, he is so annoying that he was designed by me to make peach seedlings."

Li Fan smiled bitterly and muttered, "Alas... It seems that it is the correction power of the plot, do I want to make a move, how to say that it is also to worship the eldest brother..."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the house: "Is it this tree, I thought it was a demon tree, it looked like it was just a peach tree that exuded a strange aura."

Hearing this voice, Kikyo's face changed: "Inuyasha! "

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