Night Cold didn’t feel anything at first, but in the blink of an eye, the sound of these bells began to become like sharp little thorns, constantly piercing into Night Cold’s mind.

Although with the defense of the night cold, this attack could not bring him any harm.

But like a mosquito that kept roaring in his mind, it bore him.

“It’s really noisy!”

He drank impatiently, and the night cold also began to get serious.

Streams of black demon qi began to center on the night cold, constantly rushing towards the surroundings, forming a strong demon force wind, impacting everyone around the night cold.

The shrine disciples began to stand unsteadily and had to stop and resist.

Seeing that the disciples were in trouble because the attack was broken, the old mage hurriedly let them withdraw first.

“Monster, today you have succeeded!”

At this time, the old mage took off the rosary hanging from his neck and held it in his hand.

A divine and powerful exorcism force began to condense in the rosary on his hand, and as the old mage aimed the rosary at the night cold, a shockwave-like exorcism spell rushed through it.

Looking at the attack issued by the old mage, Ye Han was also slightly dignified.

After all, the exorcism mana specially cultivated by human mages still has a very great restraining effect on monsters.

But that’s about it.

Restraint is also relative, like Ye Han, an existence with powerful demon power, the power of exorcising evil spirits is no longer useful to him.

You can directly flood it with huge demon power, if it doesn’t work, then it must be that the demon power is not enough.

However, the most important thing that night cold lacks is demon power.

The demon power began to condense in the hand, and in the blink of an eye, a lilac demon gas bomb condensed by pure demon power and the size of a basketball appeared in Ye Han’s hand.

In the face of the oncoming exorcism spell, Ye Han directly still released the demon qi bomb in his hand.

In an instant, the demon gas bomb and the power of exorcism and purification emitted by the spell collided together, constantly crushing and consuming each other.

Eventually, both dissipate at the same time.

Seeing that his attack was easily defeated by the night cold, the old mage was not disappointed.

He also didn’t think that a big demon like Night Cold could be eliminated so easily.

Mana began to regather in his hands, and at this time, the disciples standing behind the Dharma body also began to spontaneously stand behind the old mage, channeling mana to him.

Not long after, a powerful exorcism force that was several times stronger than before condensed in the hands of the old mage.

“Is it only to this extent in the end?”

Just when the old mage and his disciples were doing their best, they were ready to wipe out the night cold under this blow.

Ye Han suddenly said something of unclear meaning to the old mage.

“This guy…”

Seeing that the night cold was still so calm at this time, the old mage’s forehead couldn’t help but leave a drop of sweat.

However, at this time, it was already the last moment, and the old mage could only hope that this powerful blow could eliminate the night cold.

The attack formed in a blink of an eye, and a powerful exorcism spell that was 5 times stronger than the first time rushed straight towards the night cold under the combined force of the mages.

In the face of this all-out blow that gathered the disciples of the entire shrine, Yehan did not support it.

Directly pulled out his own bone knife, this bone knife at this time, after the night cold and continuous use of demon power to warm up, has been completely different from the first time it was casually condensed.

The originally gray-white bone knife exuded a silver-white light throughout its body at this time, and even a deep cold light could be seen at the blade, and at a glance, it was much more terrifying and sharp than those iron tools.

The demon power began to condense on the bone knife, and as the night cold raised the knife, bursts of demon qi surrounded the knife.

With a swing of the sword, a huge vortex of demon power like a long scroll went straight to the mages’ exorcism attack.

The two collided and began to cancel each other out continuously, and at this moment, the speed of the attack vortex sent by the night cold further accelerated, and the next moment it directly chiseled through the opponent’s attack, passed through it, and continued to hit the mage behind.

“What… What the? ”

Looking at this attack that penetrated his own side and still went unabated, everyone, including the old mage, felt unbelievable.

“Danger! Cloth enchantment! ”

It was the old mage who was the first to come to his senses, and at this time, seeing this attack that was close at hand, he hurriedly shouted.

Hearing the old mage’s reminder, the disciples also came to their senses one by one, and quickly joined hands with the old mage to arrange a super large enchantment that included everyone.

The attack hit the enchantment in a blink of an eye, and after a stalemate, they finally began to dissipate.

When the smoke and dust generated by the attacks of both sides dissipated, few of the mages in place were standing.

The figure of the old mage was still standing in front of the disciples at this time, and he had just resisted most of the pressure from the night cold attack.

Just when Night Cold became slightly interested in the strength of this mage.

In place, the old mage, who had been standing still, fell down without warning, causing a series of exclamations from the disciples.

So it is, the grade is too big, it’s a pity.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Ye Han randomly stopped paying attention to them and turned to look into the depths of the Duo Pagoda at this time.

There, a powerful and evil aura had already begun to emerge.

“Look at it, this ghost at least has the strength of a big monster.”

“No wonder you can fight like that with the protagonists.”

The night is cold and dark.

Under the Duo Pagoda, Tsubaki at this time had completely unsealed the boulder.

I saw that huge gaps began to crack on the surface of the oval-shaped boulder, and in a blink of an eye, they spread all over the boulder.

The next moment, the boulder completely cracked.

In the splash of rubble, a cloud of energy emitting a blood-red glow was revealed from the place where the boulder was originally located.

“Hahaha, Uncle Ben finally came out, actually dared to seal Uncle Ben, I must kill all your group of hateful mages.”

With a rampant roar, the energy gradually turned into a hideous demon with two giant horns that soared into the sky.

And during this period, his body continued to grow, and in a blink of an eye, he directly reached the limit that this underground space could accommodate, and the evil ghosts at this time were still growing continuously.

“This guy…”

Seeing that the evil ghost he released was such a huge fellow, Tsubaki hurried out of the underground cave that had begun to collapse at this time.

On the ground, as the evil qi continued to spread, the movement began to get bigger and bigger, and finally, after a period of shaking, people began to see the culprit who caused all this.

A hideous demon the size of a mountain.

At this time, the Duo Pagoda has been reduced to history.

“Damn, was they released?”

At this time, the old mage who woke up slowly saw this evil ghost who was laughing wildly.

Unfortunately, at this time, he has run out of oil, and he can only watch all this powerlessly from the side.


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