The evil ghost laughed maniacally: “Finally came out, Uncle Ben finally came out!” It’s been more than a hundred years! ”

“Huh? Mage? Is this the apprentice who sealed me up that guy? Exactly, give me all to die! ”

The evil ghost who was struggling to get out of the cage suddenly caught a glimpse of the mages on the ground, and suddenly an energy bomb spit out from his mouth, aiming directly at the old mages and them.

Unfortunately, this guy’s eyes don’t seem to be very good, and the attack range of the energy bomb just shrouds the night cold who is watching the lively from the side.

“Huh! It’s really a disaster! ”

Ye Han glanced at this demon whose head seemed to lack a string speechlessly, and directly opened the enchantment before the energy bomb arrived.

The energy bomb hit the enchantment, and after a slight stalemate, it dissipated in a muffled sound, without causing any pressure on the night cold at all.

“Boy, are you with them?”

The evil ghost saw that his attack was blocked, and immediately said viciously to the night cold.

“You have too much nonsense!”

After speaking, Ye Han didn’t pay attention to its meaning anymore, and directly attacked it with a knife.

The whole person flashed, and directly came to the front of the evil ghost, and swung down at the arm of the evil ghost.

The main reason for this is to see what the overall strength of this evil ghost really is.

After all, although I know from the anime that this guy’s defense ability should be okay, after all, it is not as accurate as what I feel personally.

With the movement of the night cold, the long knife began to slide all the way along the arm of the devil.

But Ye Han did not feel the feeling of the end of everything, but a bit like cutting cow leather, and the resistance was very large.

When the night cold attack stopped, the demon also had a long and narrow wound on his arm that was constantly bubbling with green blood.

Wounds like this are nothing for monsters and ghosts with strong vitality.

In the blink of an eye, the wound of the evil ghost was restored in a burst of muscles.

“Abominable little ghost, I’m going to kill you.”

The evil ghost who saw the blood was completely aroused, and at this time he had completely forgotten the group of magicians on the ground, and he only wanted to destroy Yehan, the guy who injured him.

Streams of dark energy continued to condense in its mouth, and they began to send out shockwave-like attacks against the night cold.

Even the mages who were now ignored by the evil spirits suffered from the scourge and were shrouded in attack.

So that at this time, they had no ability to arrange the enchantment, they could only dodge constantly, but from time to time, disciples who could not dodge were hit, and countless deaths and injuries were killed and injured for a while.

The ground began to be bombarded with large holes, and in the blink of an eye, the back mountain of this shrine became full of potholes and a mess.

Ye Han casually dodged a wave of energy towards him while evaluating it in his heart.

“Good defense!

“Strong vitality!”

“The attack power is also okay!”

In addition to the brain is not very good, the night cold is still very satisfying overall.

However, it was originally meant to be sealed in Tsubaki’s body, and this question could be completely ignored.

“The game ends here, big man, Ben Gongzi is going to be serious next!”

The night cold after the appraisal was not ready to continue, and planned to solve the evil ghost directly.

“Arrogant boy, who do you think you are, Uncle Ben will tear you to pieces right away.”

Ignoring the evil spirit, Ye Han began to accumulate demon power on the knife.

With the demon qi sweeping through, Ye Han swung the same sword that he had just done to the mages.

This is a kind of use of demon power developed by Ye Han after several battles and moos.

Condense the demon power, so that the knife qi and the demon force rotate in the opposite direction, so that the attack sent out will have a very powerful penetrating power, the attack power is very powerful, and it was casually named “God Killer” by the night cold.

Ye Han swung out a sword, and a huge long vortex broke away from the bone knife and swept straight towards the evil ghost.

Seeing the attack coming, the evil ghost quickly put his arms in front of Xiong and tried to resist.

The attack arrived in a blink of an eye, however, the two only stalemated for a moment, and the next moment, a mo-to-tear sound began to sound continuously.

“What… What the? ”

In the incredulous eyes of the evil spirit, the “God Killer” Long Scroll broke through its defenses in the blink of an eye, and unabated towards its Xiong mouth, completely penetrating its entire body, leaving a huge hole.

The demon was unwilling to fall to the ground, and after a loud rumble, a cloud of dust splashed on the spot.

After the smoke cleared, the night cold came to the evil spirit.

Under the control of the night cold, the evil ghost at this time did not die, but the injury was too serious and he had completely lost his mobility.

Seeing the arrival of the night cold, a pair of eyes that could still move stared straight at the night cold, and the bloodthirsty aura of killing lu rushed towards him.

Ye Han did not pay attention to the evil ghost who was already at the end of the crossbow at this time.

Reaching out and resting on the devil’s head, the demon force began to slowly envelop the devil.

Then, visible to the naked eye, the body of the demon began to slowly shrink, and in the process, it was slowly reduced to a mass of scarlet energy like viscous magma.

In it, you can also see the faces of demons that have shrunk countless times and are roaring viciously and constantly struggling.

Unfortunately, the energy was always held firmly in the hands of the night cold, and the efforts of the evil spirits had no effect at all.

Ye Han held this energy in one hand and casually summoned Tsubaki, who had been waiting quietly next to him.

After Tsubaki came over, Yehan directly pressed the energy in his hand towards Tsubaki’s right eye, which was already emitting a burst of brightness at this time.

The moment the two touched, the energy was sucked in as if the swallow had returned to the nest.

It can be seen that the evil ghost that has just been sealed is not stable at this time, and Tsubaki is trying his best to suppress it.

After a few minutes, Tsubaki’s expression gradually relaxed.

“How’s it going?”

“Master, there is no problem anymore, but if you want to use the energy of the devil, it may take a while to get used to.”

“Well, things are pretty much the same here, go back!”


So, under the hateful and fearful eyes of a group of mages, the two of them leisurely left this place that had become full of holes.

A few days later, the two returned to the city of Yujin.

In the past few days, Tsubaki has been able to simply begin to use the power of demons.

This not only made her spell-casting ability stronger, but her body’s defense power also increased tremendously.

Although it is not yet at the level of evil spirits, it is difficult to cause any damage to an attack of the level of an ordinary soldier now.

You know, this is not a spell casting defense like before, but an effect that can be achieved by the strength of the flesh alone.

It can be said that the current Tsubaki, after the night cold transformation and this seal, the overall strength has grown tremendously.

I believe that at this time, with her strange techniques and powerful energy in her body, even if she is the existence of the early stage of the Great Monster, she is not necessarily her opponent.

And after she further adapts to the energy of the evil demon in her body, the existence of the middle stage of the big monster will also be able to fight.


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