"Come on, let's go over and take a look."Chen Jiang turned to Tuanzi Tuan and Lin Waner and said, his tone still calm.

He knew that there were too many secrets hidden in this forest, and the situation in front of him was probably one of them.

Lin Waner and Tuanzi Tuan looked at each other, They all saw nervousness and curiosity in each other's eyes~.

They followed Chen Jiang closely, for fear of being left behind by Chen Jiang.

Along the way, Chen Jiang saw the corpses of several soul beasts lying on the ground.

These soul beast forms They are all different, some are ferocious and terrifying, and some appear docile and cute.

However, at this moment, they have all lost the breath of life and become cold corpses.

Chen Jiang carefully observed the corpses of these soul beasts and found that they had They all have obvious scars.

These scars vary in depth, but without exception they are fatal. Judging from these scars, these soul beasts seem to have been killed by other more powerful soul beasts because they did not escape in time.

Even more so. Chen Jiang was shocked that he actually saw a thousand-year soul beast among these soul beasts!

This thousand-year soul beast was huge, several times taller than ordinary soul beasts.

The fur on its body showed a kind of The deep blue color seemed to contain majestic soul power. However, at this moment, it was lying quietly on the ground, its eyes losing its former glory.

Chen Jiang knew that the thousand-year soul beast was already quite powerful in the soul beast forest. Existed.

They not only possess powerful soul power and attack power, but also have extremely high wisdom and cunning.

However, the thousand-year soul beast in front of him died so miserably, which made Chen Jiang feel palpitations.

"What is it that can actually make thousand-year-old soul beasts kill each other?"

You must know that at this current time point, the invasion of the world of Luo Dou Continent has just begun.

Ordinary people have just obtained the qualifications to awaken and become soul masters, and are not yet qualified to possess too powerful power.

At this time period, ordinary people can Most of the soul beasts dealt with are only ten-year soul beasts.

Although these ten-year soul beasts also have certain attack and defense power, they are still relatively easy to deal with for newly awakened soul masters.

However, even so , Ordinary people also need to be extra careful when dealing with ten-year-old spirit beasts. A little carelessness may result in injury or even death.

If ordinary people want to deal with hundred-year-old spirit beasts, they need more careful tactics and more sophisticated equipment.

Centennial spirit beasts already have a certain amount of wisdom, and they will use their own advantages to attack human weaknesses.

Therefore, ordinary people must always be vigilant when dealing with century-old spirit beasts, and cannot be careless in the slightest.

And thousand-year spirit beasts, in this Time period is the well-deserved overlord in the soul master system!

They have powerful soul power and attack power, and even have a certain degree of wisdom and thinking ability. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to deal with thousand-year soul beasts.

It is shocking.!

The water friends in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

: Darling, why is the corpse of this soul beast so big?

: I can feel the oppression of this soul beast through the screen. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

: Look, the soul ring floating on the body of this soul beast is not white or yellow!: Oh my god, a purple soul ring!? Is this the thousand-year soul beast that Brother Chen mentioned before

?: The thousand-year soul beast is kneeling here so shamelessly?:

Something happened to a god or a demon?!

The friends in the water were puzzled.

Chen Jiang frowned slightly, and he was keenly aware of a hint of danger. In this chaotic forest, , any slight negligence may lead to fatal consequences.

Asking for flowers 0 0

He scanned the surroundings, trying to find the source of the danger.

At this moment, a fleeing soul beast broke into his sight.

It was a thousand-year-old The fallen demon wolf was huge in size and exuded a strong stench.

Its originally dark hair was now covered with blood and soil, making it look ferocious and terrifying. The moment it saw Chen Jiang and others, a flash of light flashed through its dark pupils. A hint of fierce killing intent.

Obviously, this demon wolf did not regard Chen Jiang and others as its own kind, but as a potential threat.

It opened its bloody mouth, exposed its sharp fangs, and then directly He rushed towards Chen Jiang

"Become crazy?"Chen Jiang sneered. Facing the attack of this thousand-year-old fallen demon wolf, he did not panic at all.[]

He quickly adjusted his posture and punched the demon wolf hard on the head.

"boom!"A muffled sound came, and Chen Jiang's fist accurately hit the demon wolf's head.

The powerful force burst out instantly, and directly knocked the demon wolf away.

The demon wolf drew a parabola in the air, and then hit hard It fell to the ground.

It groaned in pain and tried to stand up, but soon lost its breath completely.

Chen Jiang walked over to check on the demon wolf and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that it was dead.

This one Although the demon wolf's strength was good, it was still not enough in front of him. He turned to look at the live broadcast room and found that the water friends had begun to cheer.

:Brother Chen Jiang is so powerful! He actually killed the thousand-year-old fallen demon with one punch Wolf!:

This demon wolf died miserably, but Brother Chen Jiang was so powerful!

And this demon wolf was the first thousand-year soul beast Zero to die in the live broadcast room!.

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