: Look, the purple soul ring explodes!

: The Millennium Soul Beast doesn’t look very strong, does it? Brother Chen punches one!

: Do you think it’s possible that it’s because of Chen Geqiang?

At this time, Tuanzi Tuan, who had been hiding behind Chen Jiang, seemed to feel something.

Her smart eyes stared closely at the soul ring left by the thousand-year-old fallen demon wolf on the ground, and her body subconsciously moved closer to the soul ring.

Chen Jiang noticed Tuanzi Tuan's actions. He hesitated, but did not stop him.

Chen Jiang thought of something and wanted to use Tuanzi Tuan to verify it.

Tuanzi Tuan cautiously approached the soul ring, and then slowly stretched out his little hand,"Four Four Zero" touched the soul ring.

At the moment of contact, the power of the soul ring rushed into Tuanzi Tuan's body like a wild beast.

Tuanzi Tuan let out a scream, his voice filled with pain and panic.

She covered her body, curled up on the ground, and kept shaking. Upon seeing this, Chen Jiang and Lin Wan'er quickly stepped forward to check on the situation of the dumplings.

"What happened? Are there any dangers in the dumplings?"

Lin Wan'er asked eagerly, with deep concern in her tone. Although she didn't have much interaction with Tuanzi Tuan, during this time together, she had gradually developed a liking for this little cutie.

She didn't He couldn't bear to see Tuanzi Tuan get hurt in any way, and he didn't want to see her struggling in pain like this.

Chen Jiang slowly shook his head and signaled Lin Wan'er to calm down.

He stared at the transforming Tuanzi Tuan calmly, observing. Watching her every subtle change.

He knew that this process was crucial to Tuanzi Tuan, and he had to ensure that she could survive this critical moment safely.

"Don't worry, Tuanzi Tuan will be fine."

Chen Jiang said in a calm tone, but it was convincing.

"I have been observing her situation, she is just absorbing the power of the soul ring. Although this process was painful, it was a rare opportunity for her."

Hearing Chen Jiang's explanation, Lin Wan'er's tense nerves relaxed a little.

At this moment, the barrage in Chen Jiang's live broadcast room suddenly exploded. Countless messages were refreshed quickly, and friends expressed their disapproval of Tuanzi. Concerns and worries about the situation of the Tuanzi Tuan.

: What’s wrong with Tuanzi Tuan sister? She looks so miserable!

: Don’t worry, everyone, Brother Chen is here! Brother Chen will definitely not let anything happen to Tuanzi Tuan!

: But it seems like Tuanzi Tuan sister It’s very painful. Is there anything we can do?:

Look! Did Tuanzi Tuan’s head grow ears? What’s going on?

With the appearance of the last barrage, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room instantly reached a climax. Everyone was staring at the screen intently, for fear of missing any detail.

Chen Jiang glanced at the barrage, and then slowly explained:"Yes, this is the awakening of the martial spirit."

His voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone in the live broadcast room to hear clearly.

"The martial soul awakens?"Lin Wan'er and the water friends in the live broadcast room repeated this word in unison, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Yes, people with soul master qualifications, in addition to being able to awaken their martial souls with the help of other soul masters, also have the opportunity to awaken their martial souls on their own."

Chen Jiang explained patiently,"And Tuanzi Tuan is now awakening her martial spirit on her own. Although this process was painful, it was a very valuable experience for her"

"Awakening martial arts independently?"

Lin Wan'er repeated the word blankly, obviously still a little unfamiliar with this concept....She looked at Chen Jiang, hoping he could explain further.

Chen Jiang nodded and continued:"To put it simply, it is just like the process of awakening the martial soul of the group of people outside the Soul Beast Forest before. There will be no serious problems."

After hearing this, Lin Waner finally understood. come over. She looked at Tuanzi Tuan who was struggling in pain, and couldn't help but feel worried and distressed for her.

But at the same time, she also knew that this was the only way for the group to grow, so she could only silently cheer her on.

"In other words, although Tuanzi Tuan looks in pain now, her life is not actually in danger? Lin Wan'er asked tentatively

"Yes, that's the truth."Chen Jiang nodded affirmatively.

The moment Chen Jiang finished speaking, Tuanzi Tuan's moans stopped abruptly.

She seemed to have experienced a huge struggle and was trying with all her strength to stand up.

However , , because she had just experienced a painful transformation, her body was still a little uncomfortable, and she was swaying, as if she would fall down at any time.

Seeing the funny and cute appearance of Tuanzi Tuan, Lin Waner almost couldn't help laughing.

She quickly covered her mouth, fearing that her laughter would disturb Tuanzi Tuan

"What's wrong with me?" Tuanzi Tuan finally stood firm and looked at Lin Wan'er who was suppressing a smile with some surprise.

Her voice still had a hint of hoarseness after the transformation, and she sounded a little weak. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Lin Wan'er stepped forward, gently touched Tuanzi Tuan's head, and said softly:"You will know after you touch it yourself."

Tuanzi Tuan Yiyan touched her head.

When her fingers touched the two furry ears, she was stunned.

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