Those are a pair of small and cute ears, fluffy and feel great to the touch. They stand on both sides of Tuanzi Tuan's head and vibrate slightly with her movements. They look very interesting.

"Are these... my ears?"Tuanzi Tuan looked at his hand in disbelief.

"ah!"A soft cry came from Tuanzi Tuan's mouth. She seemed to suddenly think of something, and hurriedly took out a small mirror from her clothes.

Although the mirror was not big, it was enough for her to see her own appearance clearly.

When the person in the mirror When the image came into view, Tuanzi Tuan was stunned.

She saw two more furry ears on her head. The hair on the ears was the same color as her hair and looked very coordinated.

Not only that, her face Some wolf-like features also appeared, such as the corners of her eyes rising slightly, and her pupils seemed to be flashing with a faint light. These wolf-like features did not make her look ugly or scary, but made her look more playful and cute..

Her eyes were wide open, with an expression of disbelief on her face, as if to say 21:"Have I really turned into a wolf girl?"

Tuanzi Tuan held the mirror and looked at her new appearance repeatedly.

She touched her ears and pinched her face to confirm that all this was true.

Although she had heard about the awakening of the martial spirit before There were rumors that her appearance might change in the future, but when it actually happened to her, she still found it a little difficult to accept it.

"I...I really turned into a wolf girl?"

Tuanzi Tuan looked at herself in the mirror and murmured to herself.

Looking at Tuanzi Tuan's cute and slightly confused look, Lin Waner finally couldn't hold back her laughter.

Her laughter was clear and sweet, like a silver bell. reverberated in the air. When Tuanzi Tuan heard Lin Wan'er's laughter, they couldn't help but laugh too.

At this time, Chen Jiang's live broadcast room was also very lively.

The barrages were flying like snowflakes, and water friends expressed their opinions one after another. Opinions and speculations.

: Hahaha! Sister Tuanzi Tuan has also turned into a beast mother, so cute!

: Sister Tuanzi Tuan touched Sister Lin Waner’s ears before, and now she has grown ears too. Is this retribution?

: Did Sister Tuanzi Tuan become a wolf girl because she came into contact with the soul ring of that wolf soul beast? I'm going to try it too!:

Stop guessing and listen to Brother Chen's answer.

Chen Jiang looked at the live broadcast room Lively barrage, explained with a smile

"The awakening of Tuanzi Tuan's martial soul is indeed related to the soul ring of this wolf soul beast. But it wasn't because she touched this soul ring that she turned into a wolf girl. In fact, the martial spirit of Tuanzi Tuan itself is a wolf, but it has been in an unawakened state before. When she came into contact with this soul ring that matched her martial soul, her martial soul was inspired, thus completing her awakening."

At this time, the name of Tuanzi Tuan's martial spirit appeared in his eyes.

Xiaoyue Spirit Wolf.

Tuanzi Tuan's eyes also shone with excitement after hearing Chen Jiang's words.

She glanced at Chen Jiang, her originally smart eyes At this moment, there was a hint of timidity, as if he was asking Chen Jiang to confirm this exciting news.

"Yes, now that you have awakened your martial soul, you can now look for suitable soul skills."

Chen Jiang nodded affirmatively.

Upon hearing Chen Jiang's confirmation, Tuanzi Tuan's eyes suddenly burst into excitement. She clenched her fists tightly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

He finally has the power!

"I will take you to find a suitable martial spirit in a moment."Chen Jiang looked at Tuanzi Tuan and Lin Wan'er and said slowly


After solving the incident of Tuanzi Tuan's awakening, Chen Jiang led the two girls to continue exploring the Soul Beast Forest.

There are countless powerful soul beasts hidden in this vast forest, and every time you go deep, it is full of unknowns and challenges.

As they continued to explore forward, the spirit beasts appearing around them became more and more powerful.

At first, Chen Jiang could still encounter some hundred-year-level soul beasts, but as time went by, the strength of those soul beasts gradually improved. It became a thousand-year-old start.

As their adventure deepened, the viewers in the live broadcast room began to suffer from aesthetic fatigue.

: This soul beast is only over three thousand years old, why is it so weak?

Some viewers complained in the barrage.

: There seems to be an eight-thousand-year-old soul beast over there. 913 Go and have a look.

Someone else excitedly pointed the way.

: Didn’t you just see a ten thousand year soul beast? That is the real strong man!

Someone else sighed


As Chen Jiang and his party went deeper into the soul beast forest, the commonly seen thousand-year-old soul beasts could no longer meet the expectations of the fans in the live broadcast room.

They are eager to see more powerful and rarer soul beasts appear. As for the ten thousand year soul beast, as the top existence in this forest, it has naturally become the focus of everyone's attention.

Whenever a ten thousand year soul beast appears, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room will be instantly ignited.

Friends in the water expressed their opinions and speculations one after another. Some people marveled at the powerful strength of the ten thousand year soul beasts, while others looked forward to Chen Jiang being able to start a fierce battle with these top soul beasts.

However, as Chen Jiang and others went deeper, they found that these soul beasts seemed to have become extremely manic and ferocious.

Some spirit beasts that were supposed to avoid humans actually took the initiative to attack. They roared and charged, trying to drive Chen Jiang and others out of their territory..

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