"Poof!"With a soft sound, the clock directly penetrated the body of Xiao Wu's clone.

The clone dissipated in the air in an instant, turning into countless light spots and drifting away.

Chen Jiang looked at the dissipated clone, with a faint smile on his lips.

He didn't feel any surprise, as if all this was expected. He knew that Xiao Wu would not give up the opportunity to attack easily, so he was already prepared to deal with it.

"Sure enough... is it still a clone?"Chen Jiang whispered to himself.

Chen Jiang stood on the spot and scanned the surroundings with burning eyes. He could clearly sense that there were several clones of Xiao Wu hidden around him.

These clones were"one and zero" distributed in different places. Every corner exudes an aura similar to that of Xiao Wu, making it difficult for people to distinguish between true and false.

Chen Jiang knows that Xiao Wu is a very cautious soul master.

It is impossible for her to use it easily without testing his bottom line. She used her true body to take risks.

Therefore, she chose to use her clone to test and attack, hoping to find Chen Jiang's flaws.

Normally, there would be no problem with this.

"interesting."Chen Jiang whispered to himself. He was not dissatisfied with Xiao Wu's caution. Instead, he thought it was a very smart approach. After all, in a battle between soul masters, caution and caution can often determine the outcome..

However, Chen Jiang also knows that being too cautious can sometimes be a person's failure.

Because being too cautious often makes people miss good opportunities and even hesitate at critical moments.

"However, being so cautious will be your downfall."

Chen Jiang murmured to himself again. After scanning his surroundings, his eyes finally focused on the small five-digit clone farthest from the battlefield.

This clone was not anything special compared to the other clones. Except...she is really too far away


In the dense forest of soul beasts, a figure shuttled as fast as wind and lightning. Wherever it passed, branches and leaves were flying, but no plant or tree was harmed.

This figure is Tang San, his face is full of anxiety and worry.

Just now, he felt a familiar breath, that was Xiao Wu's breath. However, this breath is mixed with the fluctuations of battle

"Xiaowu! Who is Xiaowu fighting with?!" Tang San felt a strong uneasiness in his heart.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, as if there was an icy murderous intention bursting out.

In his eyes, Xiao Wu is one of the people he cherishes most. Anyone who dares to hurt her , he already had a way to kill him! This determination and anger made Tang San a little faster.

Just as Tang San was rushing forward with all his strength, a ten-thousand-year-level soul beast noticed him.

This one The soul beast's eyes flashed with greed and ferocity. It took a fancy to the human aura on Tang San's body and wanted to take him as prey. So, it quietly approached Tang San, preparing to launch a sneak attack.

However, Tang San He was not an idle person. Although he did not pay attention to his surroundings at all times, his strong intuition allowed him to sense danger at the critical moment. He snorted coldly, and powerful soul power suddenly erupted from his body.

With the surge of soul power, countless blue people Silver grass rises from the ground.

As if it has life, these blue silver grass quickly wraps around the ten thousand year level soul beast. Under Tang San's control, the blue silver grass is as flexible as a spiritual snake, directly It tightly entangled the soul beast.

The soul beast was tightly bound by the blue silver grass and could not move. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) There was a light of fear and despair in its eyes, but it had already It's too late.....Tang San didn't give it any chance and directly launched a fatal attack.

In the face of the powerful soul power, this ten-thousand-year-level soul beast was powerless to fight back, and soon fell at Tang San's feet.

After defeating the ten thousand year level soul beast, Tang San did not leave immediately.

He knew that in the soul beast forest, the consumption of soul power must be replenished in time, otherwise he would be passive when encountering more powerful enemies. So, he decided to absorb the soul power of this soul beast.

Tang San sat down cross-legged, formed a seal with his hands, and began to use his technique. As the technique moved, the air around him seemed to twist, forming a huge vortex.

The soul beast's corpse quickly shriveled up in the whirlpool, and its vitality and soul power were frantically absorbed by Tang San.

This process lasted for several minutes. When Tang San opened his eyes again, a glimmer of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

He could feel that the soul power in his body had been greatly replenished, and there were even faint signs of a breakthrough.

"I have to replenish my soul power, so I can only do this."

Tang San stood up and comforted himself. He knew that in the world of Soul 2.7 masters, the law of the jungle is the eternal law. He absorbed the soul power of this soul beast today, and maybe he will be stronger tomorrow. The soul master absorbs it. This is the cruelty and reality of this world.

However, at this moment, Tang San suddenly felt a strong murderous intention in his heart. This murderous intention came from the sky, as if there was an invisible sharp sword. Hanging above his head, ready to fall at any time.

Tang San instantly became alert. He looked up and saw a noble woman in mid-air. This woman was dressed in gorgeous clothes and had a beautiful face, but her eyes shone with coldness and warmth. Angry light...

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