The woman slowly descended from the sky, her eyes like two sharp swords, directed towards Tang San.

It was a kind of hatred that was so deep that it seemed like every look and every movement was filled with resentment towards Tang San.

"Tang San!" She yelled out the name through gritted teeth, her voice filled with endless hatred and murderous intent. Her hands clenched tightly, as if she wanted to crush the air in her hands.

Tang San also recognized this woman - Bibi Xi , his former rival.

The Pope of Wuhun Palace!

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by anger. He remembered the grudges between him and Bibixi.

He remembered what the Wuhuns led by Bibixi did. What he did!

"Bibixi, you vicious woman24! Don't die a good death! Tang

San roared, his voice full of hatred and disgust for the other party,"Do you think you can do whatever you want?" Today, I will make you pay the price!"

The eyes of the two people met in the air, as if sparks collided. The surrounding air became tense, as if an earth-shattering battle would break out at any time. A ferocious smile appeared on Bibi Xi's face, and she slowly turned towards Tang San walked over.

Every step was full of threats and killing intent, as if she wanted to completely destroy Tang San. Her body exuded powerful soul power fluctuations, showing her great strength.

And Tang San had no intention of backing down..

He also released his soul power and formed a confrontation with Bibi Xi.

He knew that this battle would be the final battle between him and Bibi Xi. No matter what the outcome, he would not back down.

The two of them. The hatred between them reached its peak at this moment.

The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder and soul power fluctuations, as if a big explosion would be triggered at any time. The surrounding soul beasts felt this powerful aura and fled in all directions.

Bibi Xi's face became even colder at this moment, and her eyes were like an abyss, dark and profound.

The moment before launching the attack, her entire body seemed to blend into the surrounding shadows, making it difficult to grasp.

Suddenly, she Her pupils suddenly shrank and turned into vertical pupils.

Her vertical pupils were extremely dark, as if they could swallow up all light, leaving only the deep darkness.

In this darkness, it seemed that there was endless death and destruction hidden.

Then, Several arthropod forelimbs appeared behind Bibixi.

These forelimbs were black and huge, each exuding strong soul power fluctuations. The appearance of these forelimbs caused Bibixi's entire temperament to undergo earth-shaking changes. She seemed to have transformed from a noble and elegant woman into a giant beast from the abyss.

This is exactly her martial spirit - the Death Spider Emperor!

The Death Spider Emperor is an extremely powerful and rare martial spirit, which symbolizes Death and destruction. Under Bibixi's controlThe Death Spider King has exerted unprecedented power

"The seventh soul skill: Death Spider King’s true form!"Bibixi roared in a low voice, her voice full of majesty and power.

As her roar fell, her entire body was shrouded in a layer of black light.

This layer of light contained powerful soul power fluctuations. As if to swallow up everything around her.

At the same time, the forelimbs of the arthropods behind her also became larger and more ferocious, as if they would launch a fatal attack on the enemy at any time.

At this moment, Bibi Xi had completely integrated into her body. In her martial spirit, she seemed to have turned into a real Death Spider Emperor, possessing unparalleled power and majesty. In this forest, she seemed to be synonymous with death.

After activating the seventh soul skill"The Death Spider Emperor True"Behind the body", Bibi Xi's momentum has been raised to the peak.

Her martial soul Death Spider Emperor not only gave her powerful power, but also gave her a series of unique skills.

These skills are unique to the beast martial arts Yes, it can greatly improve the combat ability of the soul master.

"The third soul skill: Death Spider Web Binding!"Bibixi snorted coldly again, her voice full of murderous intent towards Tang San.

She raised her white jade hand. This action seemed gentle, but it contained fatal killing intent. 673

As Bibixi moved With the action, a huge black spider web appeared out of thin air, heading directly towards Tang San.

This spider web was condensed from the soul power of the Death Spider Emperor, and exuded a cold and powerful aura.

Every spider thread was like It is as hard as steel and contains poison. Once trapped by this spider web, even soul masters of the same level will have difficulty breaking free. When

Tang San saw this incoming spider web, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

This picture of death The spider web drew a strange arc in the air, then suddenly opened and enveloped Tang San. With that kind of speed and power, it was as if even the air had been cut open. Tang San only felt a huge pressure It rushed towards him, as if to completely restrain him.

A sharp cold light flashed in Tang San's eyes, as if to freeze the surrounding air. He did not panic or flinch at all, because he knew that facing Bibi Xi's attack, he must show his true strength to deal with it.

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