Tang San's eyes were firm and cold. He stared at Bibi Xi not far away, and shouted with a ferocious expression:

"Bibi Xi, evil has always prevailed over good since ancient times! No matter how much you struggle or resist, you can't change this fact in the end! You can't beat me!"

His voice echoed in the Blue Silver Domain, as if every piece of Blue Silver Grass was cheering for his words, working together to build an indestructible barrier to resist the invasion of those poisonous spiders.

However, Bibi Xi was not attracted by Tang. Overwhelmed by San's momentum. She smiled contemptuously, with a kind of disdain and ridicule in her eyes:"Evil can't defeat good? Huh, how ridiculous! In this world, who can know what evil is? What is righteousness? But they are all excuses for success and failure."

She said, waving her hands lightly, and more poisonous spiders came out of her field.

These poisonous spiders were bigger and more terrifying than before. They opened their ferocious mouthparts and made creepy screams. Hissing, he rushed towards Tang San without hesitation25

"You Wuhundian has done many evil things, seeking the country and harming your life! Everyone gets it and kills it!"Tang San's voice was like thunder, reverberating in the blue silver field.

A sharp cold light flashed in his eyes, as if it could penetrate Bibi Xi's heart.

Bibi Xi listened to Tang San's accusation, and the corner of her mouth raised a hint of disdain. Smile. She shook her head gently, as if she was laughing at Tang San's innocence and ignorance.

"Doing a lot of evil? Murdering the country?"Bibi Xi slowly repeated Tang San's words, her voice full of ridicule and contempt,"What a big hat, Tang San, do you think this can convict me of Wuhun Palace?"

She raised her head, looked at Tang San coldly, and continued.

"Do you know how much subsidy our Spirit Hall gives to low-end soul masters every year? We provide resources, provide education, and help them improve their capabilities. These soul masters can all live a better life after getting our help. You keep saying that we do many evil things, but have you really understood what our Spirit Hall is doing?"

Bibi Xi's tone gradually became excited, as if she wanted to pour out all the dissatisfaction and anger in her heart.

"Even if it is a child who has just awakened his martial soul, our Wuhun Palace will give them a gold coin subsidy every month. Do you know how long it takes for ordinary people to earn this gold coin? They may have to toil for a month, or even longer. But our Wuhun Palace can easily provide such help. Why do you say we are murdering our country?"

Bibixi looked at Tang San, her eyes full of deep disdain and ridicule. She seemed to feel that arguing with an opponent like Tang San was simply lowering her own status.

"Do you know how many low-end soul masters have risen step by step relying on the subsidies issued by our Spirit Hall?"

There was a coldness in Bibi Xi's voice,

"They were originally just ordinary soul masters, living at the bottom of society and unable to even provide for their own food and clothing.

However, because of the subsidies from our Wuhun Palace, they will have access to better resources and the opportunity to improve their strength. And we at Wuhun Palace have never complained about these!"

Bibi Xi's words were full of pride and pride. She seemed to be proud of the contribution she had made to the Spirit Hall. However, Tang San didn't think so.

"The monstrous words confuse the public!"Tang San said angrily,

"You are just trying to win people's hearts, so stop pretending to be a good person here!"

Tang San's words were full of anger and dissatisfaction. He didn't seem to believe what Bibi Xi said. However, Bibi Xi was not angry because of this. She just looked at Tang San with even more disdain in her eyes.

"To win people's hearts? We don't even require them to join Wuhun Palace!"

Bibixi said with a sneer,"We provide subsidies just in the hope that they can have a better life and have more opportunities to improve themselves. We have never forced them to do anything, and even if they eventually became enemies of our Wuhun Palace, we never stopped distributing subsidies because of this!"

"When these soul masters grow up, they may not thank our Spirit Hall, so how can they talk about buying people's hearts?"

Bibi Xi's voice was filled with indifference and ridicule, and she seemed to have seen through Tang San's inner thoughts. She paused, and her eyes shot towards Tang San like a knife:"Take you, Tang San for example."

Hearing his name, Tang San involuntarily raised his head and met Bibixi's cold gaze.

He saw a trace of ridicule flashing in Bibixi's eyes, as if mocking his ignorance and hypocrisy.

"I heard that when you first awakened your martial spirit, you were still relying on work and study to barely make ends meet, right?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There was a hint of contempt in Bibi Xi's voice,"At that time, your life was so tight that you couldn't even guarantee the most basic cultivation resources. Do you dare to say that you didn't receive a single gold coin from our Wuhun Palace at that time?"

Tang San was speechless by Bibixi's words. A trace of anger and embarrassment flashed in his eyes, because what Bibixi said hit his sore spot.

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