When he was young, he did receive a subsidy from the Spirit Hall, and he did so for a long time. Those subsidies were undoubtedly a timely help for him, helping him get through the most difficult period.

"Without the support of our Wuhun Palace, how could you have reached your current position so smoothly step by step? Bibi

Xi continued, with a hint of sarcasm and provocation in her voice,"Tang San, do you think your achievements today are all due to your own efforts?" wrong! Without the support of our Wuhun Palace, you would have been lost to everyone!"

"My ability to grow to this point has nothing to do with your Spirit Hall! All on my own!"Tang San's voice was full of determination and confidence, as if he wanted to use this method to cover up his inner weakness and uneasiness. He raised his head, met Bibi Xi's eyes, and tried to use his eyes to show his determination and determination. Faith.

However, Bibi Xi was not overwhelmed by Tang San's momentum. She looked at Tang San, her eyes full of sarcasm and ridicule. She seemed to have seen through Tang San's inner thoughts and knew that he was a selfish, unscrupulous person. People who are willing to acknowledge others’ help

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Bibi

Xi said softly, as if comforting an injured child,"Now you do have the shame to say it doesn't matter." But I don’t care about that anymore. After all, for an ungrateful person, no matter how much he cares about it, it is meaningless. Bibi

Xi paused and continued:

"Apart from you, there are probably not a few low-end soul masters in this world who rely on the subsidies from our Spirit Hall to survive. Those people don't have the chance to become a big shot like you, Tang San. They can only live silently at the bottom of society, running around for a living. And the allowance from our Spirit Hall will most likely account for a considerable part of their income. For these people, our subsidies are undoubtedly a timely help and help them get through the most difficult period."

Bibi Xi's words were full of pride and pride. She seemed to be proud of the contribution she had made to the Wuhun Palace.

She looked at Tang San and continued:

"In a sense, we saved the lives of many low-end soul masters. And you have to know that we have never asked these low-end soul masters to give us anything in return, and we have never cared about their returns."

At this point, Bibi Xi's tone became cold and stern:"Is this what you call evil-doing? If the so-called evil people are like this, I hope there are more evil people like us in the world. At least we are doing practical things and helping those in need, instead of being like some people who only accuse others from the moral high ground but are unwilling to take any practical actions."

Bibixi's words were like a sharp sword piercing Tang San's heart, making him unable to refute.

Because he knew that what Bibixi said was true, and he could not deny that he had received help from Wuhun Palace, and he could not deny that he had received help from Wuhun Palace. There is no denying the contribution Wuhun Palace has made in helping low-end soul masters.

Extremely sarcastic, Bibi Xi's words were like sharp arrows, directly piercing Tang San's heart

He stood there, speechless for a moment, and his face became a little ugly. He knew that on this topic, he could not speak to Bibi Xi anyway, because the facts were right in front of him and could not be denied.

Tang San took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions. He couldn't let Bibixi see through his weakness and powerlessness, so he decided to change the topic to attack her

"Let’s not talk about the subsidy for now."Tang San said coldly,"You said that your Wuhun Palace did not do evil things, so I would like to ask, so many evil soul masters use the name of your Wuhun Palace to do evil. What's going on? As the Pope of Wuhun Palace, shouldn't you be responsible for this?"

Tang San's eyes flashed with cold light, as if he wanted to see through Bibi Xi.

Bibi Xi's face changed slightly after hearing Tang San's accusation.

"You, who control death and have such evil power, can actually be the Pope of Wuhun Palace. Tang

San continued to mock,"It seems that your Wuhun Palace is just colluding!" You keep saying that you are the embodiment of justice, but in fact you collude with the evil soul master and do evil!"

Tang San's words were full of ridicule and contempt, as if he had already trampled Bibi Xi and the entire Wuhun Palace under his feet.

((Zhao Zhao) His eyes were shining with victory, as if he had seen Bibi Xi's retreat.

However, Bibi Xi did not show his defeat as he wished.

On the contrary, a trace of determination and coldness flashed in her eyes.

She looked up at Tang San, her whole body exuding the aura of death, as if she was an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

However, even in this state, she still maintains her beauty and elegance, as if she is an invincible queen.

"Haha, can you tell whether a person is good or evil just by relying on his martial soul?"Bibi Xi's voice was full of ridicule and contempt, as if she felt that Tang San's ideas were too childish and one-sided.

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