She looked at Tang San with a sarcastic light in her eyes. She knew that the reason why Tang San said this was because his understanding of Wuhun Palace was too superficial. He only saw the superficial phenomena without having a deep understanding of Wuhun. The true face of the temple

"Then the inherited martial spirit of my Spirit Hall, Seraphim! That is the incarnation of pure light. Doesn’t it undoubtedly represent true pure goodness?"

Bibixi continued, her voice calm.

Seraphim is one of the most powerful inherited martial spirits in Wuhun Palace, and also represents the power of light and justice.

In Bibixi's view, according to Tang San's theory, this The existence of Wuhun is enough to prove that Wuhun Palace is not the evil force Tang San said

"In this case, why do you say that our Wuhun Palace is evil?"Bibixi's tone gradually became sharp, as if she was questioning Tang San's heart. As she spoke, when talking about Seraphim, Bibixi seemed to have thought of something.

A trace of anger flashed in her eyes.

She She suddenly raised her hand, and the domain around her continued to expand. A powerful aura spread instantly, compressing the surrounding air until it became solid. The power of her domain continued to expand outwards, and she actually had a blue silver domain that suppressed Tang San. Meaning.

Tang San felt the oppression of Bibixi's domain, and his face changed slightly. He didn't expect that Bibixi's strength was so powerful. Just the pressure of the domain made him feel a little breathless.

"As for those evil soul masters you mentioned? It's even funnier."Bibi Xi's voice was full of ridicule and contempt, as if she felt that Tang San's accusation was groundless and ridiculous.

She looked at Tang San, with a cold light in her eyes, and continued:

"Over the years, our Wuhun Palace has sent out countless troops to eliminate evil soul masters. Every action required great effort and sacrifice in exchange for a moment of peace. However, in the end, you actually said that we were colluding with the evil soul master? This accusation is simply ridiculous!"

Bibi Xi's words were full of anger and dissatisfaction. She seemed unable to accept Tang San's slander and misunderstanding of Wuhun Palace. She took a deep breath, tried to calm down her emotions, and then continued:

"In the past few years, have you ever heard of any incident under the rule of our Wuhun Palace where an evil soul master caused rebellion and caused serious consequences? No! Because our Wuhun Palace has been doing our best to suppress the evil soul masters and protect the peace and tranquility of Luo Dou Continent."

"Do you know? What would the Luo Dou Continent be like without our Spirit Hall suppressing the evil spirit masters?"

Bibixi's tone gradually became sharper, as if she was questioning Tang San's heart. Bibixi's every word was like a sharp arrow shooting straight into Tang San's heart.

Her eyes were firm and sharp, as if she could see through everything. Hypocrisy and lies. Under her gaze, Tang San felt a burst of inexplicable pressure and uneasiness.

He clenched his fists and tried to stay calm, but found that he was speechless. He originally thought (cffj) that he was against Wuhun The palace's understanding was deep enough, but at this moment he found that he could not refute Bibi Xi's words at all.

Indeed, he had not heard of the evil soul master's rebellion in these years. This made him begin to doubt his own judgment and position. However, , he didn’t want to admit defeat, let alone admit his mistakes.

"This is not the credit of your Wuhun Palace! Tang San roared, his voice full of anger and unwillingness,"Even without your Spirit Hall, we spirit masters with righteous hearts will spontaneously destroy the evil spirit masters!" He raised his head and looked at Bibi Xi with wide eyes, as if he wanted to show his determination and belief with his eyes:"Wait until I eradicate your Wuhun Palace!" The first thing I did was to deal with the evil soul master! I will use my own power to protect the peace and tranquility of Luo Dou Continent and make these so-called evil forces of yours disappear completely!"

However, Bibi Xi was unmoved by Tang San's heroic words. She snorted coldly, with obvious disdain on her face. In her opinion, Tang San's oath was just a moment of anger and lacked real foundation. Hexing

"Who doesn’t know how to speak big words?"Bibi Xi said sarcastically,"However, I don't think it's for those high-sounding reasons why you hate our Spirit Hall so much."

Her gaze shot towards Tang San like a sharp sword, with a hint of indifference and sarcasm in her eyes. She seemed to have seen through Tang San's innermost thoughts and motives.

"Let me think about it, the blue silver grass beside Tang Hao before was your mother, right? Bibi Xi's tone suddenly became cold and stern, as if she had touched on a sensitive topic,"The reason why you hate our Spirit Hall so much is because you want to avenge your mother?""

When Tang San heard Bibixi's words, his face suddenly changed. A trace of anger and sorrow flashed in his eyes, as if he had been touched by a wound deep in his heart. He knew that what Bibixi said was true. The reason why he Part of the reason for targeting Wuhundian in this way is to avenge his mother...

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