Under Bibi Xi's cold gaze, Tang San's figure seemed to become smaller and more insignificant. She looked at Tang San, her heart filled with disdain and contempt.

In her opinion, Tang San was an extremely hypocritical person, and all the high-sounding words he said were just to cover up his true purpose and motives.

The so-called righteousness, the so-called justice will definitely defeat evil, in Bibi Xi's view, these are just excuses used by Tang San to cover up his hypocritical heart.

She knew that the reason why Tang San targeted Wuhun Palace was not really for justice and fairness, but for his own interests and selfishness.

Bibi Xi took a deep breath and tried to calm down her emotions.

She knew that there was no point in arguing with people like Tang San, because he would never listen to any different voices or opinions.

Oh, by the way, there is also his so-called"family", Bibi Xi sneered in her heart.

She knew that the reason why Tang San was so arrogant and confident was largely because he had some so-called family members and supporters behind him.

However, in Bibi Xi's view, these people were just tools and chess pieces used by Tang San, and were not worth mentioning at all.

Thinking of this, Bibi Xi raised a sarcastic expression at the corner of her mouth. She looked at Tang San, her tone full of contempt and ridicule:"The reason why you, Tang San, can stand in front of me in such a high-sounding manner is because you think you have the power to fight with us." It's just the equal strength of the Soul Palace. But do you really think that you are strong enough to ignore everything?"

Bibi Xi paused and continued:"But when you were weak, what kind of tone did you have to say that Your bold words today? You are respectful before you think about it, and you laugh when you think about it. Who do you think you are? You can challenge the authority and status of our Wuhun Palace at will? It is so ridiculous!"

Bibi Xi's words were full of ridicule and contempt, she It seemed that he had completely seen through Tang San's heart and strength.

In her opinion, Tang San is just an arrogant clown.

Tang San's face turned blue and red at Bibi Xi's words, as if the anger and shame in his heart were about to burst out.

He clenched his fists tightly, trying to stay calm and not let his emotions get out of control.

"Do you think this can shake my heart?"Tang San said coldly, with a firmness and determination in his voice.

He took a deep breath and began to activate his blue silver field. As his mind moved, a freshness filled the air around him. And the powerful breath of life.

This life energy surged up like a tide, constantly washing away the domain power released by Bibi Xi.

Under the surging flow of life energy, the poisonous spiders summoned by Bibi Xi were quickly destroyed. Eliminate them all.

These poisonous spiders appear so fragile and vulnerable in front of the life energy of the Blue Silver Domain, as if they will collapse instantly with just a slight touch.

And the Blue Silver Grass in the Blue Silver Domain is growing even more fiercely, They are growing crazily and spreading continuously.

Each bluesilver grass exudes a powerful breath of life and tenacity, as if announcing their existence and power to the entire world.

"As long as I beat you, I am right!"Tang San roared, his voice full of firmness and determination.

He knew that this battle was not only for his honor and dignity, but also to prove his belief and justice.

He once again activated the Blue Silver Domain, and his whole body All the power gathered at this moment. The Blue Silver Domain expanded at an extremely fast speed, as if it was about to cover the entire world. The

Blue Silver Grass grew crazily, constantly releasing powerful life energy, which was like a stream of energy. It surged like a torrent, constantly washing away Bibixi's domain.

Under the impact of the blue silver domain, cracks began to appear in Bibixi's domain. Those originally ferocious and terrifying poisonous spiders became more powerful in the face of the life energy of the blue silver domain. So fragile, they were destroyed one after another. The Bluesilver Grass writhed in the domain like giant dragons, releasing more powerful power. It actually vaguely had the momentum to suppress Bibi Xi's domain. (Read the Baoshuang novel, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Finally, I couldn't help but take off my hypocritical mask and express my inner thoughts, right?"

Bibi Xi looked at Tang San, with ridicule and contempt in her eyes. She didn't seem worried about her domain being suppressed, but rather looked forward to Tang San's next performance.

Seeing that her domain was about to be suppressed, Bibi Xi did not She didn't show any panic or uneasiness.

On the contrary, she calmly analyzed the battle situation and looked for a way to crack Tang San's blue silver field.

Suddenly, she waved her hand, and a powerful energy burst out instantly.

Boom boom boom! Bibi Xi's The domain shattered at this moment, turning into countless fragments and flying around. These fragments were carrying terrifying destructive power, as if they were going to tear everything apart. The blue silver domain also began to tremble violently under the impact of this powerful energy. Get up. Tang San felt an unprecedented pressure...

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