A trace of surprise flashed in Tang San's eyes. He didn't expect Bibi Xi to be so decisive. In her domain, the poisonous spiders and weird energy had not yet been completely released, but she chose the Broken Domain without hesitation, which was like destroying her own weapons with her own hands.

He immediately mobilized his soul power, trying to stabilize his body in the chaos and resist the terrifying destructive power. However, this force is so powerful that it seems to tear the entire world apart. Tang San felt that his soul power was as fragile as paper in front of this force, unable to form an effective defense at all.

In the end, the two realms shattered under the terrifying destructive power of"Two Sixty", and the powers of life and death were intertwined and scattered all over the place. Tang San's whole body was blown away by this force. He seemed to have turned into a broken rag doll, drawing a sad arc in the air and then falling heavily to the ground.

He struggled to stand up, but the pain all over his body made it almost impossible to move. He kept coughing, and every mouthful he coughed up was bright red blood. The blood dyed the ground in front of him red.

Tang San's whole body was blown away. He struggled to stand up, coughing blood.

"Were you hesitating just now?"Bibi Xi looked at Tang San coldly, with a trace of ridicule in her tone.

She walked slowly towards Tang San, looking so calm and confident with every step.

However, her face was equally ugly. The luxurious papal robe appeared. There were some damages, which exposed her fair skin, but also revealed her embarrassment and weakness at this time. There were several wounds on her body, which were caused by the energy that overflowed when the realm was broken just now..

These wounds were of varying depths, and some were still bleeding. The blood flowed down her skin, staining her clothes and the ground red.

And Bibi Xi's mouth also had blood flowing out, which made her see It looked even more weird and terrifying.

However, she didn't seem to care about these injuries, she just looked at Tang San coldly, as if she was admiring her masterpiece.

"You are not willing to give up even this little bit of strength. I really don’t know how you managed to get to where you are today. Bibi

Xi continued, her tone full of contempt and ridicule,"It seems that you still need to practice harder, otherwise how can you be worthy of becoming my opponent?""

Her words made Tang San feel a burst of inexplicable anger and humiliation.

Obviously, Bibi Xi's injuries were not much lighter than Tang San's.

Her wounds were still bleeding, staining her luxurious papal robes red. Some of them had even dripped on the ground and mixed with the dust. These wounds should be very painful for anyone, but Bibi Xi didn't seem to care.

She walked towards Tang San step by step Coming over, she looked so determined and calm every step she took.

Her eyes flashed with cold light, as if she wanted to completely destroy Tang San. Blood flowed down her body, sliding down her fair skin, not only did she not look embarrassed , but adds a touch of coquettishness.

This is Bibi Xi, that powerful and cold woman.

No matter at any time, she will not give up her goal easily, no matter how high the price is, she will not hesitate to pay it.

Bibi Xi Taking steady steps, she approached Tang San step by step, and finally stopped when she was dozens of steps away from him.

Her eyes were like a torch, staring at the opponent in front of her, as if she wanted to see through him.........

Immediately afterwards, the afterimage of a huge spider suddenly appeared behind Bibi Xi.

This spider was completely black and exuded a terrifying aura, as if it were a demon crawling out of the abyss of hell. This is Bibi Xi’s martial spirit—the Death Spider Emperor!

"The fourth soul skill: Thorn Spider Armor!"

Bibixi said softly, with a cold and powerful aura in her voice.

As her words fell, a dark green armor suddenly appeared on her body.

This armor covered her whole body, shining with a faint light. The light seemed to be woven from countless thorns. Each thorn exuded a sharp and dangerous aura, as if it could easily pierce through any obstacle.

This thorn spider armor not only improved Bibi Xi's defense, It also makes her look more coquettish

"If you haven't decided to die yet, then you'd better die right here."Bibi Xi looked at Tang San coldly. She seemed to have already secured the victory and did not take Tang San seriously at all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) After listening to

Bibi Xi's words, Tang San's heart surged. 0.2 A burst of anger.

He knew that Bibixi was deliberately irritating him and trying to make him lose his mind.

However, he also knew that he could not just succumb to Bibixi's pressure. He struggled to stand up, although His whole body was in severe pain, but he still tried to straighten his waist and looked at Bibi Xi.

"In this place, there are no two auxiliary soul masters who can save your life!"

Bibi Xi continued, with a hint of pride in her tone. She knew that the reason why Tang San was able to persist until now was largely due to the help of the two auxiliary soul masters.

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