On another battlefield far away from the battle between Tang San and Bibi Xi, Chen Jiang was in the middle of a completely different battle.

His figure kept emerging in the void, and every time he appeared, he carried a strange and profound aura, as if he was not from this world.

Chen Jiang possesses the power of encountering the Demon King of Time, which is an extremely rare and powerful ability.

The Demon King of Time represents the ultimate of time, and it gives Chen Jiang the ability to control the power of time at will.

In Chen Jiang's hands, time seems to have become a toy that can be manipulated at will. He can speed up, slow down, and even pause the passage of time at will.

This power gave Chen Jiang an absolute advantage in the battle. He can easily dodge the enemy's attacks because in his eyes, the enemy's movements become extremely slow and clumsy.

And when he launches an attack, he can accelerate time to the extreme, making it impossible for the enemy to react.

Xiao Wu is good at physical skills, and her movements and moves are extremely exquisite. But facing an opponent like Chen Jiang who had the power of time, she felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness.

She found that she couldn't touch Chen Jiang at all, because every time she was about to touch Chen Jiang, Chen Jiang's figure would suddenly disappear from where he was, and then appear in another location the next moment.

This kind of fighting is a great torture for Xiao Wu.

She kept attacking, but failed every time. Chen Jiang, on the other hand, always maintained a relaxed state, as if this battle was just a game to him.

"How is it possible...how can someone be so strong!"

Xiao Wu's voice was full of shock and despair. She was covered with bruises at this moment. Her original pink clothes were cut into strips, and many tears exposed the scars under the skin.

Blood continued to flow from her wounds and was dyed red. Her clothes and the ground.

These wounds look shocking, but the strange thing is that they are not caused by Chen Jiang

's direct attack. During the battle with Chen Jiang, Xiao Wu tried to use the clone technique many times to confuse and attack Chen Jiang.

However, whenever she created a clone, Chen Jiang was always able to accurately use the time-stopping ability to freeze the clone in the void and then destroy it easily. In this process, in order to protect his own body, Xiao Wu She was injured and stayed awake to avoid Chen Jiang's next attack, so she had to make some extreme moves.

At the moment when the clone was destroyed, she used her own strength to break free from the shackles of stopped time, but this also gave her body It brought a huge burden and injury.

Every time she broke away, Xiao Wu felt a sharp pain, as if her body was being torn apart.

Deep wounds were left on her muscles and skin during the process of breaking free, and blood could not stop flowing from it. These wounds welled up. However, Xiao Wu ignored the pain because she knew that if she did not get rid of Chen Jiang's control as soon as possible, she would face greater danger.

However, despite Xiao Wu's best efforts, she She still couldn't get rid of Chen Jiang's control.

Chen Jiang's ability to stop time was like an invisible shackle, tightly binding her in it.

Every attack made her feel a sense of hopelessness, and she began to doubt whether she really able to defeat this powerful opponent.

Chen Jiang's movements were relaxed and elegant, as if he was just doing a trivial thing.

He raised his hand casually, and the clocks around him seemed to be summoned by some mysterious force and began to rotate crazily..

The hands of the clock rotated rapidly, making a rapid"tick-tick" sound, as if counting down.

Then, under the control of Chen Jiang's will, one of the clocks suddenly shattered. As the clock shattered, an invisible force Centered on this broken clock, it spread rapidly, stagnating all surrounding time and space.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, all movements, sounds and breaths were still, leaving only Chen Jiang's figure in the void stand proudly

"Little rabbit, where are you hiding?"

Chen Jiang said playfully. His voice echoed in the air, with a sense of teasing and provocation. He did not use all his strength, but slowly interacted with the little rabbit like a cat and a mouse. Playing hide and seek.

He seemed to enjoy this feeling of being in control and wanted to see how long the little rabbit could last in his hands.

However, Chen Jiang was also keenly aware that the little rabbit's mentality had begun to collapse..

He could feel the fear and despair in Xiao Wu's heart, and the feeling of being helpless made her almost unbearable. Chen Jiang knew that he was not far from victory.

At this moment, a roar sounded. Xiao Wu's The last clone also shattered under Chen Jiang's attack, turning into streaks of green smoke and dissipating in the air.

After the clone disappeared, the battlefield fell into a brief silence.

Then, Chen Jiang's figure appeared in the small In front of Wu.

He looked at the girl who was already bruised and exhausted.

At this time, there was only Xiao Wu left on the battlefield.

The last Xiao Wu!.

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