"who are you? Are you Bibixi's subordinate?"

Xiao Wu rolled around on the ground, narrowly escaping another attack from Chen Jiang. She asked breathlessly, her voice full of doubts and unwillingness.

Her big eyes stared at Chen Jiang closely. Jiang, trying to find a clue from his expression and movements.

However, Chen Jiang always maintained a calm and indifferent expression on his face, as if he was not interested in Xiao Wu's questions.

Xiao Wu's heart was full of confusion. She could clearly feel that Chen Jiang did not exude the aura of god, which meant that he was not a god, but just a level 99 extreme"833" Douluo.

However, this extreme Douluo's The strength far exceeded her imagination.

In her understanding, although the ninety-ninth level Extreme Douluo was powerful, it was not invincible. However, the Chen Jiang in front of her made her feel an unprecedented sense of powerlessness. Every attack he made made her feel an irresistible pressure, as if she was like a fragile porcelain doll in front of him.

"Why does Bibixi have such a powerful subordinate like you?!"

Xiao Wu couldn't help but ask again. Her voice was full of confusion and unwillingness.

She didn't understand why Bibi Xi could have such powerful subordinates, but she didn't even have the ability to resist.

However, Chen Jiang did not He didn't answer her question. He just stood there quietly, watching Xiao Wu struggling on the ground.

"There is no way a titled Douluo can be as powerful as you! who are you!"Xiao Wu's voice was full of fear and despair. She looked at the messy scene around her that was destroyed by Chen Jiang, and she couldn't help but feel chills in her heart.

She was afraid, she was really afraid. As a soul beast, she , has been fearfully avoiding the pursuit of human soul masters since the beginning of her cultivation.

She experienced countless life and death tests before she finally cultivated to the point of becoming a hundred thousand year soul beast.

However, even if she became a titled Douluo, she would not be able to regain her soul. Despite his strength as a soul beast, he still couldn't escape the fate of being hunted by humans. Xiao Wu originally thought that after becoming a titled Douluo, he would be able to gain a foothold in this world, and no one would make him feel hopeless.

However, she was wrong. The man in front of her, Chen Jiang, was simply ridiculously powerful.

Every attack he made made Xiao Wu feel irresistible. His aura and strength seemed to go beyond the scope of a titled Douluo, making it difficult for Xiao Wu to resist. Xiao Wu felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness.

Xiao Wu's heart was filled with unwillingness and doubts. She didn't understand why Chen Jiang was so powerful, and why she, as a titled Douluo, still couldn't compete with him.

She even began to doubt her own strength and Was the choice wrong from the start?

"Titled Douluo QueNot as strong as me."

Chen Jiang nodded and agreed with Xiao Wu's statement. His voice was calm and indifferent, as if he was just stating a fact. When

Xiao Wu heard this sentence, she couldn't help but stir up a storm in her heart again.

She originally thought that Chen Jiang was just stating a fact. He was being modest or deliberately mocking himself, but now it seemed that he was really much more powerful than Titled Douluo. This made Xiao Wu even more shocked and confused.

"So, you are God?"Xiao Wu couldn't help but ask. There was a hint of trembling and awe in her voice. In her opinion, only gods can possess such powerful power.

However, Chen Jiang shook his head and denied Xiao Wu's guess..

He said slowly:"God? I am not the god you understand.........On the contrary, I am still alone."

Chen Jiang's words made Xiao Wu even more confused.

She didn't understand why Chen Jiang said that he was not a god, but his strength was so powerful.

In Xiao Wu's understanding, only gods can possess such power that surpasses humans. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, Chen Jiang didn’t explain much. He just stood there quietly,

"people? How can you be alone? How can a person be as powerful as you?!"

Xiao Wu looked at Chen Jiang in shock, her voice full of disbelief and doubt. In her opinion, human power is limited, and it is impossible to reach Chen Jiang's level anyway.

However, Chen Jiang Jiang just smiled faintly, and he came directly in front of Xiao Wu in an instant, facing Xiao Wu, he said slowly:"Is there a possibility that you are too weak? It's because your world is too weak."

Chen Jiang's words were like thunder exploding in Xiao Wu's ears, making her feel dizzy. She couldn't accept this fact, but she couldn't refute Chen Jiang's words. Her heart was full of struggle and pain, as if Like being torn apart

"Your weakness prevents you from feeling what real power is."

Chen Jiang continued, his voice revealing an indescribable confidence and majesty.

"And your so-called gods, in my eyes, are just slightly bigger ants!"

Chen Jiang's words made Xiao Wu feel an unprecedented sense of shock and powerlessness.

She once thought that she had stood at the pinnacle of the world and became an existence that no one could match.

But now, she realized how powerful she was. Small and powerless..

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